Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Lacombe School District 3714
North West section 31 township 41 range 20 West of the 2nd meridian

Pierre Blandin Memorial

Tilly School District 4515

South of St. Brieux
west of Pleasantdale,
Rural Municipality of Lake Lenore No. 399
province of Saskatchewan, Canada


School district photographs taken by Allie Neish and submitted by Gordon Neish

Rural Municipality of Lake Lenore No. 399 includes St. Brieux and the Hamlets of Daylesford and St. James

Nearby Place names

Folgoet NW 36 41 20 W2
Tilly 1908-1925 NW 36 41 20 W2
St. Brieux NE 24 42 21 W2
Pleasantdale NE 34 41 18 W2
Windgap SW 36 41 18 W2
Kermaria SW 16 41 19 W2
Daylesford NE 2-41-21-W2
Lake Lenore -the village- SE 32-39-21-W2
St. James cemetery NE 35-39-20-W2 R.M. St. Peter 369

For more information

Book History of St. Brieux, 1904-1979
Editor Gallais, Maurice
St. Brieux Diamond Jubilee Steering Committee (St. Brieux, Sask.)

Book Fulfilling the dreams of our Pioneers, 1904-2004
"100 years of progress the village of St. Brieux=Le village de St. Brieux"

St. Brieux, Saskatchewan : St. Brieux Centennial 2004 Committee, c2004.

Book Memories of the past : history of Pleasantdale, Silver Park, Chagoness and Kinistino Indian Band #91
Pleasantdale, Sask. : Pleasantdale and District History Book Committee, 1981.

Book Sharing our heritage
Lake Lenore, Sask. : Lake Lenore History Book Committee, 1986.

Book Golden memories : St. James
Lake Lenore, Sask. : The Committee, 1983.

Windigo SD 3403

One Room Schoolhouse Map
School Map used with permission

Historical township, range, meridian maps

Gallery | Other School houses submitted by Gordon and Allie Neish

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Saskatchewan One Room School House Project
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1. From: Gordon Neish
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: school photos

Lacombe School District 3714, 1916-1947, NW 31-41-20 W2, South of St. Brieux, west of Pleasantdale, Pierre Blandin Memorial, Tilly School District 4515, 1923-1962, Folgoet NW 36 41 20 W2, Tilly, St. Brieux NE 24 42 21 W2, Pleasantdale NE 34 41 18 W2, Windgap SW 36 41 18 W2, Kermaria SW 16 41 19 W2, CA, Lacombe School District 3714, 1916-1947, NW 31-41-20 W2, South of St. Brieux, west of Pleasantdale, Pierre Blandin Memorial, Tilly School District 4515, 1923-1962, Folgoet NW 36 41 20 W2, Tilly, St. Brieux NE 24 42 21 W2, Pleasantdale NE 34 41 18 W2, Windgap SW 36 41 18 W2, Kermaria SW 16 41 19 W2, CA, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, township, range, meridian, vintage, Lacombe School District 3714, 1916-1947, NW 31-41-20 W2, South of St. Brieux, west of Pleasantdale, Pierre Blandin Memorial, Tilly School District 4515, 1923-1962, Folgoet NW 36 41 20 W2, Tilly, St. Brieux NE 24 42 21 W2, Pleasantdale NE 34 41 18 W2, Windgap SW 36 41 18 W2, Kermaria SW 16 41 19 W2, CA, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, SK Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada