Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan
Johns under Archdeacon Wells Johnson, in charge of Mission South Hill. Priested in 1909 and
given charge of the mission, which afterwards became the parish of St. Michael
and All Angels, the parish becoming self supporting. After three years was made
rector. Appointed chaplain 60th Rifles, 1913. Volunteered for active service
with this Battalion in 1914 and proceeded overseas. Appointed chaplain 11th
Battalion at Valcartier; when the battalion was broken up at Salisbury Plains
was appointed chaplain of No.1, C.C.S., with which unit he served until his
return to Canada.
Appointed rector of Indian Head, May, 1916; appointed rector of Shaunavon,
1923. First president G.W.V.A. (Indian Head) ; second vice-president Provincial
Command, G.W.V.A.; member of the Provincial Executive, G.W,.V.A.. Member of the
Masonic Order. Chaplain 16th Light Horse (Sask.)
Member, of the Executive, Diocese of Qu' Appelle. Member of the Council, St.
Chad's College.
Recreations, curling and golf. Address, the Rectory, Shaunavon.
PERRY: Norman, postmaster, Canora, Sask.
Born in Devonshire; England,
1887, son of George and Jeanette (Burnard) Perry. Educated at Meton Abbott, and
Tavistock Schools.
Comes of old Saxon family, dating back many hundred of years in Devonshire.
The family have occupied the same farm for over 800 years. Father came to Canada
in 1905, to Port Hope, Ont. Mr. Perry came west to Brandon,
Man., and farmed for a year. 1906, at Grandview,
Man., in the lumbering business. Came to Canora,
1907., Homesteaded and farmed. Joined the O.E.F., 1916, 214th Battalion.
September, invalided to England.
Canada, April,
1918 (Davisville Orthopedic Hospital): discharged, February, 1919. Clerk in
municipal office, Canora. Appointed postmaster, Nov., 1919. Member of the
Masonic Lodge, A.F. and A.M.; Royal ,Arch.; I.O.O.F.; C. of F. Member of the
Curling Club. Address, Canora,
Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan