Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical eduational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Doonside School District #1456
Rossetti School District #1456

Tsp 11 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian

Larger image of Doonside SD 1456

Here is a tiny picture of the school at Doonside, Muriel Mears was the teacher that taught all grades - had the old pot belly'd stove to keep us warm in winter, was the 'gathering' place for christmas concerts, dances, Santa and any other thing they could think of. I remember going to the dance and ending up sleeping on the pile of coats on the stacked up desks.

Hope you can use it - My dad was Section Foreman for the CNR in Doonside, we lived in the house they provided for him and the school was literally in our back yard.

Hope your site is growing in leaps and bounds

Happy trails

Submitted by Jan Joynt.

Additional notes:
This image, though of low resolution and a small image, still gives an idea of the Doonside school and school yard.

The placenames of Rosetti, and Doonside can be seen on this school district map which indicates Doonside School District 1456 by its number. Large version of map. The range markings can be seen enumerating the sections from left to right across the centre of the image. Locate Range 32 (west of the first meridian) and then travel downwards past School District #127 and Byron School District #1427 to arrive at Doonside School District 1456.

There is more information about this school district in the online book Across border and valley : the story of Maryfield & Fairlight & surrounding districts. Volume 1 by the Maryfield & District Historical Society. Maryfield, Saskatchewan. 1984. According to this source (page 113) The school name of Doonside #1456 was adopted on December 31, 1923. The school was erected in 1906 under the name of Rossetti #1456.

For more information about Doonside School District and maps also submitted by Jan Joynt at an earlier date.

School District Maps

Regards Jan Joynt

GOSMIL School District # 3965
Sec Tsp 16 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian Sk
near Rouleau, Saskatchewan

Gosmil School District # 3965 in 1948

Gosmil School District # 3965 in 1948

Gosmil Map

Gosmil School District Map
FAIRLIGHT School District # 1630
Sec Tsp 11 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian
near Fairlight

1948 Fairlight School

1947 Jan on Valentine's Day

Fairlight Map

Fairlight School District Map
FAIRLIGHT School District # 1630
and DOONSIDE School District # 1456
Additional photographs

Original Fairlight School

Fairlight First School House

1917 Novar Fairlight School

Doonside School in 2010
DOONSIDE School District # 1456
Sec Tsp 11 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian
near Rosseti

Doonside school

1945 Doonside Team

Doonside Map

Doonside Map

Doonside School District Map
HOLLINGTON School District # 4288
NW Sec 14 Tsp 14 Rge 5 W of the 2 Meridian
near Kipling

Hollington School District # 4288

Hollington School District # 4288 in 2003


Hollington Map
Kipling School Golden Ridge School # 656
Section 21 Township 14 Range 4 W - 2nd Meridian
near Inchkeith

Kipling School 1926001

Kipling School Map

Golden Ridge School l658

Golden Ridge School Map

DOONSIDE School District # 1456
Local history / family biography books:
Title On the banks of Little Pipestone, 1881-1971. Compiled and edited by Doris Lloyd
Author Lloyd, Doris E., 1904-
Published [Govan, Saskatchewan, 1971]
Nearby placename:
Doonside, Saskatchewan within the school district was located at SW Sec.16, Twp.11, R.32, WPM and was established in 1933-04-01.

Doonside, an early Scottish settlement, was on the Canadian Northern Rail line, Kelso, another early Scottish settlement to the west and Fairlight to the east. The Canadian Northern Rail line (CNoR) lasted until 1923, when it was amalgamated into the Canadian National Railway, CNR.

Rossetti, North West Territories was located at Sec.22, Twp.11, R.32, W1 and established in 1895-08-01, within the school district, but was north of the rail line.

Doonside, Kelso and Rossetti were a part of the Rural Municipality of Walpole number 92.

From the National archives archivia net Post office and post master site

Note: WPM meaning West of the Prime Meridian is the same as W1 meaning West of the First Meridian

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1. From: Jan Joynt
To: E-mail Sask Gen Web
Subject: E-mail Sask Gen Web Webmaster
Date: January 13, 2010

Doonside School District #1456, Rossetti School District #1456, Rossetti, Doonside, Doonside One Room School House, Rossette One Room School House, Rossetti 1456, Doonside 1456,Doonside School District #1456, Rossetti School District #1456, Rossetti, Doonside, Doonside One Room School House, Rossette One Room School House, Rossetti 1456, Doonside 1456,Doonside School District #1456, Rossetti School District #1456, Rossetti, Doonside, Doonside One Room School House, Rossette One Room School House, Rossetti 1456, Doonside 1456,Doonside School District #1456, Rossetti School District #1456, Rossetti, Doonside, Doonside One Room School House, Rossette One Room School House, Rossetti 1456, Doonside 1456, SK, CA, Saskatchewan, Canada, Sask, Can, Rosseti,