Llewelyn, Welsh, Wales immigrants, Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, CA, Can, Bangor, Saltcoats, Glyndwr, cyru am byth, St. Asaph's Anglican church, cymraeg am byth, Llewelyn Bethel Chapel, Patagonia, Llewelyn SD 807, Llewyeln cemetery
Photograph by Red Lauttamus
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Web Page title:
Bangor Centennial July 16th & 17th 2011 
Church Home Page: Saskatchewan churches
One room School House Project
Cemetery listing - Ancestor Recognition Project
Welsh - SK resources
Home Page: Yorkton Area photographs https://saskgenweb.ca/cansk/
Copyright © Web Publish Date: Thursday, 17-Dec-2009 13:02:40 MST All Rights Reserved |  | Llewelyn, Welsh, Wales immigrants, Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, CA, Can, Bangor, Saltcoats, Glyndwr, cyru am byth, St. Asaph's Anglican church, cymraeg am byth, Llewelyn Bethel Chapel, Patagonia, Llewelyn SD 807, Llewyeln cemeteryLlewelyn, Welsh, Wales immigrants, Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, CA, Can, Bangor, Saltcoats, Glyndwr, cyru am byth, St. Asaph's Anglican church, cymraeg am byth, Llewelyn Bethel Chapel, Patagonia, Llewelyn SD 807, Llewyeln cemetery Transcription for the cemetery index and historical school pictures from a photograph by Red Lauttamus. All photographs taken of current locations are kindly submitted and copyrighted by Red Lauttamus.
Source: Cemetery Layout map and historical school pictures in the "Bangor and district : history book"
Author Bangor and District History Book Committee
The book covers: Bangor shool, Bangor business, Bangor churches, Bangor memories, Culture and recreation, Aston School District #1537, Fertile Belt School District #4350, Glyndwr School District #991, Luton School District #2088, Marwin School District #1161, Other school districts - Rural municipalities, Family businesses, Morris Lodge, Wartime and military, Special events, Melville advance-Bangor and area news, Cemeteries, Family histories, Centennial celebrations.
Permissions for historical school photo use on this web site obtained from Brian and Jason from the Bangor History Book Committee
We encourage links to this page. It is the intention of this site to make place names and locations available to persons with a historical or genealogical interest in this area. There are no service charges or fees for use of these photographs, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use. This website is dedicated to the free sharing of these photographs, placename and location historical data. Any further use of these photographs would require contacting the Submitter and copyright holder, Red Lauttamus, and the webmaster: Julia Adamson
Llewelyn, Welsh, Wales immigrants, Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, CA, Can, Bangor, Saltcoats, Glyndwr, cyru am byth, St. Asaph's Anglican church, cymraeg am byth, Llewelyn Bethel Chapel, Patagonia, Llewelyn SD 807, Llewyeln cemetery