| Ackerman School District # 4229 | near Cactus Lake, SK | |
 | Ada School District 5074 | Baldwinton, Saskatchewan | |
-sign%2020130830.jpg) | Affleck School District 2865 | Demaine, Saskatchewan | |
 | Aikins School District 2304 | Kenaston, SK | |
 | Airedale School District 3813 | Senlac, SK | |  | Aisne School District 3908 | Kamsck, Saskatchewan | |
 | Alada School District 2955 | Baldwinton, Saskatchewan | |
 | Alexander Plain School District 1029 | Burstall, Sk |
 | Alexandra School, | Moose Jaw | |
 | Alfred School District 4853 | Cut Knife, Saskatchewan | |
| Alsask School District 2761 | Alsask, Saskatchewan | |
 | Alsask School District 2750 |
Alsask, SK | RM Milton 292 |
 | Ambassador School District 4740 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Amsterdam School District 5255 | Canora, Saskatchewan | |
 | Amulet School District 2706 | Amulet, Saskatchewan | |
 | Anemone School District Number 541 | Barbour /
Dunleath | |
 | Aneroid Consolidated School 2704 | Aneroid, Saskatchewan | |
 | Aneroid School | Aneroid, Saskatchewan | |
 | Apponyi School District 1230 Arbury School District 1230 | Arbury, Aneroid, Saskatchewan | |
 | Arpad School District 2538 | Lestock, Saskatchewan | |
 | Arroyo School District 1980 | Beverley, Saskatchewan | |
 | Artesian School District 3213 |
Avonlea, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Assiniboia School | Assiniboia, Saskatchewan | |
 | Aster School District # 4457 | near Major | |
 | Aston School District 1537 | Bangor, Saskatchewan | |
 | Atwater School District 2311 | Atwater, Saskatchewan | |
| Audley School District 2504 | Waldron, Saskatchewan | |
 | Aurora School District 1050 | Regina, Sk | |
 | Aussant School District 2373 | Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan | |
 | Avonlea School District #2738 | Kenaston, Saskatchewan | |
 | Aylesbury School District 2127 | Aylesbury, Saskatchewan | |
 | Ayrton School District 4243 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Aysgarth School District 2367 | Theodore, Insinger, Sheho, Saskatchewan | Rural Municipality of Insinger No. 275 |
 | Badger Hill School District 2194 | Bechard, Saskatchewan | |
 | Battrum School District 3075 | Battrum, Sk | |
 | Bailor School District 3601 | Naicam, Saskatchewan | |
 | Baldwinton School District 4762 | Baldwinton, Saskatchewan | |
 | Balliol School District 427 | Kerrobert, Saskatchewan | |
 | Balrobie School District 2353 | Lipton, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bangor School District 1141 | Bangor, Saskatchewan | |
 | Barich School District 2716 Meadow Prairie SD2716 | Morse, Sk | Rural Municipality Lawtonia 135 |
 | Barrett School District 2015 | Foxbury, Saskatchewan | |
 20121014_th.jpg) | BARRYVILLE school district 2946 |
near Cactus Lake, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Baseball Champions | Saskatoon | c1912-1913 |
 | Bayard School District #4159 | Canopus, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bayard School District #4159 | Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bayard School District 4159 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Beautiful Plains School District 699 | Lang, Saskatchewan | |
 | Beaver Flat School District 4021 | Beaver Flat , Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 |
 | Beaver School District 374 | Springside, Saskatchewan | |
 | Beaver School District 374 | Rock Dell, Saskatchewan | |
 | Beaver Bluff School District 1778 | Preeceville, Saskatchewan | |
 | Beaver Creek School District 3128 | Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan | |

Beblo School District 3962 | Springside, Saskatchewan | | |
 | Bedford School District 3195 | Cadillac, SK | |
 | Tipperary School District 2008 Belle Plain School District 2008 | Balcarres, Saskatchewan | |
Bellevant School District 4408 | Sonningdale, Saskatchewan | |
 | Beresford School District 1886 | Garnock, Saskatchewan | |
 | Berg School District 1044 | Coronach, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bergthal School District 466 | Rosthern, Sk | |
 | Bernadine School District 2181 | Goodeve, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bertdale School District 504 Shed | Bertdale, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bertdale School District 504 Map | Vatnabyggd 'Lakes Settlement', Saskatchewan | |
![Bessborough School District 50131933-1952South west section 23 township 1 range 21 west of the second meridiannear Minton [was Fort Comfort]in the province of Saskatchewan, Canadasouthwest section 35 township 2 range 20 west of the second meridian](https://saskgenweb.ca/cansk/school/Bessborough5013/thumbnails/Bessborough-closeup%2020130505.jpg) | Bessborough School District 5013 | Minton, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bethania School # 1626 | Herbert, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bethania School District 1626 | Herbert, Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 |
%2020131025.jpg) | Big Arm School District 4172 | Liberty, Saskatchewan | |
 | Big Beaver School District 4065 | Big Beaver, Saskatchewan | |
 | Big Hill School District 4682 | Frenchman Butte, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bimbo School District 3288 | Lestock, Saskatchewan | |
 | Birch Hills School District 315 Harperview School District 315 | Birch Hills, SK
| |
 | Bird's Hill School District 4067 | Lake Alma School District 4067 Lake Alma, Saskatchewan | |
 | Birmingham School District 2291 | Birmingham, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bissell School District 2745 | Foussemour, Saskatchewan | |
 | Black Poplar School District 2129 | Spirit Lake, Saskatchewan |
 | Blackstrap School District 3566 | DundurnSaskatchewan | |
 | Bluebird School District #3425 | Mayfair, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bluebird School District 3425 | Mayfair, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bluebird School District 3425 | Mayfair, Saskatchewan | |
 | Blue Hills School District 782 | Hanley, Sk | |
 | Boakeview School District 1325 | Saltcoats (Stirling), Saskatchewan | |
 | Boggy Creek School District 64 | Condie, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bolen School District 1188 | Meyronne, Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bolen School District #1188 | Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan | |
 20130503_th.jpg) | Bond City School District 1375 | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bordervale School District 423 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Boule Creek School District 3314 Jupiter | Cadillac, SK | |
 | Boule Creek School District 3314 Jupiter | Cadillac, SK | |
 | Boundary School District 4586 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bourneville School District 3521 | Southey, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bourneville School District 3521 | Southey, Saskatchewan | |
 20130325_th.jpg) | Boyle School District 1800 | Estlin, Saskatchewan | |
 | Brandon School District 4367 | Wroxton, Saskatchewan | |
 | Briercrest School District 3889 | Briercrest, Saskatchewan | |
 20131024_th.jpg) | Brighton School District 2380 | Gray, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bright Sand School District 3447 | Spruce Lake, Saskatchewan | |
 | Brightsand School District 3447 | Brightsand, Saskatchewan | |
 | Brookland School District 3662 | Haultain, Saskatchewan | |
 20131025_th.jpg) | Brooklyn School District 1791 | Tate, Saskatchewan | |
Brookside School District 129 |
Wapella, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Brownell School District 904 | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | |
 | School District ? | Brownlee area Sk | |
 | Bruce School District 2541 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
%2020120928.jpg) | Bryn Mawr School District 3312 | Southey, Bulyea, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bryn Mawr School District 3312 | Southey, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bryntarian School District 248 (Other spellings Bryntirion, Bryntierion, Brynturion) First named Menno School District 248 | Ebenezer, Saskatchewan | |
 | Buck Lake School District 331 | Estlin, Gray, Saskatchewan | |
 | Burnbrae School District 4665 |
Kerrobert, SK | |
 | Buffalo Gap School District 3254 | Big Beaver, Saskatchewan | |  | Buffalo Horn School District 930 | Ponteix & Val Marie, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bunker Hill School District 2724 | Annaheim, Saskatchewan | |
 | Burnside School District 2146 | Glenbrea, Saskatchewan | |
 | Burnside School District 2146 | Glenbrea, Saskatchewan | |
 | Bushville School District 138 | Biggar, Springwater, Landis, Saskatchewan | |
 | Butterton School District 3729 | Bulyea, Earl Grey, Saskatchewan | |
 | Butterton School District 3729 | Bulyea, Saskatchewan | |
 | Byng School District 3601 | Naicam, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cabri School District 1326 | Cabri, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cadillac Village School | Cadillac, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cadillac School District 2733 | Cadillac, SK | |
 | Caithness School District 3824 | Estuary, Saskatchewan | |
| Calder School District 515 | Calder, Saskatchewan | |
| Cambridge School District 342 | Rocanville, Welwyn, Saskatchewan | |
 | Camlachie School District 2284 | Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan | | |
 | Campbelltown School District 3729 | Kelliher, Saskatchewan | |
 | Candle Lake School District 5261 | Candle Lake, SK | |
 | Canopus School District #1850 | Canopus, Saskatchewan | |
 | Canopus School District 1850 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Canora School District | Canora, Saskatchewan | |
 | Canterbury School District 3345 | Lipton, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cardale School District #3342 | Cardross, Saskatchewan | |
 | Carlton Siding School District 4072 | Carlton, Saskatchewan | |
 | Carmel School District #4950 | Carmel, Saskatchewan | |
 | Carnoustie School District #309 | Carnoustie; near Bear Creek, Rocanville, Saskatchewan | |
 | Carruthers School District 3249 | Carruthers , Saskatchewan | |
| Catholic Public School District 15 of the North-West Territories | Foam Lake, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cataraqui School District #1012 | Spicer/Tilney, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cathrintal School District 563 |
Kronau, SK | Rural Municipality of Edenwold No. 158 |
 | Cavendish School District 3841 | Arbury, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cavendish SD 3841 | Arbury, SK | |
 | Cecil School District 130 | Davis, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cedoux School District 1552 | Cedoux, Saskatchewan | |
 | Central Butte School District 2033 | Central Butte, Saskatchewan | |
![CENTRE SPRING School District # 433 NW Sec 17 Tsp 17 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian 65 92 107 Rush Lake / Waldeek [sic]](https://saskgenweb.ca/cansk/school/ExcelsiorNo166_52_th.jpg) | Centre Spring School District 433 | Rush Lake, Waldeck, Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 |
 | Chain of Lakes School District 468 | Invermay, Saskatchewan | |
 | Champlain School District 1185 | Spalding, Saskatchewan | |
 | Chatham School District 3117 | Kenaston, Saskatchewan | |
 | Chatsworth School District 1810 | Saltcoats, Saskatchewan | |
 | Chatsworth School District 181 | Saltcoats, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Chernowetz School District 2341 | Theodore, Insinger, Sheho, Saskatchewan | Rural Municipality of Insinger No. 275 |
 | Cherry Ridge School District 4405 | Nipawin, Saskatchewan | |
 | Claybank School District 3408 | Claybank, Saskatchewan | |
 | Clear Creek School District 424 | Springside, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Cloan School District 1802 Ovenstorn School District 1802 | Cloan, Saskatchewan | |
 20130914_th.jpg) | Clydesdale School District 4142 | Coronach, Saskatchewan | |
 | Coal Creek 3752 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
![Coal Dale School District 40941919-1948North east section 32 township 3 range 21 west of the second meridiannear Roanmine [Roan Mine] was located at Section 17, township 3, range 21 west of the second meridian](https://saskgenweb.ca/cansk/school/CoalDale4094/Coal Dale 20130721_th.jpg) | Coal Dale School District 4094 | Roanmine, (Roan Mine) Saskatchewan | |
| Coca-Cola | Leslie, Saskatchewan | |
 | Coleman School District 4777 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Colleston School District 9 | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan | |
 | Columbia School District 2130 | Grayson.Saskatchewan | |
 | Concord School District 1971 | Simpson, Saskatchewan | |
 | Conifer School District 4613 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Co-op Point (Kinoosao) School | Lynn Lake Manitoba, and Southend, Saskatchewan | |
 | Copeau School District 4028 | Copeau, Annaheim, Saskatchewan | |
 | Corn Valley School District 4320 | Aberdeen, Sk | |
 | Cornwall School District 698 | Fairy Hill, Saskatchewan | |
 | Corofin School District 1507 | Tadmore, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cotswold School District 2771 |
Evesham, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cottage Grove School District 4133 | Stowlea, St. Walburg, Saskatchewan | |
 | Coventry School District 213 | Drinkwater, SK | |
 | Coverdale School District 493 | Fleming, Saskatchewan | |
 | Coverdale School District 493 | Moosomin, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cowessess Day School | BroadviewSaskatchewan | |
 | Coynach School District 3360 | Southey, Saskatchewan | |
%2020120928.jpg) | Coynach School District 3360 | Southey, Saskatchewan | |
 | Coynach School District 3360 | Southey, Saskatchewan | |
 | Craigilee School District 5062 | Southey, Saskatchewan | |
 | Creek School District 4887 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Creekside School District 997 | Theodore, Saskatchewan | |
 | Crestmont School District 3463 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Crichton School District 3716 Priory | Cadillac, SK | |
 | Crocus Prairie School District 3906 | Gray, Saskatchewan | |
 20130503_th.jpg) | Croft School District 3751 | Crystal Hill, Saskatchewan | |
 | Crosson (private) Herald School District 4794 | Riceton, Saskatchewan | |
Crossroads School District 4775 | Springside, Saskatchewan | |
 | Crosswoods School District 1902 | Quinton, Crosswoods, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cupar Collegiate | Cupar, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cupar School | Cupar, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cupar School | Cupar, Saskatchewan | |  | Cupar School Div 28 | Cupar, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cupar School District 972 | Cupar, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cupar Schools | Cupar, Saskatchewan | |
 | Cut Arm School District 136 | Bredenbury,SK | |
 | Cut Arm School District 136 [History] | Bredenbury,SK | |
 | Cuthbert School District 1934
| Nokomis, Saskatchewan
| |
Cut Knife School District 1992 | near Cut Knife
| |
| Dafoe School District 4038 | Dafoe, Saskatchewan | |
 | Dalrymple School District 524 | Cupar, Saskatchewan | |
 | Darmody School District 4314 | Sherwood, Keeler, Saskatchewan | |
_th.jpg) | Davyroyd School District 93 | Readlyn, Saskatchewan | |
 | Dawn School District 1514 | Birmingham, Saskatchewan | |
 | Deer Creek School District 1275 | Theodore, Insinger, Sheho, Saskatchewan | Rural Municipality of Insinger No. 275 |
Deerwood School District 465 | New Finland, Saskatchewan | |
 | Dellwood School District 4668 | Cupar, Saskatchewan | |
-sign%2020130830.jpg) | Demaine School District 2865 | Demaine, Saskatchewan | |
 | Denver School District 1460 | Riceton, Bechard, Saskatchewan | |
 | Devil's Lake School District 514 | Canora, Saskatchewan | |
 | Diamond School District 601 | Colfax, SK | |
 | Diamond Hills School District 609 | Waldeck, Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 |
 | Divide Schoolhouse | Divide, Saskatchewan | -1961 |
 Dodsland School District 3952 Dodsland, Sk | |
 | Donnellyville School District 2533. | Herbert, Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 |
 | 1945 Doonside Team | near Doonside | |
 | Doonside School District 1456 | near Doonside and Rossetti | |
 | Doonside School District 1456 Rossetti School District #1456 | near Doonside |
 | Doukhobor Children | Verigin, Saskatchewan | |
 | Doverley School District 2794 | Leross, Saskatchewan | |
 20130228_th.jpg) | Dravland School District 947 | Oungre, Saskatchewan | |  | Driscol LakeSchool District 3366 | Cadillac, SK |
 | Driver School District 811 |
Driver, Smiley, Saskatchewan | |
 | Druid School District 702 |
Druid, Saskatchewan | RM Winslow 319 |
 | Dryden School District, no. 5042 | Brancepeth, Saskatchewan | RM No. 460 - BIRCH HILLS |
 | Dry Forks School District 3252 | Big Beaver, Saskatchewan | |  | Dufferin School District 1888 | Cut Knife, Saskatchewan | |
 | Dumbarton School District 1999 | Naicam, Saskatchewan | |
%2020120720.jpg) | Dummer School District 794 | Dummer, Saskatchewan | |
 | Dunrobin School District 3110 | Fountain, Tuffnell, Saskatchewan | |
 20130216-site_th.jpg) | Dutch Hollow School District 3085 | Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan | |
 | Dysart School District 1449 | Dysart, Saskatchewan | |
 | Earl Grey School District 1240 | Earl Grey, Saskatchewan | |
 | Early School District 1129 | Scotsguard, Saskatchewan | |
East Bank School District 3525 | Unity, Saskatchewan
| |
 | East Central School | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan | |
 | Eastend School District 1119 and 3430 | Klintonel and Eastend, Saskatchewan Respectively
| |
%2020120928.jpg) | Eastmount School District 1715 | Butterton, Saskatchewan | |
 | Eastmount School District 1715 | Butterton, Saskatchewan | |
 | Eastward School District 1477 | Kelliher, Saskatchewan | |
 | Eaton's Rural | School Building | |
Ebenezer School District 3268 | Ebenezer, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Eckardt School District #426 | Melville, Saskatchewan | |
 | Eckardt School District #426 | Melville, Saskatchewan | |
 | Eclipse School District 4071 | Aylesbury, SK | |
 | Eclipse School District 4071 | Aylesbury, Saskatchewan | |
 | Eddyside School District 1954 | East Poplar River, Saskatchewan | |
 | Edenkillie School District 2022 | Uhl’s Bay Resort, Saskatchewan | |
 | Eden Grove School District 21 | Wapella, Saskatchewan | |
 | Edgeworth School District 4720 | Edgeworth, Ogema Saskatchewan | |
 | Elk School District 3266 |
Major, Cactus Lake, Saskatchewan | |
 | Elliott School District 4742 | Burrrows, Saskatchewan | |
 | Elm Springs School District 2951 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Elm Springs School District 2951 | Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan | |
 | Elmwood School District 2733 | Cadillac, SK | |
 | Eltham School District 2823 | Young, Saskatchewan | |
 | Elvevow School District 2175 | Dundurn, Saskatchewan | |
 | Emmaville School District 2191 | Brightsand, Saskatchewan | |
 | Englewood School District # 4457 | near Luseland | |
 | Enid School District 381 first name Millersdale School District 381 | Dysart, Crosthwaite, Saskatchewan | |
 | Eskdale School District 1628 | Leross, Saskatchewan | |
Esterhaz Colony School | Esterhazy, Saskatchewan | |
 | Esterhaz School District 138 | Esterhazy, Saskatchewan | |
 | Estlin School District 107 | Estlin, Saskatchewan | |
 | Evergreen School District 1372 | Shellbrook / Kilwinning, Saskatchewan | |
 | Evesham School District 2338 |
Evesham, SK | RD Eye Hill 382 |
 | RM Excelsior No. 166 School District Map (was the Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166) | Rush Lake, Waldeck, Beaver Flat, Main Centre, New Main Centre, Old Beaver Flat, Old Main Centre, Prairie View, Saskatchewan | |
 | Expanse School District 2465 | Lake Johnston, Expanse, Buttress Siding, Mossbank, Saskatchewan | |
 | 1948 Fairlight School | near Fairlight | |
_th.jpg) | Fairlight School District 282 First school - Stone School Later Morningside and later Hyde School No. 282 | near Fairlight | |
Fairmede School District 134 |
Wapella, Saskatchewan
| |
 20130325_th.jpg) | Fairview School District 174 | Jameson, Hicksvale, Davin, Balgonie, Saskatchewan | |
 | Farwell Creek School District 4267 | East Fairwell, SK | |
 | Federal School District # 4048 | near Bresaylor, SK | |
 | Fedkowich School District 3164 | Theodore, Insinger, Sheho, Saskatchewan | Rural Municipality of Insinger No. 275 |
 | Fell School District 2982 | Dahinda, Saskatchewan | |
 | Ferndale School District 295 | Welwyn, Saskatchewan | |
 | Ferrell School District 1485 | Grayson, Saskatchewan | |
 | Fertile Belt School District 4350 | Atwater, Saskatchewan | |
 | Fife Lake School District 4695 | Fife Lake, Saskatchewan. | |
 | Findlater School | Findlater, Saskatchewan. | |
 | Fir Mountain School District 3098 Winston School District 3098 |
Wood River, Fir Mountain Saskatchewan
| |
%2020121116.jpg) | Fir Mountain School District 4796 | Wood Mountain, Wood River Saskatchewan | Waverley Rural Municipality 44 |
 | Five Mile Creek School District 3942 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Five Mile Creek School District 3942 | Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan | |
 | Flegel School District 1214 | Grayson.Saskatchewan | |
 | Flintoft School District 4783 | Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Florence School District 2541 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Forest Nook School District #2048 | Theodore, Saskatchewan | |
Formby School District 4369 | Formby, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Fort Pelly area school (please help identify) | Woodlight, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Fort Pitt School District 2713 | Fort Pitt, Saskatchewan | |
 | Foster School District 388 | Abernethy, Saskatchewan | |
 | Fosterdale School District 3623 | Gibbs, Saskatchewan | |
 | Fosti School District 1700 | Theodore, Insinger, Sheho, Saskatchewan | Rural Municipality of Insinger No. 275 |
 Four Mile Lake School District 3286 Handel, Sk | |
 | Fox School District 2211. | Herbert, Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 | |
 | Fox Hills School District 190 | Fox Hills, Saskatchewan | |
 | Fox Hills School District 190 | Fox Hills, Saskatchewan | |
 20120722_th.jpg) | Fransfield School District 2031 | Southey, Saskatchewan | |
 | Fransfield School District 2031 | Southey, Saskatchewan | |
 | Freeland School District 4108 | Unity, Saskatchewan | |
 | Freeland School District 4108 | Headlands, Saskatchewan | |
 | Free Soil School District 1921 | Liberty, Saskatchewan | |
 | Freudenthal School District 1309 | Headlands, Saskatchewan | |
 | Frenchman Butte School District 5107 | Frenchman Butte, Saskatchewan | |
 | Friedensfeld School District 552 Rosthern, Sk | |
![FRIESEN School District # 3322 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian 65 107 Beaver Flat / Beaver Flats ? [sic]](https://saskgenweb.ca/cansk/school/ExcelsiorNo166_52_th.jpg) | Friesen School District 3322. | Beaver Flat, Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 |
 | Frontenac School District 305 | Chambers, Saskatchewan | Rm of Montrose # 315 |
 | Funk School District 2898. | Main Centre, Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 |
 | Gallivan School District 3857 | Gallivan, Saskatchewan | |
 | Gallivan School District 3857 | Cut Knife, Saskatchewan | |
Gallivan School District 3857 | Unity, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Gardiner School District #3428 | Dysart, Saskatchewan | |
 | Gardiner School District 3428 | Dysart, Saskatchewan | |
 | Garland School District 1009 | Nokomis, Saskatchewan | |
 | Garnock School District 2227 | Garnock, Saskatchewan | |
 20121102_th.jpg) | Garrett School District 3939 |
Mitchellton, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Gavrelle School District 3910 | Cabri, Saskatchewan | |
 | Gelowitz School District 1450 | Grayson, Saskatchewan | |
 | Gelowitz School District 1450 | Grayson, Saskatchewan | |
 | Georges School District 1366 | Benchonzie, Saskatchewan | |
 | Gertrude School District #4203 | Carmel, Saskatchewan | |
 | Galdioli School District 4652 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Galdioli School District 4652 history | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Glen Eden School District 4304 | Grosswerder, Sk | |
 | Glenhurst School District 1354 | Milden, SK | |
 | Glenmauer School District 3307 | Clavet, St. Denis, Saskatchewan | |
 | Glentworth School District 3957 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Glidden School District 2726 | Glidden, Saskatchewan | |

| Glyndwr School District 991 | Atwater, Saskatchewan | |
 | Glyndwr School District 991 | Atwater, SK | |
 | Goethe School District 510. | Main Centre, Rush Lake Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 |
 | Gogol School District 2154 | Stenen, SK | |
 | Gold Bank School District 677 | Stenen, SK | |
Golden Ridge School 656 | near Inchkeith - Hawthorne | |
 | Goodhue School District 2293 | Goodhue, Saskatchewan | |
 | Goodhope School District 2674 | Waldron, Saskatchewan | |
 | Goodland School District 1969 | Gravelbourg, Avonlea, Saskatchewan | |
 | Good Luck School District 3666 | Theodore, Saskatchewan | |
 | Good Time School District 4633 | Hardy, Saskatchewan | |
 | Gosmil School District # 3965 | near Rouleau | |
 | Gramlich School District # 3960 | near Cactus Lake | |
 | Granatier School District 1497 | Leross, Saskatchewan | |
 | Granatier School District 1497 | Dysart, Saskatchewan | |
 | Grand Central School District 10 | Ardath, Saskatchewan
| RM Montrose 315 |
 | Grasby School District 2285 | Asquith, Saskatchewan | |
 | Grasswood School District # 3998 | Grasswood, Saskatchewan | |
 | Grassy Creek SD 520 | Kelstern, SK | Rural Municipality Shamrock 134 |
 | Gravelbourg School District 2244 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Green Dell School District 3118 | Gull Lake, Saskatchewan | |
 | Greenbrier School District 2168 | Tullis, Saskatchewan | |
 | Green Lawn School District 2545 | Naicam, Saskatchewan | |
 | Greenview School District 4373 | |
 | Gregherd School District 3142 | Gregherd, Saskatchewan | |
 | Grove Park School District #518 | Grove Park, Saskatchewan | |
Grunert School District 715 | Springside, Saskatchewan | |
 | Guildford School District 4390 | Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan | |
 | Gwendella School District 4685 | Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan | |
 | Guyhirne School District 2928 | Medstead, Saskatchewan | |
 | Haggstrom School District 557 | Annaheim, Saskatchewan | |
%2020130216.jpg) | Hainstock School District 2891 | Bengough, Saskatchewan | |
 | Halcyonia School District #1237 | Borden, Saskatchewan | |
| Halicz School District 3204 |
Wishart, Saskatchewan | |
-grid634.jpg) | Hallville School District 1952 | Chamberlain, Saskatchewan | |
Hamona School District 451 | Tantallon, Saskatchewan | |
 | Hampton School District 2750 |
Primate, SK | RM of Eye Hill 382 |
 | Hanley
School | Hanley, Saskatchewan | |
 | Harperview School District 315 Birch Hills School District 315 | Birch Hills, SK
| |
 | Happy Centre School District 1640 | Willowbrook, Saskatchewan | |
%2020130914.jpg) | Harptree School District 628 | Harptree CN siding, Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan | |
 | Harpwell School District 3957 | Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Harringay School District 1684 | Ruddell, Saskatchewan | |
 | Harrisland School District 3659 | Bracken, Saskatchewan | |
 | Harwood School District 3040 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | New Hat Creek School District 1069 Old Hat Creek School District 1069 |
Annaheim, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Hauer School District 1350 | Grayson, Saskatchewan | |
%2020120928.jpg) | Havelock School District 2525 | Duval, Saskatchewan | |
%2020120803.jpg) | Hawthorn School District 1447 | Dummer, Saskatchewan | |
 | Hay Meadow School District 4241 | Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Hay Meadow School District 4241 | Lisieux and Joeville, Saskatchewan | |
 | Hay Meadow School District 4241 | Lisieux and Joeville, Saskatchewan | |
 | Hayward School District #845 | Lipton, Saskatchewan | |
 | Hayward School District 845 | Hayward, Saskatchewan | |
 | Hazelwood School District 2814 | Hazelwood, Cupar, Saskatchewan | |
 | Hazelwood School District 2814 | Hazelwood, Cupar, Saskatchewan | |
 | Headlands School District 4012 | Headlands, Lipton SK | |
 | Headlands School District 4012 | Headlands, Saskatchewan | |
 | Heart's Hill School District 2423 | Luseland, Sk | |
 | Heller School District 3634 | Neuheim, Maple Creek.Saskatchewan | |
 | Henrietta School District 19 | Langham | | |
 | Hepburn School | Hepburn, Saskatchewan | |
 | Herzel School District 1503 | Herzel, Saskatchewan | |
%2020130216-memorial.jpg) | Hexagon School District 3526 / 3256 | Bengough, Saskatchewan | |
 | Crosson (private) Herald School District 4794 | Riceton, Saskatchewan | |
 | Heward School | Heward, Saskatchewan | |
 | Highfield School District 393. | Waldeck, Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 |
 | High Region School District 3112 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Highland Valley School District 2397 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Hilldale School District 3099 |
Court, Kerrobert, Saskatchewan | |
 | Hillside School | Estevan, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Highway School District 4623 | Cadillac, SK | |
 | Highway School District 4623 | Cadillac, SK | |
 | Highway School District 4623 | Cadillac, Saskatchewan | |
 | Hilldale School District 3099 |
Court, Kerrobert, Saskatchewan | |
 | Hill Top School District #426 | Melville, Saskatchewan | |
 | Hipperholme School District #487 | Baildon, Saskatchewan | |
 | Hohenloe School District 2705 | Langenburg, Saskatchewan | |
 | Holar School District 317 Map | Vatnabyggd 'Lakes Settlement', Saskatchewan | |
 | Holar School District 317 | Tantallon, Saskatchewan | |
| Hollington School District # 4288 | near Kipling | |
 | Home School District 3993 | Naicam, Saskatchewan | |
 | Honeywood School District 1138 | Shell Lake, SK | |
 | Hoosier School District 1145 Whittier School District 1145 |
Hoosier, SK | |
 | Hopedale School District 346 |
Coleville, SK | RM Oakdale 320 |
 | Hope Valley School District 5116 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Horton School District 2087 | Naicam, Saskatchewan | |
 | Hovdestad School District 2045. | Stewart Valley, Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 |
 | Hudson Bay School District #1243 | Petrofka, Saskatchewan | |
 | Humberstone School District 4743 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
%2020131025.jpg) | Iduna School District #1643 | Liberty, Free Soil, Saskatchewan | |
| Indianola School District 2704 | Aneroid, Saskatchewan | |
 | Indianola School District 2704 | Aneroid, Saskatchewan | |
 | Insinger School District 494 "Old Insinger" | Crystal Springs,Sheho, Theodore, Saskatchewan | |
 | Insinger School District 4164 | Crystal Springs, Insinger, Saskatchewan | |
 | Insinger RM map of school districts | Crystal Springs, Insinger, Sheho, Saskatchewan | Rural Municipality of Insinger No. 275 |
 | Invergordon School District 3054 (old) possibly Mystery School | Crystal Springs, Invergordon, Saskatchewan | |
 | Iona School District 306 | St. Andrew's Colony, Saskatchewan | |
 | Ipsley Mound School District 4065 | Big Beaver, Saskatchewan | |
 | Ipsley Mound School District 4065 | Big Beaver, Saskatchewan | |
 | Irene School District 2157 | Cut Knife, Wilbert, Saskatchewan | |
 | Ivanhoe School District 1040 | Moosomin, Saskatchewan | |
Jaroslaw School School District 2487 | Willowbrook, Saskatchewan | |
 | Jasmin School District 2078 | Jasmin, Saskatchewan | |
Jasper Cultural & Historical Centre Interior Schoolhouse |
Maple Creek, Saskatchewan | |
 | Jellicoe School District 3512 |
Dodsland, SK | RM 350 |
 | Joeville {Lisieux} School District 4867 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Johnson School District 611 | Kelliher, Saskatchewan | |
 | Joshurun School District 1913 | Lipton, Saskatchewan | |
 | Jupiter School District 3314 Boule Creek | Cadillac, SK | |
 | Kabrud School District 3001 | Lisieux, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kahlsberg School District 1950 | Earl Grey, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kaluzik School District | Saskatchewan | |
 | Kanten School District 1206 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kedleston School District | Kedleston, Saskatchewan. | |
%2020120817.jpg) | Keeler School District 491 | Keeler, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kelfield School District 2466 | Kelfield, Sk | |
 | Kelliher School District 2254 | Kelliher, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kelvingside School District 3537 | |
 | Kemmel Hill School District #4050 | Antelope, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kempville School District 4144 | Spring Valley, Saskatchewan | |
_th.jpg) | Kensington Lake School District 1083 | Bredenbury, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kensington Lake School District 1083 | Bredenbury, Saskatchewan | |
%20Mathers.jpeg.small.jpeg) | Kensmith School District 2477 | Biggar, Sk | |
 | Kermaria School District 775 | Naicam | |
 | Kelvington School | Kelvington, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kenlis School District 6 | Abernethy, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kennedy School District | | |
 | Kew Gardens School District 4847 | Lac Vert, Saskatchewan | | |
 20130228_th.jpg) | Khedive School District 1975 | Khedive, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Killaly School District 159 | Killaly, Saskatchewan | |
 | Killaly School District 1594 | Killaly, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kilshannig School District 786 | Loon Creek, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kilshannig School District 786 | Loon Creek, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kilton Hill School District 4217 | Leinan, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kincora School District 2726 | Glidden, Saskatchewan | |
 | King's County School District 4428 | Cabri, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kingsmeade School District 4011 | Cadillac, SK | |
 | King School District 738 | Wheatwyn, Saskatchewan | |
 | King Edward School District 2035 | Rowatt, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kingslynn School District 1851 | Esterhazy, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kingsville School District 2288 | Southey, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kingsville School District 2288 | Wheatwyn, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kinoosao (Co-op Point) School | Lynn Lake Manitoba, and Southend, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kipling School | Kipling, SK | |
 | Kirby School District 3803 | Estlin, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kirkwall School District 4647
| Garrick, White Fox, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kitako School District 3172 Naicam School District 3172 | Naicam, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kolin School District 138 Protestant Separate School | Esterhazy, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kolin School District 4538 | Kolin, Saskatchewan | |
 | Kronsberg School District 4922 | Dysart, Saskatchewan | |
 | Lacombe School District 3714 | St. Brieux, Saskatchewan | Rural Municipality of Lake Lenore No. 399 |
 | Lacordaire School District 3429 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Lac Vert School District | Lac Vert, Glen Kelly, Saskatchewan | |
 | Lafleche School District 2730 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Lafleche School District Catholic School 7 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Lake School District 1607 | Briercrest, SK | |
 | Lakenheath School District 3451 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Landis School District 2555 | Landis, Saskatchewan | |
 | Landrose School District 4368 | Landrose, Big Gully, and Lloydminster Saskatchewan | |
Langenau School District 274 (other spellings Langenau School District 379, and Langenou School District 379) | Ebenezer, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Lark Hill School District 4446 | McCord, Saskatchewan | |
Larsen School District 1239 | Dubuc, Saskatchewan
| | |
 | Last Centre School District 4605 | Mankota, Saskatchewan | | |
Strassburg School District 92
Last Mountain Valley School District 92 | Strasbourg, Saskatchewan
| | |
 | Lawrence School District 1903
near Clair, Saskatchewan
| | |
 | Leeville School District No. 2140 | Assiniboia, Sask.
| |
 | Lefort School District No. 2412 | Gravelbourg, Sask. | |
 | Leftwich School District # 1436 | Zeneta, Saskatchewan | |
 | Leicester School District 2491 | Cadillac, Cananea, Gouverneur, Ponteix, Aneroid, Hazenmore, Kincaid, Saskatchewan | |
 | Legott School District 3802 Abbey, Sk |
| |
 | Leipzig School District 3310 | Leipzig, Sk | |
 | Lemsford School District 2856 | Lemsford, SK | |
 | Leney School District 2555 | Leney, Saskatchewan | |
 | Leonard School District 4865. | Waldeck, Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 |
 | Leross School District 2274 | Leross, Saskatchewan | |
| Leslie School District 445 | Leslie, Saskatchewan | |
 | Lestock School District 2919 | Lestock, Leslie Saskatchewan | | |
 | Lethburn School District No. 280 | Assiniboia, Sask.
| |
 | Lethburn School District 280 | Willows & Assiniboia , Saskatchewan | |
 | Letters Pearl Creek School District #1048 etc | Melville, Saskatchewan | |
 | Leviathan School District 4534 | Kermaria, and Lac Vert, Saskatchewan | |
 | Lewis Lake School District 3400 | Naicam, Saskatchewan | |
| Lewiswyn School District 3272 | Raymore, Saskatchewan | |
| Lewvan School District 3510 | Lewvan, Yellow Grass Saskatchewan | |
%2020131025.jpg) | Liberty School District 1112 Philomath School District 1112 | Liberty, Saskatchewan | |
 | Liberty School District 1112 | Liberty, Saskatchewan | |
 | Liberty School District 1112, Free Soil School | Liberty, Saskatchewan | |
 | Lily Plain School District 501 | Butterby, Saskatchewan |
 | Lily White School District 4691 | Wishart, Saskatchewan | |
 | Limerick School District 2686 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Linford School District 4870 map | Rockglen, Saskatchewan | |
 | Lipton School District 1347 | Lipton, Saskatchewan | |
 | Little Lake School District 1963 | Valeport, Saskatchewan | |
 | Little Moose School District 4245 | Meskanaw, St. Brieux, Saskatchewan | |
 | Little Pipestone School District #14 Wawota School District #14 | Wawota, and Kelso Saskatchewan | |
 | Little Six School District 4262 | Cadillac, SK | |
 | Little Stone School District 2069 | Naicam, Saskatchewan | |
 | Llewelyn School District 807 | Bangor, Saskatchewan | |
 | Lobethal School District 1290. | Main Center, Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 |
 | Loch Sloy School District 3589 | Invermay, Saskatchewan | |
 | Logberg School District 206 Map | Vatnabyggd 'Lakes Settlement', Saskatchewan | |
 | Log Valley School District 3158 |
Gouldtown, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Lone Pine School District Wembley School District 4437 | Cut Knife, Wilbert, Saskatchewan | |
Spruce Dale School District 1277
Lone Valley School District 1277 | Dubuc, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Long Creek School District 883 | New Warren, Avonlea, SK | |
 20121014_th.jpg) | Long Creek School District 883 |
near New Warren, Saskatchewan
| |
 20130228_th.jpg) | Lorraine School District 222 | Overland, Saskatchewan | |
 | Look Out School District 693 | Willowbrook | |
 | Loon Creek School District 868 | Loon Creek, Saskatchewan | |
 | Lorne Cottage School | Regina, Saskatchewan | |
 | Los Angeles School District # 2476. | Gouldtown, Saskatchewan | RM of Excelsior No. 166 was Rural Municipality of Waldeck 166 |
 | Lucan School District 3282 | Pleasantdale, Saskatchewan | |
 | Lupescu School District 3146 Princess Elizabeth School District 3146 | McDonald Hills , Saskatchewan | |
 | Luton School District 2088 | Bangor, Saskatchewan | |
 | Lynthorpe School District 3247 |
Wood River, Saskatchewan
| |
 | Lysenko School District 494 | Insinger & Theodore, Saskatchewan, | | |
 | Lysenko School District 494 "Old Insinger" School District 494 | Theodore, Insinger, Sheho, Saskatchewan | Rural Municipality of Insinger No. 275 |