Saskatchewan One Room School Project

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Kolin School District 4538

near Kolin post office
P.O. located SE quarter of section 12 township 19A range 2 west of the 2nd meridian
near Esterhazy, SK

  Kolin School District 4538 near Kolin post office located SE 12 19A 2 W2,  near Esterhazy, SK

Kolin School District 4538 near Kolin post office located SE 12 19A 2 W2, near Esterhazy, SK
Submitted by Adele Nagy

 Kolin School District 4538 near Kolin post office located SE 12 19A 2 W2,  near Esterhazy, SK

Note SD 4538 was formed after this map was made, so this school district is not marked on the map. The school district would be south of Esterhazy.

Nearby Placenames

Atwater is a nearby Village
Bird's Point is a nearby Village
Clayridge is a nearby Unincorporated area
Espeseth Cove is a nearby Hamlet
Esterhazy is a nearby Town
Fertile Belt No. 183
Forest Farm is a nearby Unincorporated area
Grove Park is a nearby Unincorporated area
Hazel Cliffe is a nearby Unincorporated area
New Stockholm Provincial Historic Site
St. Luke is a nearby Unincorporated area
Stockholm is a nearby Village
West End is a nearby Village
Willowdale No. 153
Yarbo is a nearby Village
Zeneta is a nearby Unincorporated area


More information
Book Title: Esterhazy and area : from past to present 95 years of history, 1903-1998
Esterhazy, Sask. : Esterhazy History Book Committee, 1999.
Includes history and information on these areas:
Esterhaz -- Kolin -- Kapsovar -- Rm of Fertile Belt -- RM of Langenburg -- RM of Spy Hill -- RM of Willowdale
-- Yarbo -- Zeneta -- Bara -- Brookvale -- Coma Park -- Devon Park -- Kingslynn -- St. Elizabeth -- St. Istvan -- Leftwich.
Edited by Millham, James W. (James William)
ISBN 155056336X

Additional infomation by Adele Nagy

Kolin School District 4538

Kingslynn School District 1851

Waghorn's Railway Map 1941 | School Maps ~ shows neighbouring school districts by school district #. Used with permission.
| Gallery |

Submitted by Adele Nagy
Subject: Sharing pic of one room school
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Kolin School District 4538 near Kolin post office located SE 12 19A 2 W2, , near Esterhazy, SK ,Kolin School District 4538 near Kolin post office located SE 12 19A 2 W2, , near Esterhazy, SK ,Kolin School District 4538 near Kolin post office located SE 12 19A 2 W2, , near Esterhazy, SK ,Kolin School District 4538 near Kolin post office located SE 12 19A 2 W2, , near Esterhazy, SK ,Kolin School District 4538 near Kolin post office located SE 12 19A 2 W2, , near Esterhazy, SK