The pioneer school houses and districts are treasured by many communities and individuals as is reflected in these WWW sites.
Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.
A collection of websites on the internet regarding historical Saskatchewan one room schools, or text submissions to the one room school house project. (Images are entered in the
gallery whereas Canadian and world wide historical school websites and pages are listed here
) (Book listing at
Footnotes - sources for the alphabetical listing
1912 Nor'Wester Magazine
Education Car on Demonstration Train. Dr. S. B. Sinclair, Ph.D., Head of the School For Teachers, Macdonald College, P.Q.
To Improve the Rural School
School Gardens
Alex Youck School Museum
Operated by Retired teacher volunteers, the Alex Youck School Museum is a one room school house replica classroom. pdf. Outreach To the Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan November / December 2003. Volume 26, Number 2 page 7
Algoma School District No. 2876
The Algoma School District (1914-1946) was built on SE 3-33-22-W3 in the Rural Municipality of Oakdale 320. A wikipedia article.
Annual Report of the Department of Education of the Province of Saskatchewan 1919.
Printed by order of the legislative assembly. The library of the March 24, 1932. University of Illinois, Regina. J.W. Reid, King's Printer. 1920
This is an "optical character recognition" [OCR] text of the original book. OCR is a computer generated text file, so there may be letters or numerals in the original type face, which are interpreted as a similar shaped character; tables generally do not OCR well, but that being said, there is a fair amount of text reports in the book, along with the individual inspector reports on their inspectorates, and changes to school districts. This book does give the names of the school inspectors, and their respective inspectorate divisions in 1917, along with such mattes as finances, grants, debentures, attendence, training wupply of teachers, departmental exams, teachers exchange, school agricultural program, inspection, operation of schools, of which there were 4,286 school districts at the end of 1919, and 4,159 with operational school houses. Rural schools were 93,943, village 26,555, town 18,421 and City 20,549 schools
Art Education in Saskatchewan prior to 1950.
A survey from "earlysaskatchewanartinthenews" Saskatchewan art history in old newspapers and on the internet. The research includes public school art education, private school art education and the education of art teachers, as well as the art training offered by post-secondary institutions like Regina School of Fine Art (post 1936) and the University of Saskatchewan and Emma Lake Art Camp – Murray Point Summer School of Art. A digitisation project by Lisa G. Henderson.
Assiniboia and District Historical Museum. Assiniboia, Saskatchewan
Virtual Museum Canada. Community Memories.
Schools within the Rural Municipality of Excel #71
Schools within the Rural Municipality of Gravelbourg #104
Schools within the Rural Municipality of Lake of the Rivers #72
Schools within the Rural Municipality of Stonehenge #73
Schools within the Rural Municipality of Willow Bunch #42
Schools within the Rural Municipality of Wood River #74
Teacher Training - Moose Jaw
Normal SchoolLarger School Units
Means of school transportation in early 1900's to 1950's
Biggar and area
Images from the Leo Campbell Collection at the Biggar Museum & Gallery include Allanbank SD 567,
Avalon SD 4077,
Curth's Hill SD 3048,
Gagenville SD 4091,
Kensmith SD 2877,
Oban SD 4733, and
Triumph SD 2832.
There are also nine unidentified Schools Can you help?
About Big River
Big River History: Part I - Pre-settlement. In 1889 Louis Ahenakew and George Isbistertaught at the Society of the Church of England missionary school on the east shores of Delaronde lake.
Actonvale School District #674 NWT SW 6 10 15
Actonvale school was built in 1902 with the first teacher C. McGill Hamilton overseeing. The school was replaced by a brick school. In 1957, the pupils were bussed to Weyburn's Queen Elizabeth School.
Avonlea's Prairie Pioneers.
Avonlea's Prairie Pioneers contains community memories of Sunshine School 1920 (?) Near Avonlea, Saskatchewan, Canada, by Avonlea and District Museum - Heritage House.
Badlands Barns
"Big Four" School in the southernmost reaches of the R.M. of the Gap photo and region history.
Canadian One-Rooms - One-Room Schoolhouse Center
includes information upon:
Creative Uses of One-Room Schools,
Day in the Life,
Historical Markers ,
Minority One-Rooms,
Schoolhouse Activities,
Still in Operation,
University One-Rooms, and
Captain R. Deacon
was one of four men who stood at the four corners of the first little log schoolhouse of the North West Territories. These men built the building and hired a teacher in order to get some schooling for their children some years before the government schools were organized.
Cadillac: Prairie Heritage
Our Roots: Canada's Local Histories Online books, Title: Cadillac: Prairie Heritage. Author: Cadillac and District History Book Association, Publisher: Cadillac, Saskatchewan: Cadillac and District History Book Association, 1987
Community and Sense of Place. The One Room School and Community
Book Title: The Changing Sense of Place Among Agricultural Families in Saskatchewan: Implications for Rural Education and Society byAuthor Rodney K. Reynar Contributor The Pennsylvania State University. Publisher ProQuest, 2008.ISBN 1109015682, 9781109015683.
Chatsworth SD 1810 and ten other schools naming heritage
Bert McKay of Moosomin biography, publisher, and editor. Origins of school district naming around the area of Churchbridge, Saskatchewan for eleven schools;Chatsworth SD 1810, Hohenlohe SD 2705, MacNutt SD 793, Zorn SD 3697, Landstrew SD 2698, Dressler SD 3732, Churchbridge SD 124, Rothbury SD 204, Goehring SD 910, Kensington Lake SD 1083, Flower Valley SD 1098 .
Cherished memories of Silver Willow
Cherished memories of Silver Willow
Silver Willow Reunion and Book Committee,
# Schools--Saskatchewan--Willowbrook Region--History
# Silver Willow School District no 681--Biographies
Clayton McLain Memorial Museum, Cut Knife
The museum has information on school districts:
Ada 5074,
Alada 2955,
Alfred 4853,
Baldwinton 4762,
Carruthers 3249,
Cloan ( Ovenstown )1802,
Cut Knife 1992,
Cut Knife,
Cut Knife,
Cut Knife 1992,
Dufferin 1888,
Formby 4369,
Gallivan 3857,
Irene 2157,
Lone Pine (later named Wembley) 4437,
Madawaska 2238,
Ovenstown 1802,
Riding Hill 2326,
Rockhaven 3707,
Rose Mound 3775,
Stringer 1825,
Thule 4312,
Triple Lakes 3056,
Vance 180,
Wardenville 2479,
Weewona 855,
Wembley 4437,
Wilbert 2357,
Willowview 4597.
Community School Research
Community Schools in Saskatchewan
A Research Project
March 31, 2008. Loraine Thompson Information Services Limited.
After significant numbers of European settlers arrived in Saskatchewan, many one-room schools were established. These one-room schools were truly community schools. “Community members were generally responsible for building the school.” “In the early years, teachers boarded with families in the communities, traveling to school with some of their students.” “As centres of learning and of community development, one-room schools in Saskatchewan were as significant to the development of this province as the thousands of wood grain elevators that have also been relegated to history” (Mitchell, 2006).
Country Schools
School and class pictures of the Grace School District- 1926, Little Valley School District #3956- 1910 , Little Woody School District, Sharon School District #3903, Lautier School District- 1908, Empress School District # 4438- 1921, Anchor School District- 1915
The country school in non-English speaking communities in Saskatchewan 1882-1935
The country school in non-English speaking communities in Saskatchewan
by Oliver, Edmund Henry, 1882-1935; Saskatchewan Public Education League
This is an "optical character recognition" [OCR] text of the original book. OCR is a computer generated text file, so there may be letters or numerals in the original type face, which are interpreted as a similar shaped character; tables generally do not OCR well, but that being said, there is a fair amount of text reports in the book
Country School
in Non-English Speaking
in Saskatchewan Sept. 22nd, 1915
Transcribed book. The
Country School
in Non-English Speaking
in Saskatchewan
By Rev. H. Oliver, Ph.D.
Principal, Presbyterian Theological College, Saskatoon
Vice President Saskatchewan Public Education League
Note by Dr. Oliver -
"This address was delivered before the Saskatchewan
Public Education League in Regina on September 22nd,
1915. Its publication by the League in no means commits
the League to the views expressed therein. The responsi-
bility for the statements rests with the speaker."
Crystal Lake, Saskatchewan
Wilda Clibbett married Walter Clibbett in 1918. Wilda attended Meadowdale one-room school 5 miles North and 2.5 miles East of Canora.
Cumberland House
First school in western Canada , founded by catechist Henry Budd in 1840.
Cumberland House History
Cumberland House (Waskahiganihk), 1774 is the oldest permanent settlement in western Canada. Henry Budd an Anglican Church Missionary began schooling here in 1839-40. Father Ovide Charlebois, a Roman Catholic missionary, and community members erected Charlebois School a one room log school house in 1897.
Cupar and District Heritage Museum
WWI Cupar school display, photos in the museum of 73 of the one room school houses taken circa 1949 for Cupar School Unit #28, a sample online.
Debate regarding Saskatchewan's Consolidated Schools
“There are too many School Districts with summer schools only, a scarcity of duly qualified teachers to man the existing districts and the new ones daily created, …four-fifths of Saskatchewan’s school children are denied the advantages of an education which town and city people can and do enjoy,” reported Arthur A. Frye on interviewing a rural school teacher. The system of non-education set in place in 1915 was considered more expensive than Consolidated Schools with qualified teachers. ~ a report by J. Adamson
Districts Part five
Ladder Valley, Timberlost, Big Ravine School and the Otter Lake School: Memories Of Deep River Hunting, Trapping, Fishing and Fur Farming in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada
Doing more with less: A simulated amalgamation of school boards
examining a hypothectical amalgmation of east-central Saskatchewan: Deer Park S.D. No. 26, Melville S.D. No. 108, Melville Comprehensive Board of Education, Potashville S.D. No. 80, Yorkdale S.D. No. 36, and Yorkton S.D. No. 93.
By Gord Erhardt SSTA Research Centre Report #97-04
Dore Lake School
September 1960,a school house started a quarter of a mile south of South End.
Doverly School District #2794
Philipp Ritthaler, was the chair of the Doverly School District
#2794 in the Municipality of Keslross; Winnifred Ritthaler school
secretary for a fairly large school district of 50 and 55 students.
Education in Saskatchewan
Primary and secondary education,
Normal ages,
Saskatchewan school divisions,
Post-secondary education, higher education, and academia,
Vocational education and training college,
Additional options for gifted students,
Education of students with special needs, and
Extracurricular activities on wikipedia.
Education in Parts of the British Empire. Bulletin, 1919, No. 49
Saskatchewan--Centralization of administration; survey of 1917; school-attendance act; short-term schools; agricultural instruction; teachers; health promotion
Publication date 1919
This is an "optical character recognition" [OCR] text of the original book. OCR is a computer generated text file, so there may be letters or numerals in the original type face, which are interpreted as a similar shaped character; tables generally do not OCR well, but that being said, there is a fair amount of text reports in the book
Education Yorkton's children (part 1)
Miss Ella Carson began the schooling the children of York colony in 1889 in the "Stone School". The townsite moved in 1890 and Miss Nellie Teeple was the first teacher at the new location of the "Stone School". In 1899 the growing population saw a six room Victoria School followed by West End School 1906, Simpson School 1913, Burke School 1921, Fairview School 1954, Columbia School 1965.
Estevan, Saskatchewan school history
History of early Estevan schools, such as Estevan School District No. 257, Rook's House 1899, Valleyview School, Hillside School, Estevan Collegiate Institute, Westview School, Pleasantdale school, Hillcrest School, Scotsburn School, Estevan Comprehensive School, Spruce Ridge School, and Land Central School placed online by Doug Gent
Everett Baker Slides.
Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society.
Highway School & Teacher - 2 Wheat Pool members in district Cadillac 06/05/1946
Eastend students in front of school Eastend 09/10/1941
Eastend students in front of school Eastend 09/10/1941
The McCord Midgets and Mankota Meteors - baseball teams Ferland 06/17/1949
Convent from the west Gravelbourg 06/11/1947
Dormitory school home - Mr & Mrs Ole Weflen. Maple Creek 10/08/1947
Out door Dancing - Youth Training School. North Battleford. 02/02/1948
Instructions for Relay - Youth Training school. North Battleford. 02/02/1948
"The Fruit Basket" Marion Bird S.R.M. Youth Training School. North Battleford. 02/02/1948
Student body of Orkney school. Orkney. 08/28/1942
Teachers and students - Ponteix school.. Ponteix. 04/30/1948
1947 University Co-op School - end view. Saskatoon. 07/08/1947
Shaunavon school students.. Shaunavon. 09/12/1941
Sturgis composite high school. Sturgis. 09/19/1949
Sturgis composite high school - students and staff; 40 students from town and 64 from rural area. Sturgis. 09/19/1949
Sisters and students of Val Marie convent. Val Marie. 04/28/1948
Sisters and students of Val Marie convent. Val Marie. 05/28/1948
Scotland School - 24 miles east of Yorkton. Yorkton. 09/01/1949
Admiral school, 10/22/1952
Admiral school, 10/22/1952
Pinto River school co-op - students learning about electing directors. Aneroid. 10/13/1950
Aneroid school and teaching staff. Aneroid. 06/12/1953
Aneroid school - all classes. Aneroid. 06/12/1953
Bob Kyle and class. Aneroid. 06/12/1953
Wilma Phillips and class. Aneroid. 06/12/1953
Charles Spencer and high school class. Aneroid. 06/12/1953
1953 high school grads - Charles Spencer principal. Aneroid. 06/12/1953
Aneroid school group. Aneroid . 05/19/1955
Harrisland school. Bracken. 11/25/1953
Harrisland school. Bracken. 11/25/1953
Harrisland school - Mrs George Ruttle teacher. Bracken. 11/25/1953
Bracken school - Mrs Wright teacher. Bracken. 11/28/1951
Bracken school - Mrs Wright teacher. Bracken. 11/28/1951
Cadillac School Students. Cadillac. 10/22/1952
Coriander School - 1st teacher G. W. Simpson (1915). Corning. 08/25/1955
Divide school & teacherage. Divide. 09/14/1951
Divide school - students and teacher. Divide. 09/14/1951
Frontier school staff and students - Citizenship Day. Frontier. 10/23/1952
Frontier school staff and students - Citizenship Day. Frontier. 10/23/1952
Frontier school - Citizenship Day. Frontier. 10/23/1952
Black Hills School vacant since 1946. Klintonel. 05/22/1951
Black Hills School vacant since 1946. Klintonel. 05/22/1951
Colleston School # 9 North of Road - east of Prince Albert.. Prince Albert. 08/14/195
Rosefield school and teacherage Wendel B. Stroh - teacher [near the US border south of Val Marie]. Rosefield. 05/09/1951.
Heading home from school by horse and wagon. Rosefield 05/09/1951
Heading home from school by horse and wagon. Rosefield. 05/09/1951
Students of Rosefield school. Rosefield. 05/09/1951
Wendel Stroh and school children. Rosefield. 04/30/1957
Scotsguard school and students. Scotsguard. 09/11/1951
Scotsguard school and students. Scotsguard. 09/11/1951
Val Marie school students. Val Marie. 10/05/1954
Convent students and staff. Val Marie. 10/05/1954
Convent students and staff. Val Marie. 10/05/1954
Convent students and staff. Val Marie. 10/05/1954
Volley ball at the convent. Val Marie. 10/05/1954
Val Marie school students. Val Marie. 10/05/1954
Val Marie school students. Val Marie. 10/05/1954
School? (poor quality picture). Demaine. 01/01/1964
School? (exact content unknown). Demaine. 01/01/1964
[Class Photo, Kisbey School, around 1915]
SHFS Historical Markers
Badger School District NW 36 - 35 - 25 W2 (1913-1960) Plunkett, SK. Four images
Indianola School District No. 2704. SE 6 9 10 W3 (1910-1913) Aneroid, SK (area.) 2 images
Tyvan School District No.1269 (1905-1987) Tyvan, SK. 3 images
Hamlet of Verlo 2. Hazlet, SK. Verlo School
Glencore School District 1 image
Wayne Valley School No 3793 (1917-1955)
Brooksdale School No. 4148 SE 5 51 19 W3 (1919-1959) RM of Mervin 499 3 images
Loon River School No 5082 (1935-1958) 4 images
Tyvan School District No.1269 (1905-1987) 2 images
Huntingford School District No. 1412 (1905-1965) 3 images
St. John's School NE 4 21 26 W3 (1924-1965) Leader, SK (area.) 2 images
Country Schools 1. Big Beaver, SK. 4 images
Beaver Creek SD 3128 NW 12 2 24 W2
Big Beaver 4065 NE 5 2 24 W2
Buffalo Gap 3254 NW 1 2 25 W2
Dry Forks 3252 NW 3 2 25 W2
Ipsley Mound 4065 NE 3 2 25 W2
Paisley Brook 3434 SW 14 1 23 W2
Prairie Centre 4169 NW 14 1 25 W2
Red Butte 3940 NW 30 2 25 W2
Red Stone 3639 SE 17 1 24 W2
Spring Dell 4399 SE 13 1 24 W2
St. Jerome 2574 NW 35 2 25 W2
Strawberry Coulee 4313 SW 11 2 23 W2
Dixon School NO. 1872 SE 28-37-23- W2 (1908-) Humboldt, SK
Champion School District No. 4961 SE 19 60 19 W3 (1932-1961) Rapid View, SK. 4 images
Harwood School District 3040 (1913-1960) Lafleche, SK. 3 images
Mariahilf Church and School District 6 images
Otterburn School No 250 SE 3 32 21 W2 3 images
St. John's School 2 images
Valence School No. 711 (1913-1951) NE 34-7-4-W3 Lafleche, SK.
Winnifred School No.2853. NE 12-7-6-W3 Founded 1912 Built 1913 Opened 1914. Closed 1947. Lafleche, SK.
Artesian School District No.3213 NE 31 11 25 W2 (1925-1958) Spring Valley, SK. 2 images
Pauline School District No.1650 SW 30-33-20 W2 (1906-1954) Esk, SK. 4 images
Illinois School District No.2312 (1911-1960) Leroy, SK. images
Natika District School No.4376 (1921-1963) SE 29 35 19 -W2 Leroy, SK. 4 images
Elkwood School No 1418 NW 29-14-9-W2 Glenavon, SK.
Sugar Hill District 1920-1953 Canwood, SK
Sugar Hill 1920-1953 Canwood, SK
Briggs School No.841 SE 4 29 1 W3rd (1913-) Kenaston, SK.
Linton School No. 2259 SE 3 36 20 W2 1909-1953) Leroy, SK 3 images
Mintern School No.772 NW 23 36 20 W2 (1926-1953) Leroy, SK.
Greenside School District No.1663 NE 29 37 19 W2 then NW 33-37-19 W2 Englefeld, SK. 4 images
Brook Hill School No.3928 2. Blaine Lake, SK.
Thorndale School No. 527
Bourneville School No. 3521 SW 2 24 18 W2 (1915/1916-1959)
Ferndale School District #295 - Welwyn, SK
Saskatchewan Historical Markers Waymarking.com Ferndale School District #295 (1894-1959) N 50° 23.238 W 101° 31.417 or legal land location NE 22-16-30 W1, RM of Rocanville #151
Fifth annual report of convention 1920
Fifth annual report of convention
by Saskatchewan School Trustees Association
Publication date 1920
Topics Education
Publisher Moose Jaw, s.n.
Collection queens_university; toronto
Digitizing sponsor Queen's University - University of Toronto Libraries
Contributor Queen's University Library, W.D. Jordan Special Collections and Music This is an "optical character recognition" [OCR] text of the original book. OCR is a computer generated text file, so there may be letters or numerals in the original type face, which are interpreted as a similar shaped character; tables generally do not OCR well, but that being said, there is a fair amount of text reports in the book
Ghost town where I started School
was written on February 21, 2011 by © Joan Miller - Luxegen Genealogy. The article is an account of both Cuthbert School District and Hatfield, Saskatchewan (SE27-28-22-W2).
Saskatchewan One Room Schools
Cuthbert School District # 1934 located in Tsp 28 Rge 22 West of the 2 Meridian….just north of Govan and south of Nokomis.Saline School (School District # 1863 Tsp 29 Rge 23 W of the 2 Meridian)
Golden Prairie
The schools in Golden Prairie are now bussed to other communities, and all were closed in 2006. Photographs were taken by Jerome Martin, professional photographer, of the high school under construction 1955, Western School in 1955, Sechool Door 1976, School and Desks 1976, the abandoned high school 1995, Elementary school 1985
Goodhue School District 2293
An excerpt from the book Number One Northern or The Memoir of a Pioneer by E.L. Anderson about Goodhue School District 2293.
Harringay School District #1684
Harringay School District #1684 located on the northeast quarter section of section 8 township 42 range 14 west of the third meridian near Ruddell, Saskatchewan between 1906-1959. A map and some school information in answer to an e-mail query.
Hayward School
Hayward School, Barn, and Teacherage in the R.M. of Lipton is a Municipal Heritage Property.
Additionally HistoricPlaces.ca Canada's Historic Places (Parks Canada) has information upon these heritage school sites in Saskatchewan:
Weekes Public School (1931) is a Municipal Heritage Property at Weekes
Inkster School Building and the Inkster School Teacherage is a Municipal Heritage Property in Nipawin RM 487
Three, one-room, wood-frame Wood frame schoolhouses are preserved at the Wood Mountain School Municipal Heritage Property, Wood Mountain, Canada
Gregherd School Site in the town of Southey is a Municipal Heritage Property in
Cupar RM 218.
Weissenberg School east of Village of Lemberg is a Municipal Heritage Property in McLeod RM 185
Tugaske School Municipal Heritage Property southwest of the Village of Tugaske
The two story tapestry brick Hepburn School constructed in 1927 in Hepburn is a Municpal Heritage Property
Foster School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Rural Municipality of Abernethy 186 located north of the Village of Abernethy.
The two storey Swanson School, (Whelan/Sesula Residence/Knight School) built in 1916, is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Rural Municipality of Montrose No. 315. Located in the southeast corner of the Hamlet of Swanson
Maxstone School is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Rural Municipality of Stonehenge No. 73 south of the Town of Assiniboia
The Everton School is a Municipal Heritage Propert is in the Rural Municipality of Barrier Valley No. 397.
Boggy Creek School is a Municipal Heritage Property is in the Rural Municipality of Sherwood No. 159,northwest of the city of Regina.
Timberland School is a Municipal Heritage Property located within the Rural Municipality of Spiritwood No. 496 northeast of the Village of Leoville.
The Orkney School is a Municipal Heritage Property is northwest of Yorkton.
The two storey Central School is located in Swift Current, Canada
Parkside Public School and Grounds is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Village of Parkside.
The two storey brick Pioneer School is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Town of Naicam
The Old Stone School is located directly University of Saskatchewan in the City of Saskatoon.
Southey’s First Original Classroom School is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Town of Southey.
The Public School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Village of Fox Valley.
South Star School is a Municipal Heritage Property located within the Rural Municipality of Star City No. 428 south of the Town of Star City.
The two storey 1923 Portion of Sedley School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Village of Sedley.
The Morris School is a Municipal Heritage Property located within the Rural Municipality of Viscount No. 341, east of the Town of Young.
The Wideview Community Club (School) is a Municipal Heritage Property located southwest of the Village of Mankota in the Rural Municipality of Mankota No. 45.
The two storey Red Brick School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Village of Val Marie.
Oscar Lake School (Krivoshein School / Krivoshein-Oscar Lake School) 1912-1930 1931-1966 is a Municipal Heritage Property located within the Rural Municipality of Meeting Lake No. 466 located northeast of the Hamlet of Alticane.
The two storey brick Macrorie School is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Village of Macrorie.
Meuse School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Rural Municipality of McCraney No. 282,east of the Town of Kenaston.
Mirror Lake School District No. 5086 1936-1957 is a Municipal Heritage Property located within the Rural Municipality of Spiritwood No. 496 south of the Village of Mildred.
The two storey four room brick Windthorst School (1926 Portion) is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Village of Windthorst.
The St. John’s Separate School and Miniature Church is a Municipal Heritage Property south of the Town of Leader.
The Loring School (Loring School District No. 4513) 1924-1959 is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Rural Municipality of Barrier Valley No. 397 northwest of the Village of Archerwill.
Brooksdale School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Rural Municipality of Mervin No. 499.
The two storey brick Alsask School 1914- is a Municipal Heritage Property within the Village of Alsask.
Crystal Hill School is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Rural Municipality of Elmsthorpe No. 100, southwest of the Town of Avonlea.
The Pine Valley School site is a Municipal Heritage Property located northwest of Weirdale in the Rural Municipality of Paddockwood No. 520.
The two storey Stone School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Town of Yellow Grass.
The Tall Spruce School is a Municipal Heritage Property east of Porcupine Plain in the Rural Municipality of Porcupine Plain No. 395.
Quincy School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Rural Municipality of Baildon No. 131, south of the City of Moose Jaw.
Kutawa School District No. 477 1921 - 1967 is a Municipal Heritage Property located within the Rural Municipality of Mount Hope No. 279 northeast of the Village of Punnichy.
1½-storey, red brick Ernfold School 1919- is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Village of Ernfold.
Dysart Elementary School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Village of Dysart.
The two-storey Elrose Brick School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Town of Elrose.
The two-storey Wakaw Elementary School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Town of Wakaw.
Northern Beauty School is a Municipal Heritage Property located within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622, in the Hamlet of Golden Ridge.
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Rectory and School in South Qu'Appelle RM 157, in the Organised Hamlet of St. Joseph’s
Hazel Ridge School is a Municipal Heritage Property within the Rural Municipality of Shellbrook No. 493 south east of the Town of Shellbrook.
Paisley Brook School is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Rural Municipality of Happy Valley No. 10,southeast of the Hamlet of Big Beaver
Merid School is a Municipal Heritage Property within the Rural Municipality of Milton No. 292.
Ravineside School (1913-1962) is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Rural Municipality of McKillop No. 220, south west of the Town of Strasbourg.
The brick Old Morse School is a Municipal Heritage Property located a in the Town of Morse.
Brick one storey Cotswold School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Rural Municipality of Senlac No. 411.
Victoria School 1914- is a Municipal Heritage Property Town of Duck Lake.
The Old School (Teacherage) 1906-1910 Strasbourg School District No. 1542 is a Municipal Heritage Property located adjacent to the Strasbourg and District Museum in the Town of Strasbourg.
Lilydale School is a Municipal Heritage Property located northeast of the Town of Neilburg in Hillsdale RM 440.
Scentgrass School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Rural Municipality of Meota.
Hudson Bay School is a Municipal Heritage Property located within the Town of Hudson Bay
Hillview School (Hillview School, District No. 1541) is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Rural Municipality of Harris No. 316 northwest of the Village of Harris.
The Elementary School is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Town of Gravelbourg.
The Pheasant Forks Church and School is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Rural Municipality of McLeod, north of the Town of Lemberg.
The Billimun Community Centre and Historical Society (Mankota School
Pinto Dale School No. 1398
Govan Lee School) is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Rural Municipality of Mankota No. 45, northwest of the Village. Building built in Mankota as a one room schoolhouse moved to the site for Pinto Dale School No. 1398 in 1964, until closing in 1967
McKay School No. 135 is a Municipal Heritage Propertynortheast from the Town of Whitewood in the Rural Municipality of Willowdale 153.
Soda Lake School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Rural Municipality of Laurier No. 38, south of the Town of Radville.
Goodsoil Historical Museum is a Municipal Heritage Property located within the Village of Goodsoil
The Brownville Community Club (Brownville School #4677) 1927-is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Rural Municipality of White Valley No. 49, southwest of Dollard.
Eddy School No. 1846 is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Rural Municipality of Longlaketon No. 219, near the Town of Earl Grey.
The Pinto River School is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Rural Municipality of Auvergne No. 76, south of the Village of Aneroid.
The Reliance Community Hall is a Municipal Heritage Property located southwest of the Village of Mankota, in the Rural Municipality of Glen McPherson No. 46.
The Etaples School is a Municipal Heritage Property located northwest of the Town of Edenwold in the RM of Edenwold #158
Leipzig Convent (Notre Dame Convent and Boarding School
Notre Dame Convent) 1926/7-1969 is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Rural Municipality of Reford No. 379 south of the Town of Wilkie.
The Fred Light Museum (St. Vital School) 1911-1974 is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Town of Battleford.
The Turtle Lake School is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Village of Borden.
The two storey Red Brick Schoolhouse is a Municipal Heritage property located in the Town of Ituna.
The Halcyonia Community Centre is a Municipal Heritage Property north of the Village of Borden in the Rural Municipality of Great Bend #405.
Coronation Community Cairn for the Coronation School is a Municipal Heritage Property located within the Rural Municipality of Kingsley No. 124, northeast of the Town of Windthorst.
The Log Cabin, Rural School & St. David's Church is a Municipal Heritage Property within the Town of Porcupine Plain
The Milden Community Museum is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Village of Milden.
The Old Brick School is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Town of Dundurn.
The Lumsden & District Heritage Museum is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Town of Lumsden. Kedleston School 1912-1963 in the Hamlet of Kedleston, and moved to museum. as well, The tin-sided Tregarva Community Hall was a school 1890-1907.
Vintage Power Machines is a Municipal Heritage Property containing Donnybrook School District (No. 1222) which was near the Village of Macdowall from 1906 to 1960 and is now at the heritagte site southwest of the City of Prince Albert in the Rural Municipality of Prince Albert No. 461.
The R.M. of Glen Bain No. 105 Municipal Office (Glen Bain High School in the
Simonson School District No. 3862 1936 to 1944) is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Hamlet of Glen Bain.
Albert School is a Municipal Heritage Property in Saskatoon.
Leross Heritage Park is a Municipal Heritage Property located within the Village of Leross holds Granatier School, District No. 1497 of the Lestock-Leross district 1907-1950
The Fort Pelly-Livingstone Museum is a Municipal Heritage Property situated in the Village of Pelly. The property features a two-storey brick building used as the Midhurst School District #1530 public school 1912-1967.
St. Alban’s Anglican Church is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Village of Pelly. Midhurst School District #1530 1907-1909, moved to town in 1909 before the building was used as a church in 1910
The Rosthern Mennonite Heritage Museum (man-English Academy 1910-1963) is a Municipal Heritage Property Town of Rosthern.
Rocanville and District Museum is a Municipal Heritage property located inthe Town of Rocanville Prosperity School and Cambridge School within the museum.
Gravelbourg Ecclesiastical Buildings National Historic Site of Canada is located in Gravelbourg, features two schools and a college and a 1917 board school.
Government House, Battleford is a Provincial Heritage Property located in the Town of Battleford. Built in 1876 and converted 1883 as the first Indian Industrial School in western Canada until 1914.
The Diocese of Qu’Appelle is a Provincial Heritage Property in the city of Regina served as St. Chad’s College ~ a theological school for the training of young men for ministry(1913-14), Qu’Appelle Diocesan School for Girls (1918-1970)
In the Town of Unity, Unity Heritage Museum is a Municipal Heritage Property. Features elements of Adanac School and Eastbank School ,
The Mossbank & District Museum Inc., the Schoolhouse, the Blacksmith Shop, & Ambroz House is a Municipal Heritage Property located in the Town of Mossbank featuring the Johnson Lake School Division No. 3261 school building (1921-1943), and moved to the museum after 1979
Kipling and District Museum is a Municipal Heritage Property located within the Town of Kipling features Pipestone Lake School District #3508.
The College Mathieu Pavillion built 1918/20 is located in the Town of Gravelbourg.
The Vibank Convent is a Municipal Heritage Property in the Town of Vibank features a girls school, dormitory and convent 1923-1977
History of Education in Saskatchewan
Selected Readings. Brian W. Noonan, Dianne M. Hallman, Murray Scharf, University of Regina. Canadian Plains Research CenterUniversity of Regina Press, 2006 Edition illustratedPublisher University of Regina PressISBN 0889771901, 9780889771901
History of Frobisher and District Schools
Including a history of Ansell School, Ernewein School, Frobisher School # 810, Hirsch School, Munro School # 544, Nivelle School District, Rockland School #800, South Frobisher #4167 Vineberg #284,
History of Pike Lake School
"A Small School With A Big Heart", constructed 1912 with the first class enrolling in September of 1913. Originally located west of Highway 60 it was moved to its present location in 1947.
Holbrook School District # 844
Neva MacLeod in 1919, has left some interesting notes about her tenure in Holbrook School District, near Alameda SK. My Narrow Escape: The experience of spending the night in the school house due to a blizzard and Saskatchewan School 1919-1920.
Hungarian Settlements
Kossuth, Magyar, Rakoczi, and Little Mountain school districts were part of the Bekevar colony near Kipling, SK. Article by Alan Anderson published for the Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan © 2006 Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina
Jonesville 100th - the Village of Beechy
Jonesville School #2852 original school buildingconstructed in 1912 and opened for classes in 1913 and ceased operation in 1960. The first meeting to create a school district was held in 1909, only a year after the first homesteaders filed in the district. It is located three miles south of the present day village of Beechy on the SW corner of SE 6-22-10 W3rd. were part of the audience for a panel discussion. Crescent Valley School, located north west of Lucky Lake, Howendale School located about 7 miles south westof Beechy, String Butte School located between Gull Lake and Shaunavon, Minnie Lake School about 13 miles west of Beechy and Neasden Schoollocated about 8 miles west of Beechy.
Kelvington School 1936
School class photograph of grades 4, 5, 6 and 7. Hope someone can fill in the missing names, also that
others with school pictures will keep submitting them.
Krist School District
c1908 map of the Krist School district named after Father Krist with all the land owners.
Legal land description
How to read Homestead Records - Section, Township, Range, Meridian. Tutorial, maps and information on the legal land survey system
Lysenko Rural School - SD #494
LYSENKO SCHOOL History of the Lysenko one room rural/country school (1907-1959) located approximately half way between the towns of Insinger & Theodore Saskatchewan, Canada.
Meadowdale School
This class picture was taken at Meadowdale School near Canora, Sk and Phoenix SD 2320.
Melfort: Heart of the Carrot River Valley
Melfort: Heart of the Carrot River Valley
is an online book which relates the history of: Argus School, Arpsville School, Athol School, Belgrave School, Berlin School, Campbellville School, Carrot River School, Central Park School, Clapton School, Dover School, East Bend School, Edenbridge School, Excelsior School, Fairy Glen School, Fortuna School, Galabank School, Harriville School, Kirkton School, Louisa School, Maryville School, McAllister School, Melfort Public School, Melfort View School, Melinda School, Murphy Creek School, Naisberry School, North Star School, Norwood School, Orchard School, Oriole School, Pathlow Heights School, Percieville School, Prescott School, Queen's Park School, Rothwell School, Sacriston School, Sandhill Creek School, Shannon-View School, South Star School, Spry School, Star City School, Stoney Creek School, Sweetwater School, Taelman School, Taylorside School, Teddington School, Thatch Creek School, Vaughan School, Willowdale School, Yankton School, and Flett's Springs.
Memories of Shand:
History of a Saskatchewan Coal Mining Community. Memories of the "The Little Red Schoolhouse"
Mervin memories : a history of Mervin and the following school districts: Aroma, Brooksdale, Clover Lake, Coredlia, Daysville, Dulwich, Louisville, Mervin
Mervin memories : a history of Mervin and the following school districts: Aroma, Brooksdale, Clover Lake, Coredlia, Daysville, Dulwich, Louisville, MervinMervin Homecoming Committee
# Mervin Region (Sask.)--Biography
# Mervin Region (Sask.)--History
Morse Memories
Morse Memories
* Morse School District (Sask.)--Biography
* Morse School District (Sask.)--HistoryAlternate Titles
Murphy Family in the 20th Century.
Researching the history of Squaw Creek S. D which was near Craik, Nicefield which is near Liebenthal and Pioneer Grove near Eston Saskatchewan and the the one room school Braeside near Antler.
Nokomis History - School Districts - Nokomis, Saskatchewan
The "first" school in the Town of Nokomis
Bannockburn S. D. No. 1983
Boulder Lake S. D. No. 2308
Colt Lake S. D. No. 4421
Constance S. D. No. 1976
Cuthbert S. D. No. 1934
Killarney S. D. No. 2474
Kutawagan S. D. No. 3913
Nemaha S. D. No. 3528
Newlands S. D. No. 2103
Richfarms S. D. No. 1782
Rowandville S. D. No. 3900
Saline S. D. No. 1863
Normal Schools in Saskatchewan.
Saskatoon, Regina and Moose Jaw Normal Scools in the early twentieth century, the origins of teacher training and teacher education. |
Oakdale No. 320, Saskatchewan; Rural Municipality
RM Oakdale 320 registered -
Algoma School District No. 2876 built on SE 3-33-22-W3.(1914–1946) Rural Municipality of Oakdale.
Ashford School District No. 3773 (1916–1947)
Avoca School District No. 3363 (1914–1947)
Beaufield School District No. 3169 (1913–1947)
Bonn School District No. 2475 (1909–1947)
Buffalo Coulee School District No. 4278 (1919–1947)
Coleville School District No. 3645 (1915–1946)
Driver School District No. 811 (1912–1947)
Elm Point School District No. 2779 (1911–1947)
Eureka School District No. 2174 (1908–1947)
Gleneath School District No. 4453 (1921–1947)
Hopedale School District No. 346 (1911–1947)
McKellar School District No. 584 (1910–1947)
St. Florence School District No. 4299 (1920–1947)
Somme School District No. 4127 (19??-1947)
Teo Lake School District No. 1358 (1912–1947)
Warwick School District No. 3080 (1913–1940)
A wikipedia article.
One-room Schools
written by Rosella Mitchell for the Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan © 2006 Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina
One-room Schools
written by Rosella Mitchell for the Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan © 2006 Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina
One Room School Naming
An article printed in the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper, The Potashville Miner-Journal, "From Bert's Notebook" Place names, discusses the derivation of the names for schools in the Churchbridge / Langenburg area of Saskatchewan was submitted from the Esterhazy 1939 newspaper by Verna Brenner, which is intriguing and fascinating.
One-room schools 'part of the soul of the community'
by Josh Wingrove.Bear Creek, Sask. — The Globe and Mail. Published Friday, Sep. 03, 2010. Sasdaze School built 2003 in the tiny hamlet of Bear Creek. "It was part of the soul of the community," relates University of Calgary historian Paul Stortz, "You see a picture of a one-room school - that embodies the human intrepidness and ambition to overcome the most onerous and austere of odds and make things work in Canada."
Our roots : a history of La Ronge
Our roots : a history of La RongeWiens, Alfred, La Ronge Heritage Committee provides a history of La Ronge, and a chapter devles into education in this community.
Our School
History of Fillmore, Osage, Tyvan, Creelman School Districts and 33 Central.
Pearl Creek School Letters
Letters from Lois Purdy, 1904-1979 and her sister Harriet describing their experience teaching at Pearl Creek School, S.D. No. 1048, Melville, Saskatchewan, from May to December 1924. "Mother", the recipient of the letters, was May Purdy (full name Lena May Purdy), who had taught in NWT [i.e. pre-Sask.] schools in the 1890s. There is also a small collection of letters written to them the next year by former pupils.
Peebles and district history, including school districts : Beeston, Clayton, Peebles, White Rose, Rhineland
Peebles and district history, including school districts : Beeston, Clayton, Peebles, White Rose, Rhineland
Richards, Evan
Peebles Region (Sask.)--History
Peebles, Région de (Sask.)--Biographies
Pleasantsite School Heritage School yard
Pleasantsite School 443 project containing taxpayers, teachers and photos written by Shawn Martens. Pleasantsite School District #443. 1911-1954. NE 25 48 13 W3. Rural Municipality Round Hill #467 near Rabbit Lake, Mullingar, Meeting Lake and Spruce Bay. Pleasantsite School was built in 1911. The Heritage Schoolyard program is dedicated to the preservation of country schoolyards for their wildlife and historic values.
Prairie Fire Prairie West Historical Society Incorporated Eston, Saskatchewan
Prairie Fire shows the formation of a Bible school as one aspect of the evangelical force that swept the Canadian Prairies. The school is the Full Gospel Bible Institute (FGBI), located in a prairie town -- Eston, Saskatchewan. We trace its development from its humble beginnings to the degree granting institution it is today. We pay particular attention to student life, including life as a foreign student. Finally, we note the dynamics between the school and the town of Eston.
Public school speller 1914
Western Public school speller
Publication date 1914
This is an "optical character recognition" [OCR] text of the original book. OCR is a computer generated text file, so there may be letters or numerals in the original type face, which are interpreted as a similar shaped character; tables generally do not OCR well, but that being said, there is a fair amount of text reports in the book
Report of the Saskatchewan educational commission 1915
Report of the Saskatchewan educational commission on agricultural and industrial education, consolidation of schools, training and supply of teachers, courses of study, physical and moral education, with recommendations ..
by Saskatchewan. Educational commission
Publication date 1915
This is an "optical character recognition" [OCR] text of the original book. OCR is a computer generated text file, so there may be letters or numerals in the original type face, which are interpreted as a similar shaped character; tables generally do not OCR well, but that being said, there is a fair amount of text reports in the book
Rural Education. Report No. 6, Royal Commission on Agriculture and Rural Life. 1956
Changes in the structure and operation of Saskatchewan's rural education system were examined. The aim was to find ways to equalize educational opportunity and raise the level of education. Data were obtained from: (1) public opinion derived from community forums, communities and organizations' briefs, and hearings at which representatives of communities and organizations testified; and (2) 4 separate questionnaires sent to secretary-treasurers of larger school units, superintendents, local school district boards, and teachers. This report discusses the: (1) problems in education as seen by the province's rural people; (2) environmental change and rural education; (3) regrouping of educational facilities; (4) larger units of administration; (5) educational finance, both expenditures and revenues; (6) staffing Saskatchewan schools; (7) retention of pupils; (8) continuation to higher education; (9) vocational education; and (10) continuing education for adults. Also given are a summary of the public's solutions to the educational problems and some recommendations by the Royal Commission on Agriculture and Rural Life. (NQ)
This is an "optical character recognition" [OCR] text of the original book. OCR is a computer generated text file, so there may be letters or numerals in the original type face, which are interpreted as a similar shaped character; tables generally do not OCR well, but that being said, there is a fair amount of text reports in the book
Rural Municipality of Deer Forks No. 232 and Rural Municipality of Happyland #231 one room school districts
section 4 township 20 range 29 West of the third meridian
Alexander Plains
Section 6 township 20 range 28 west of the third meridian
Baden School
District #704 SW section 30 township 20 range 25 west of the third meridian
NE section 35 township 19 range 29 west of the third meridian
School District #3824] SW section 17 township 22 range 28 west of the third meridian
School District #3215 SE section 15 township 21 range 25 west of the third meridian
School District #1223 NE section 32 township 21 range 26 west of the third meridian
Dean View
School District #3368 1916-1945 section 9 township 23 range 26 west of the third meridian
School District #3194 1916-1945 SW section 18 township 22 range 27 west of the third meridian
School District #3190 SE section 13 township 21 range 26 west of the third meridian
section 29 township 21 range 27 west of the third meridian
School District #3695 Section 15 township 19 range 25 west of the third meridian
School District #3387 1916-1959 section 2 township 23 range 28 west of the third meridian
section 3 township 23 range 25 west of the third meridian
School District #3181 / 3191 SW section 17 township 20 range 26 west of the third meridian
section 27 township 20 range 28 west of the third meridian
section 1 township 20 range 26 west of the third meridian
School District #401 (Herman School District #401) 1912-1946 SW Section 6 township 22 range 25 west of the third meridian
School District #408 1913-1946 NW section 14 township 22 range 27 west of the third meridian
School District #352 1911-1951 section 20 township 21 range 26 west of the third meridian
section 9 township 20 range 27 west of the third meridian
(White School 1915-1958 and Brick School 1917-1958) NW section 21 township 22 range 26 west of the third meridian
sections 3, 4 township 20 range 26 west of the third meridian and parts of section s 27, 28, 33, and all of section 34, township 19 range 26 west of the third meridian
School District #3107 NE section 22 township 20 range 25 west of the third meridian
N section 10 township 21 range 27 west of the third meridian
section 21 township 19 range 26 west of the third meridian
SE section 9 township 22 range 25 west of the third meridian
School District #3417 section 23 township 21 range 27 west of the third meridian
section 8 township 19 range 28 west of the third meridian
section 11 township 19 range 28 west of the third meridian
School District #2869 SE Section 13 Township 19 range 26 west of the third meridian
School District #3696 SE 4 section 34 township 21 range 27 west of the third meridian.
School District #4632 NW section 28 township 21 range 29 West of the third meridian
School District #2843 NE section 34 township 19 range 25 west of the third meridian
School District #961 NW section 35 township 19 range 28 west of the third meridian
School District #3033 near Mendham.
St Johns
Parochial School 1915-1942 St Johns Separate School 1943-1965 section 4 township 21 range 26 west of the third meridian
School District #2585 section 16 township 22 range 26 west of the third meridian
Plains section 33 township 19 range 27 west of the third meridian
School District #3973 1918-1947 section 2 township 23 range 27 west of the third meridian
Rural Municipality of Happyland Historic Sites
St. John’s Separate School is a one-room schoolhouse and was built in 1924 by the Lutherans. The School operated as church-run school and then in 1942 as a separate school until it closed in 1965.
Rural School Days
Sunnyside School 1923-1966, and Southview School 1919-2001, pictures and history.
Rural School Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Moose Jaw Branch has put online photographs of Westview # 256 and Tuxford # 2486 as well as they are indexing school records for the Alexandra School.
WESTVIEW School District # 256 was located at S.W Twp 18, Rge 2, W2 In the R.M OF Caron, it is now demolished. Westview S.D. was organized in 1893 and closed in June 1963 There is a write up of the school, it's pupils and teachers in the history book "From Buffalo Trails to Blacktop"
The Moose Jaw Branch of SGS
web page has some pictures which I put up and to which you are more than welcome to add or link to your site.
What a great site you have created!
Wendy ( a former Westview pupil)
St. Elizabeth School SD 1316 history
Nagy, Joseph G. 2016. St. Elizabeth School, Yarbo, Saskatchewan: Formation and History 1904 to 1965. Published by Joseph G. Nagy. ISBN 978-0-9949470-0-0, 53 pages. [pdf file online]
Saskatchewan and Alberta
Under the section entitled education the article discusses the Act of 1905 which includes both public and separate schools in Saskatchewan and Alberta. A general historical account by Kevin Knight of Saskatchewan and Alberta put online by the Catholic Encycopedia
Saskatchewan Experiences
Violet: Saskatchewan experiences (teaching school). - A little history. Excerpts from this file were published in Saskatchewan History.(Winter 1984; Volume XXXVll No.1; pages 32 to 34).under the title "Stockholm's First Teacher."Copyright©1999.edited by Brian M. Brown.Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Saskatchewan Scenes - Smilesville School
Smilesville School house filmed Ganarly Films / Sixteen Paws Productions and uploaded September 2014. According to Scott Nicholls, Smilesville School District was formed on May 5, 1906 with the schoolhouse erected in 1907. The school was moved the following year to be more centrally located. The school closed its doors in 1942. SMILESVILLE School District # 1641 SE Sec 29 Tsp 29 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian 1906-1942 near Hanley.SMILESVILLE School District # 1641 NW Sec 29 Tsp 29 Rge 3 W of the 3 Meridian.
Saskatchewan Schools: Early History
General early school history written by Alex Youck, Jim Slough for the Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan © 2006 Candian Plains Research Center, University of Regina
Saskatchewan School Inspection
Mirror Site
Saskatchewan School Inspection of the One Room Schoolhouse
The school inspector provided direction for inexperienced school board trustees and one room school house teachers. Such supervision
was needed in the early twentieth century when teachers had very limited professional training. Teachers were expected to become community leaders." The school inspector "had expert preparation in community leadership and school organisation and professional supervision in the ordinary school subjects....to give him [teachers] sound advice when community troubles arise; and to help get results in the classroom." report by J. Adamson
Sask History Online
Historical marker commemorating Trent School District 3349 NW 1/4 11-16-19 W3 operating 1916 - 1946.
Nora School District No.4615Title Nora School District No.4615 Institution Saskatchewan History & Folklore Society Office Description Historical marker commemorating the Nora School District NO. 4615 1925-1967.
Mount Zion School #3183 1914 - 1951 S.W. 26-6-5-W3 IN RM WAVERLY 44 IN 1914. Re-purposed after closure in Glenworth and Wallard.
Newberry School District 410 organized 1895, school house built 1904 and closed 1962. Class photo.
Coventry School District 213 (class photo) organized in 1891 located 4.5 miles west and one mile south of Drinkwater.
The school act 1918-19
The school act, school assessment act, school grants act, school attendance act, free text book act (Consolidated to and including amendments of 1918-19). This is an "optical character recognition" [OCR] text of the original book. OCR is a computer generated text file, so there may be letters or numerals in the original type face, which are interpreted as a similar shaped character; tables generally do not OCR well, but that being said, there is a fair amount of text reports in the book
School Busing
The Cold and Bumpy Ride: Busing to School in Rural Saskatchewan During the 1950s. Prepared for Saskatchewan Western Development Museum's "Winning the Prairie Gamble" 2005 Exhibit by Joan Champ January 28, 2002.
Schools - Celebrating Saskatchewan's Heritage
Porcupine Plain Elementary School, Mistatim School, Millford School, Handford School, Winona Sod School, Nutana School, Midale School, Neidpath School, first Eagle Creek School SD 741, Bresaylor School, Hohenlohe School, Battleford Indian Industrial School, Victoria Stone School,
Schools - RM Saltcoats 213
Aston (new school) School District 1537
Armstrong School District 797
Barvas School District 3452
Boakview (Boakeview) School District 1325
Bredenbury School District 1186
Castleton (Castletown) School District 118
Castleton (new school) School District 118
Chatsworth A School District 1810
Chatsworth B School District 1810
Clumber School District 184
Crescent (Hilltop) School District 110
Crescent School District 110
Cut Arm School District 136
Eden School District 197
Glyndwr School District 991
Grahame School District 151
Hillerton School District 4236
Kengsington Lake School District 1083
Llewelyn School District 807
Loyal School District 4385
Meadowvale School District 175
Peachview School District 4322
Pennock School District 1437
Perley School District 395
Rothbury (new school) School District 204
Saltcoats (old school) School District 140
Saltcoats (new school) School District 36
St. David's School District
Tupper (LOG SCHOOL) School District 196
Tupper (NEW SCHOOL) School District 196
Schools 1910-1991 South Central Saskatchewan
Schools within the Rural Municipality of Stonehenge #73
Covers the RM schools of -
Advance School District #818
Circa 1913 - 1946
Bruce School District #2541
Circa 1910 - 1959 SE 27-2-3 in 1910, replaced in 1924 with a new brick school
Conifer School District #4613
Circa 1926 - 1953
Crestmount School District #3463
Circa 1914 - 1950 NW 7 7 3 3
Daystar School District #5114
Circa 1936 - 1951 Sw 3 7 3 3
Ford School District #2569
Circa 1910- 1944 NW11-10-2-3
Hewson School District #2743
Circa 1910 - 1956
Highland School District #2397
Circa 1909 - 1947 NW 11-8-2-3
Jackson School District #606
Circa 1912- 1963 SE 9-8-1-3
Kea School District #3231
Circa 1914 - 1927 and 1928 - 1949
Lakenheath School District #3451
Circa 1915 - 1954
Lynthrope School District #3247
Circa 1914 - 1948
Maxstone School District #2436
Circa 1909 - 1963 SE 35-6-1-3
Milton School District #3111
Circa 1914? - 1954 (on closure moved to Twelve Mile Lake School and then to Stonehenge for a Post Office), Orinoco School District #837
Circa 1913 - 1952
Progress Hill School District #2732
Circa 1912- 1967 24-9-1-3
Rothsay School District #1302
Circa 1915 - 1945 NW 27-9-3-3
Ruperra School District #812
Circa 1913 - changed names to the Assiniboia School District #812 or 7th Avenue School
Stonehenge School District #4833
Circa 1910 - 1971 the second site was on S ¼ of Alfred French homestead - E ½ 30-6-1-3 whch was west of the first location due to the Maxtone school district being formed
Twelve Mile Lake School District #3328
Circa 1913 - 1956 the first school house built on SW 31-6-2-3. and in 1929 the school district divided into two, Twelve Mile #3328 now located at North West corner of NW 36-6-2-3 r and Stonehenge School District #4833 was the other schoolhouse built for the district
Welcome School District #2691
Circa 1911 - 1948 south side of SW 1-9-3-3
Weston School District #3062
Circa 1916? - 1944 NE 36-8-2-3
Willow Beach School District #4339
Circa 1923 - 1946
. Community Memories, Virtual Museum Assiniboia and District Historical Museum
Assiniboia, Saskatchewana. Sources Prairie Trails and Pioneer Tales, Echoes of the RM of Stonehenge #73
Schools of Willow Bunch
The First School 1889 Roman Catholic Public School District Sitkala, renamed in 1936 to Willow Bunch School, The Convent, The School Crisis, The Willow Bunch School of Today
Schools and School Districts
Area maps and history of St. Joseph's Colony area: Grosswerder District Schools, Handel District Schools,Hearts Hill District Schools, Liepzig District Schools, Luseland District School, Outside Unity District Schools, Phippen District Schools, Unity District Schools, Wilkie District School.
Online maps include:
Grosswerder District Schools
Ackerman District
Bride School District
Ollenberger School District
Cactus Lake School District No. 296
Edenview School No. 3953
Falconhurst School District No. 2708
GlenEden School District No. 4304
Kokesh School District No. 2617
Denzil Sacred Heart High School
Liepzig District Schools
Krist School District
Pascal School District
Cavell/Coblenz School District
Aroma Lake School District
Leipzig School District
Medina School District
Unity District Schools
Alfred Knowles
Mount Everest
The School Districts Tisdale School Division a compiled history
Included are histories written about the following school districts;
Addington #3147
Allanville #4078
Alder Ridge #5144
Arborfield #4864
Arborfield "old" #2785
North Armley #4236
Alpsville #109
Bachelor #5009
Bannock Hamlet #5180
Barford #4628
Barrier Ford #4618
Barrier River #245
Barrierville #3015
Beech Grove #4702
Berkley #5038
Bjorkdale Hamlet #5095
Bjorkdale Rural #3162
Briar View #4837
Caribou #4509
Carlea #3650
Clashmoor #4509
Connell Creek #4648
Crooked River @2219
Deldale #5171
Ditton Park #4406
Eastman #75
Eldersley #1784
Evington #4687
Fern Glen #1675
Florentine #1675
Forrester #1840
Frankland #4388
Frederick's Siding
Girwood #1225
Golburn #1225
Goyer #3276
Hanover #1465
Hara #5142
Henderson #3858
Hillworth #5142
Hodson #1840
Jordan River #3817
Leacross #329
Leather River #2253
Lightwoods #825
Loring #4513
Manlius #2956
Marseillaise #3327
McKague @1264
Megan @1264
Millford #4410
Miner Creek #5046
Mistatim #4811
Moose Range #3039
Moosedale #4990
Motion #5132
New Market #1007
New Osgoode #1600
North Hyde #4423
Osgood #1784
Peesane #2550
Pembina #4863
Pine Creek #4949
Pre Ste. Marie
Preston #2550
Portsmouth #3039
Ravenhurst #5136
Reigate #4624
Ridgedale Rural #2523
Ridgedale Village #4507
Rousseau #1784
Riverstone #4205
Salopian #1216
Sandwell #4332
Silver Stream #2011
Sunny Brow #2993
Sylvania Hamlet #4933
Sylvania Rural #1873
Tisdale Public
Valecrest #5065
Valparaiso #1092
Vercheres #4585
Waterfield #2678
Willow Hill #1763
Willow Pool #5239
Zenon Park #834
Schoolhouse Memories!
Stories of Life in a One-RoomSchoolhouseOn the occasion of the performance ofSchoolhouseby Leanna BrodieCompiled by the Burl-Oak Theatre GroupOakville, OntarioApril 2012 Memories from a schoolhouse in Runnymeade, Saskatchewan.
Sonnenfeld Colony: A Piece of Saskatchewan History
Dravland School District- 1912, Hoffer School- 1928, Lorraine School District pre 1929, Lyndale School - 1907, Murray Smith School- 1914, Norge School District pre 1929, Ratcliffe School District- 1929, Summit School - 1911, and Velhaven School- 1915.
South East Saskatchewan
Rosedale School, School District #145 (Sec 22 Tsp 12 Rge 1 W of the 2 Meridian) and Vandura school, School District #1164 (Sec Tsp 12 Rge 2 W of the 2 Meridian) submitted by Glennis Lewis.
SOUTHWEST Saskatchewan historical one room schoolhouses
Photographs of SK one room schoolhouses around Cabri, SK. taken by Gregory Melle and posted online at Flickr. A few of the school names or places names are Lemsford, Hallonquist, Alexander Plain, Gascoigne, Smith, Bitter Lake, Newport, Surprise, Friesen, Main Centre, Horsham, Loomis, Barr, Butte, Hoyle, St. John's, Kyle (Perone), North Landing, Russelton, Sanctuary, Tuberose, White Bear, St. Boswells, Ararat Springs, Miry Creek, ROE, Waldensian Valley, Wayne Valley, Elrose, Swanson, Glen Kerr, Tuxedo (Calderbank), Leney, Perdue, Nadeauville, Sandford Dene, Verlo (Ess Lake), Fiske, Smiley, Govenlock, Green Dell, Orillia, Panorama, Leinan, Vendetta, Val Marie, Dama-Nixon, Avon, Lashburn, Cabri, Chief Beardy's, North Battleford, Saskatoon
Steele School District Collection
Pupil, teacher and school district papers relating to Steele S. D. no. 4158 held by Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan (MHSS).
The Story of Saskatchewan School No. 99: The Lives and Times of Pioneers on the South Saskatchewan River
Written by Bob Wahl. FriesenPress, Oct 20, 2014
Other version
The Story of Saskatchewan School No. 99 is a unique portrayal of early education and the lives of settlers along the South Saskatchewan River ~ the Clark's Crossing Area. By weaving his own personal recollections with facts, anecdotes, and stories from interviews and other historical sources, author Bob Wahl has created a history book that will appeal to both historians and the general public. Outstanding photos and copies of historic documents help complete the story of a school established in 1887 and the settlers of Clark’s Crossing – many of whom were Old Colony Mennonites. Although a local history, this book will appeal to any Canadian interested in a portrait of the hardships, conflicts, and tragedies, as well as the successes and accomplishments of our country’s early pioneers.
Svoboda #1704
Svoboda School #1704, Regina, teachers from 1908 - 1925
Tale That is Told: Estevan 1890 - 1980
A Tale That is Told: Estevan 1890 - 1980 local history book online covers these school districts: Estevan's First School Bell, Public Schools of Estevan, Teachers in Estevan Public Schools since 1958, Estevan Collegiate - New Junior High, History of the Estevan Catholic School System, The Estevan Comprehensive School, Albany School District #1072, Teaching Days at Albany S.D. 1929, Berdahl School District, Bethel School District No. 655, Memories of Bethel S.D. No. 655, Bienfait Rural School No. 897, Big Butte S.D. #982 and Big Butte School, History of the Brown School District No. 1329, Forest Glen School, Golden Heart School, Memories of the Kingsford School District #3546, Kolke School, Madigan School District #2095, History of Madigan School District No. 2095, Mizpah School District #798, Nygren S.D. #977, History of Reddemann School, Short Creek School No. 768, The History of Scotsburn School 1961, View Hill School District #2507, Wood-End School District.
Talpash Family
Stephen Talpash attended the one-room rural Wolodymyr School in Manitoba where he was born. Talpash later taught in Saskatchewan one room schoolhouses beginning in the Canora - Buchanan area, 1929 Touchwood, 1930-32 Olesha, Forest Hill, 1934-5 Mikado, 1935-7 Bogucz (Sch. Dist. 1743) near Donwell. Then moving around Saskatchewan to Mistatim 1938, Smeaton 1942-43, Gronlid 1943-44, Caldervale near Theodore 1944-46, Nanton near Willowbrook, Olesha near Rama followed, 1949-52 Stephen taught in Chechow near Sturgis, 1957-63 in Dobronouitz, 1963-4 Poplar Springs, then finally 1964-5 he taught in the Buchanan High School, and in 1967 was the Rector-in-Residence of the Peter Mohyla Ukrainian Institute in Saskatoon.
Turkey Vultures and the Last three rural schools in Saskatchewan
Written by Trevor Herriott. West Central School, NW 16-47-27w2, is just over three miles west of Clouston, Wild Rose school is only five miles north of the hamlet of Holbein, and children from that hamlet were being bussed away from highway 3 north to Wild Rose school, NE 10-50-2w3;
Unique Lemberg school part of Catholic history
"Less than a kilometre east of Lemberg, Sask., on Highway 22, was constructed ... 1900 as Weissenberg Roman Catholic Public School #49 to serve an area settled by German-speaking Catholic settlers from Galacia, Austria. "
Unity One Room School Houses
Listing of nearly 250 One Room Schools in the area of Unity, Saskatchewan which was compiled by Mr. Frank Oatway and submitted by Marlene Lefebvre.
Unity & District Heritage Museum
Featuring Adanac School - SD #2210 and Eastbank School - SD#3525 built in 1915 on SW 29-41-23-W3 and the Rosemary School Barn which had been built in 1919 on NE-3-40-23
Vallar School District No. 1020 fonds
Gerald area (25-19-32-W1) established the Vallar School District No. 1020 on May 9, 1904. The school house was built on NW 21-19-32-W1, was built c.1904. and closed 1957. Regina office, Saskatchewan Archives (SAB).
Melfort School District #318 built -1894, Rothwell School- 1907.
Melfort School District #318 built -1894, Rothwell School- 1907.
Village of Borden.
Museum History. Special features include an original rural one-room school circa 1925
Wainfleet School District 4561 near Estuary, SK
The secretarial book for Wainfleet School District near Estuary was submitted by Paul Chapman along with historical class photos. Additionally,
May Field SD 3104 near Mantario, Sk
also has historical images online courtesy of Paul Chapman. |
Cupar and District Heritage Museum
WWI Cupar school display, photos in the museum of 73 of the one room school houses taken circa 1949 for Cupar School Unit #28, a sample online.
Wisnia School
Doukhobor Gazetteer, provides the location of Wisnia, SW 19- 29- 1 - W2 near Veregin, Saskatchewan.
Belleville school built in 1920, Brookside 1888, Fairmede 1889, Highview 1896, Kennedy 1905, Kossuth 1901, Langbank school 1916, Montgomery 1886, Saffordia 1901, and St. Hubert 1910.
Women's Journeys
An analysis of "women’s journeys" in educational administration positions across rural Saskatchewan written by Anne-Marie Merle, University of Saskatchewan
Internet sites transferred from
of photos
WWW One Room School Sites not on the SK ORSH Project |
WWW Site:
Bond School
Ryerson, SK
WWW Site:
Boyle SD 1800
Estlin, SK
WWW site:
Boggy Creek School
Brora, SK
WWW site:
Burnside SD 2146
Glenbrea, SK
WWW Site:
Dafoe SD 4038 Dafoe, Sk
WWW Site:
Donamar SD 35790
Edgeley, SK
WWW site:
Eddy SD1846
Bulyea, SK
WWW Site:
Edenkillie SD 2022
Uhl's Bay, SK
WWW Site:
Estlin SD 107
Estlin, SK
WWW Site:
Etaples SD 4578
Frankslake, SK
WWW Site:
Foster SD 388
Abernethy, SK
WWW Site:
Headlands SD
WWW Site:
Meadowdale SD 4578
Canora, SK
WWW Site:
Pengarth SD
Strasbourg, SK
WWW Site:
Stirling SD 258
WWW Site:
Uneeda SD 1505
Bulyea, SK
WWW site:
Avonhurst, SK
WWW Site:
Victoria Park SD
WWW Site:
Weardale SD 814
Estlin, SK
WWW site:
Handford SD 1857
Birsay, SK
WWW site:
Winona SD 1698
Herschel, SK
WWW site:
Alexandra School
Moose Jaw, SK
WWW site:
Copeland SD 2017
Quill Plains, SK
WWW Site:
St. John's School
Leader, Sk
WWW Site:
Tuxford SD# 2486
Grayburn, Sk
WWW Site:
Westview SD# 256
Grayburn, Sk
WWW site:
SD# 265.
WWW Site:
Merrill SD# 1582
Saskatoon, SK
WWW Site:
Llewelyn SD 807
Llewylyn, SK
WWW Site:
Canora school
Canora, SK
WWW Site:
One Room School south of Lumsden
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