Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage. It has been an honour and pleasure to acknowledge the following contributors to the One Room School House Project. It is with pleasure that these schools and legal land description locations have been added to the Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse website. Thank you very much for these kind submissions. With the help such as this it is hoped to make this as complete a list as possible. Thank You all of you.

New Additions to the One Room School House Project are listed at the TOP of this listing.

Important Notice:

  • Schoolhouse and teacherage at Divide, SK in southwest, Saskatchewan submitted by Cody Kapcsos Also sent in was an image of Heller School District 3634 near Fort Walsh, SK. In addition to Rob Roy school, Cody found Eclipse School District No. 4071 on Kijiji, and is hoping to convert the one room schoolhouse into a guesthouse!

  • Richard Peasley knew where an existing one room schoolhouse was located near Dundurn, and sent in information, picture and the directions to view the site. WALL LAKE School District 1764 is still up and standing, and it is efforts such as these that help preserve the memory of the SK one room schoolhouse. Information about the neighbouring schools; BLACKSTRAP School District 3506 and LOST RIVER School District # 2071 are also included. Additionally school house information, school district map was researched and sent in about all the schools around Saltcoats, Saskatchewan. This Saltcoats area map and district information was updated after Peasley recently attended a one room school reunion. Thankfully, also, Cut Arm School District 136 also now has a web presence.

  • Christa Kaytor sought to populate the Saskatchewan one room school site with information about the schools around the Cadillac/Ponteix areas. To this end she has submitted Highway School 4623 information regarding those two communities (and their surrounding school districts). Additionally included are History of Cadillac and Surrounding District, The Good Old Days Prepared by Alta Legros and Marlene Davidson for Homecoming '71 - Elmwood, Fairy Lake, Boule Creek, Priory, Wheatville, Crichton, Bedford, Orwell, Highway, Gouverneur, McKnight, Pinto Head, Driscol Lake, Frenchville, Lac Pelletier, Notre Dame, Cadillac Saskatchewan, Canada . Christa also, recently found Westwood Valley SD 2844 and Cavendish School District 3841 images to share online as well.

  • Grassy Creek SD 520 near Kelstern, SK image was sent in by Karl McCuaig, a cousin of Christa Kaytor as he heard about the project, and knew yet of this schoolhouse in Saskatchewan.
  • Garth Sambrook sent an interesting school house picture which was not in the one room schoolhouse gallery of Orangedale School. Now there is an Orangedale School District 2807 near Cadogan / Provost AB of which there is another Orangedale School Disttrict 115 near Oxbow, SK. This schoolhouse proved intriguing as it separated from the conventional Department of Education naming patterns. (now the Ministry of Education)

  • School house images such as Birch Hills/ Harperview SD 315 Coventry SD 213 online are courtesy with permission Sask History Online and Moose Jaw Public Library Archives Department.

  • whalli, also fascinated about schools, and a resident in Alberta, sent in these images on his travels near the Alberta, Saskatchewan border;

  • Les Oystryk while administering the Reindeer Lake History Facebook page submitted images of the school at Kinoosao (Co-op Point) in Northern Saskatchewan near Southend, Saskatchewan and Lynn Lake, and Brochet Manitoba

  • Additional Podolia SD 2384 near Arran, SK; establishment forms and letters to supplement the previous gallery of images for Podolia School submitted by Thelma Findlay Winnipeg MB
    Researching: Weslak Nahnybida Lewandoski Radewicz Ulanowicz Frondzey Zemba Wasyluk Trenaman
    Kellsey Cook Wyatt Archer Trump Hinckley Caudon/Cowan Findlater/Findlay McClurg McCoy Rowsell

  • The historical school write up and pictures about Barich School District 2716 1910-1927, Meadow Prairie School District 2716 1927-1953 and map of the New Warren District were wonderful additions sent in by Merle Harrison who has farmed near Herbert and the RM of Lawtonia 135.

  • The present day cairns and plaque information about Hazelwood School District 2814 and Bourneville School District 3521 were sent in by George Bliss, who had very kindly contacted the Sk One Room School house previously.

  • Christa Kaytor has been involved with schools around Cadillac, Saskatchewan, and recently had the opportunity to capture the one room schoolhouse Boule Creek / Jupiter School District 3314, which is fantastic.

  • Cody Kapcsos very wonderfully has contacted the Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse again, with new One Room School District images in south west Saskatchewan' North Landing 3198, Sanctuary School 4566, and White Bear School District 4773.

  • Bob Ell attended Cathrintal SD 563 from 1944 to 1950. It is a wonderful additional note to the schoolhouse history to know that the teacher was Miss Madeline Wandler. It was superb of Bob Ell to take the time to send his photo in.

  • Eric Larsson who resides around Macklin, Saskatchewan, has found the following schools, and has kindly taken these photographs of them to add to the Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Project; (in alphabetical order) These images are gratefully shared online for genealogists, historians, former pupils, residents and teachers as the schools document the west central section of Saskatchewan as plaques, monuments and schools still standing.

  • Gordon Neish has been working at the Naicam Museum and with their kind consent, has updated the school history, added a resident map and the teacher and pupil listing in regards to Lewis Lake SD 3400. With additional space, it would have been a fine insertion into the local history book, but now, is shared here.

  • With thanks, the Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Project recognizes the entry from Wendy Ree in regards to teacher Lillian Davis in the 1930s and grades 1-7 class images of Honeywood School District 1138 near Shell Lake, SK.
  • Davis also taught in Penn, SK.

  • The Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Project gratefully recognizes the submission from Robert Laing in regards to class and school photos of Diamond School District 601 near Colfax, SK.

  • Valentine School District 2824 historical memories of the Zeller family who moved from Nippewan to their farm near Pennant. Submitted with fond rembmrance by Amanda and Duane Terlecki

  • Prairie Heights School District 1041 near Tramping Lake was captured in a photograph before the building was taken by flames. What an amazing fortuitous happenstance to preserve its memory now digitally to share the history with others. Ralph Fluney was instrumental was instrumental in organizing a school re-union as well. Image of the school submitted by his daughter, Sharon Fluney.

  • Pleasant Plain School District 1710 later named Welby SD 1710 was the one room school house where Hector McKay was the teacher. Class photo and teaching certificate submitted by his grandson, Jim King, who is seeking further information about the school, one room school house classmates and history of the area.

  • Gordon Thompson had kept this priceless image of Corn Valley School District 4320. The picture was taken in the 1980s before the school was torn down.

  • Country schools where William Eldon Janzen, DDS (1896-1977) taught, and images of his years spent at Normal School. William Eldon Janzen, DDS (1896-1977) Contracts and Teaching Certificates. Bergthal SD 466, Friedensfeld SD 552, Passchendaele SD 4084, Green Hill SD 497, a photo of three men attending Normal School in 1915 , staff at Rosthern SD 474 and high school, William Eldon Janzen, DDS (1896-1977) Photo Album as submitted as a tribute by his daughter Sandra Lynne Janzen

  • Riga School District 1803 of Manitoba as submitted by Ruth Jackson proved to be invaluable as it turns out that there was Riga SD in both Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The SK location is shown on the Riga School District 239, Saskatchewan maps.

  • Wainfleet School District 4561 and Mayfield School District 3104, both near Estuary, and Mantario Sk, CA were submitted by Paul Chapman These documents include a secretarial book, a school seal, historic class images, and the contemporary school marker erected in commemoration of the school house.

  • Gordon Neish has been working at the Naicam Museum and with their kind consent, has added images of school artefacts in regards to Lewis Lake SD 3400 and Dumbarton / Naicam School District 1999. Alie Neish has kindly taken images near St. Brieux, which were submitted by Gordon Neish. Lacombe SD 3714 and Tilly SD 4515 were both photographed as well as the Pierre Blandin Memorial monument in the area. Lewiswyn SD 3272 had a sign memorial which was photgraphed near Raymore. Additionally, images and locations were supplied for one room schoolhouse near Naicam. Included are Champlain SD 1185 near Spalding, Norwegian Grove 2630, Dumbarton SD 1999 near Naicam, Naicam SD 1999 near Naicam, Kew Gardens SD 4847 near Lac Vert, Violetdale SD 4781 near Spalding, and Service SD 4474 near Lac Vert.

  • Marilynn Cooper and and her husband, Brian D. Gushulak , inherited the photos of her grandmother, Eva (Neiley) Cooper who taught at a couple of one room schools in Saskatchewan for two years before moving to Vancouver to attend nursing college. Included are images of Yorkton High School Glyndwr School District Number 991 and Airedale School District 3813

  • My mother, Alma Brennen taught at Bluebird School in 1943-1944 and in nine other one-room schools in Saskatchewan from 1932 to 1952. This class picture c1941-1942 were submitted by Lyle Brennen

  • (Mr. )Lorrie Layton had some documents which recorded the 1931 Poplar Valley School Disttice 3646 Secretary Treasurer, Chairman, Trustee, Teacher, and Student Listings. Lorrie Layton also had some school documents from her Aunt who attended Hay Meadow School 4241
    Other Submissions by

  • Marilyne McKay sent in some unique doucments regarding Ormzux School District 2943.

  • Scott Lynch-Giddings of Blue Island, Illinois sent in an image of the "Alsask Boys and the School Marms", circa 1917.

  • Any help with this mystery is appreciated. ? INVERGORDON SD 3054 (old school) possibly. A mystery white frame school near Crystal Springs, and Invergordon, SK submiitted by Heather Davis, in an attempt to find where my aunt, Jean Heather (her surname was Heather), taught from 1928 to 1932. A cousin Art Reid from Crystal Springs attended there too. Daisy Reid (Ellison) taught at the old Invergordon school as well at some point after my aunt Jean left. She later became Art Reid's sister-in-law.

  • Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee School Histories 1905-1955 "Since the pupils of our schools should have an active part in celebrating Saskatchewan's Golden Jubilee, the Department of Education, in partnership with the Saskatchewan Teacher's Federation, has planned a social studies unit to make this participation possible." -Department of Education to all schools in the province of Saskatchewan 1944-1945 school year. These booklets found at the Saskatchewan Provincial Archives Finding Aid Number IR21, Title Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee School Histories as they have retained these reports on 38 microfilm reels numbers R-3.1 to R-3.3.8. All in all about 2,000 histories were produced by the various schools in honour of the provincial Golden Jubilee celebrations which commemorated the anniversary of Saskatchewan which came into existence Friday, September 1, 1905. From these cleverly designed booklets by the hardworking students and staff a small sampling of facts are shared online as an example of information contained in the education chapter of these booklets.

  • Red Lauttamus, retired, took some drives around and about Yorkton mostly, as well as a few other areas of the province. He has kindly submitted pictures of the school district plaques, and remaining school houses The latest addition was Ferrell School 1485 as well as others listed below on this page and at Yorkton area school districts

  • A new project has been undertaken by the Saskatchewan One Room Schoolhouse Web Webmaster, Julia Adamson. The Department of Education has school files held at the Regina branch of the Provincial Archives. To see what kinds of records these files contain, please peruse the following historical one room school districts now online