Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Clayton McLain Memorial Museum, Cut Knife

Clayton McLain Memorial Museum, Cut Knife has information on

School Name District Number Legal land location GPS Location Dates Operational Nearby location
Ada 5074 SE 14 43 24 W3 N52º 42.237' W109º 21.996' 1935-1961 near Baldwinton SW 15 44 23 W3 (See also Unity and area schools)
Alada 2955 SW 18 44 23 W3 N52º 47.037' W109º 21.996' 1914-1965 near Baldwinton
Alfred 4853 SE 15 44 22 W3 N52º 47.052' W109º 6.043' 1919-1956 near Cut Knife
Baldwinton 4762
N52º 47.233' W109º 15.813' 1929-1965
Carruthers 3249
N52º 52.072' W109º 15.793' 1915-1958
Cloan ( Ovenstown ) 1802
N52º 36.319' W108º 50.805' 1947-1968 Site #2 at Cloan near Post Office NW 11 44 20 W3 (See also Ovenstown 1802
Cut Knife 1992 SE 5 44 21 W3

1908-1917 Site #1 near Cut Knife
Cut Knife

N52º 44.754' W109º 1.042' 1958-Present Elementary School in Cut Knife
Cut Knife

N52º 44.716' W109º 0.978' 1949-1966 in Cut Knife
Cut Knife 1992
N52º 44.716' W109º 0.949' 1917-1949 in Cut Knife town 43-44, 21, W3 (another building 1923-1958)
Dufferin 1888 NW 7 43 21 W3 N52º 41.8' W109º 2.396' 1908-1957 near Cut Knife town SW 32 43 21 W3
Formby 4369 NE 19 45 22 W3 N52º 54.022' W109º 11.097' (See also Unity and area schools)
Gallivan 3857 SW 34 43 20 W3 N52º 44.544' W108º 49.975' 1917-1958 (See also Unity and area schools and Gallivan SD 3857) Schjool building moved onto Clayton McLainMemorial Museum grounds
Irene 2157
N52º 46.608'' W109º 13.29' 1910-1942 near Wilbert, Cut Knife
Lone Pine (later named Wembley) 4437 NW 6 45 21 W3

Madawaska 2238 N52º 38.307' W109º 2.279' 1913-1951
Ovenstown 1802 22-42-20-W3 N52º 38.319 W108º 48.17' 1908-1951 Site #1 near Unity, Rockhaven opened in soddie 1907, frame school opened 1908. This building moved onto the Clayton McLain Memorial Museum grounds In 1951 a new school building was opened in Cloan. (See also Ovenstown 1802
Riding Hill 2326
N52º 47.018' W108º 48.607' 1910-1965 near Creek Bend later named Gallivan SW 34 43 20 W3 and near Atton's Lake regional park
Rockhaven 3707
N52º 40.341' W108º 52.412' 1916-1966 Near Rock Haven later named Rockhaven SW 5 43 20 W3
Rose Mound 3775 NE 1 44 21 W3 N52º 45.832' W108º 54.427' 1917-1946 Rosemound Railway Junction (School is Rose Mound and Ry Jn is Rosemound)
Stringer 1825
N52º 41.759' w108 51.503' 1908-1939 near Cut Knife and Ovenstown. Stringer later named Marshall located at 49-26-W3 53º 11' 27'' N, 109º 46' 47'' W
Thule 4312 SW 29 42 22 W3 N52º 38.375' W109º 0.3113' 1920-1965 near Unity
Triple Lakes 3056 NW 11 45 20 W3 N52º 51.846' W108º 48.597' 1916-1939 near Creek Bend
Vance 180 NW 11 43 23 W3 N52º 41.782' W109º 14.742' 1911-1964 near Wilbert (See also Unity and area schools)
Wardenville 2479 SW 5 45 22 W3 N52º 50.534' W109º 9.737' 1910-1958 (See also Unity and area schools)
Weewona 855 SW 26 42 21 W3 N52º 38.316' W108º 55.147' 1913-1953 Formby town SE 30 45 22 W3
Wembley 4437 NW 6 45 21 W3 N52º 50.972' W109º 3.113' 1924-1959
Wilbert 2357 N52º 43.093' W109º 8.961' 1910-1952 near Wilbert CPR siding NW 33 43 22 W3
Willowview 4597 SE 6 19 43 W3 N52º 40.059' W108º 44.274'

These schools Cut Knife, Gallivan, Ovenstown have information online now from the Cut Knife Museum.

Please email the SK ORSH webmaster if you have information any of the missing legal land description of the above School Houses. Several sources were consulted to add the legal land descriptions. The GPS coordinates added courtesy of the Clayton McLain Memorial Museum. In 2012 as part of the Cut Knife Centennial project all one room schoolhouse sites, cemeteries and points of interest were visited and photographed and their GPS locations recorded. At the museum, they have a couple of original one room schoolhouses moved onto their grounds as noted above, the interiors have been furnished with historical artifacts from the one room schoolhouse era. School banners, pupil listings, teacher listings, and histories of a few of the schoolhouses are also visible inside the museum. Thank you.

Submitter, photographs © These pictures were taken by Red Lauttamus

One Room School Districts, Churches, Cemeteries
in the area of Yorkton, and the New Finland District

Other web links for the Clayton McLain Memorial Museum

Clayton McLain Memorial Museum SAIN
Clayton McLain Memorial Museum Facebook Page
Clayton McLain Memorial Museum
Cut Knife Museum Blogspot
Cut Knife Museum Web Pages
Cut Knife Saskbiz

Above schools marked on this school map. School Maps segment used with permission

Railway map segment from 1925 Waghorn's Guide and Map used with permission
Township Range, meridian information


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One Room School Districts, Churches, Cemeteries
in the area of Yorkton, and the New Finland District

E-mail Webmaster ... Important Notice - Submitter

1. From: Red Lauttamus
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Cut Knife Museum Saskatchewan
Date August 17, 2012