Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Bessborough School District 5013
South west section 23 township 1 range 21 west of the second meridian
near Minton [was Fort Comfort]
in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
southwest section 35 township 2 range 20 west of the second meridian

Bessborough 20130505 Bessborough-closeup 20130505 Bessborough-site 20130505 Tsp1Rge21W2-Map nge 20 west of the second meridian ">

School district photographs taken by Mary Worel

Nearby Place names

Blooming is a nearby Unincorporated area

Daleview is a nearby Unincorporated area

Minton is a nearby Village

Regway is a nearby Unincorporated area

Surprise Valley No. 9 is a Rural Municipality

Sybouts is a nearby Unincorporated area

For more information

Title Golden leaves / Minton "1980" Book Committee

Published [S.l.] : Minton "1980" Book Committee, 1980

Title Golden memories

Published [Minton, Sask.] : History Book Committee for R.M. #9, 2002

Other Title Golden memories : R.M. of Surprise Valley, No. 9 : Minton, Gladmar

R.M. of Surprise Valley, No. 9 : Minton, Gladmar

ISBN 0973077700

One Room Schoolhouse Map
School Map used with permission

Gallery | More School Districts near Moose Jaw and Regina by Mary Worel

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Saskatchewan One Room School House Project
Moose Jaw Gen Web Region
E-mail Webmaster ... Important Notice - Submitter

1. From: Mary Worel
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Aylesbury School District 2127 one room schoolhouse, Saskatchewan
Postal Mail

Bessborough School District 5013, 1933-1952, South west section 23 township 1 range 21 west of the second meridian, near Minton southwest section 35 township 2 range 20 west of the second meridian, Bessborough School District 5013, 1933-1952, South west section 23 township 1 range 21 west of the second meridian, near Minton southwest section 35 township 2 range 20 west of the second meridian, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,