Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Brooklyn School District 1791

section 36 township 28 range 21 west of the second meridian
near Tate section 36- township 28- range 21-West of the 2nd meridian
previous post office names Bleakmore, South west section 20 township 28 range 20 west of the second meridian

Brooklyn School District 1791,1913-19616,Tate, Bleakmore, South west section 20 township 28 range 20 west of the second meridian,  Saskatchewan,  section 36  township 28 range 21 west of the second meridian    - Saskatchewan Gen Web

Photograph copyright Mary Worel
Map Brooklyn School District 1791,1913-19616,Tate, Bleakmore, South west section 20 township 28 range 20 west of the second meridian,  Saskatchewan,  section 36  township 28 range 21 west of the second meridian

The red lines on the map demark the boundaries between rural municipalities
Webmaster notes:
Closest locality, the ghost town of Tate north east section 36- township 28- range 21-West of the 2nd meridian 51º 27' N, 104º 50' W
Previous name was Bleakmore, South west section 20 township 28 range 20 west of the second meridian

More information
Book Title Tate golden memories, 1903-1981

Published Semans, Sask. : Tate Restoration Association, [1981]

Book Title Nokomis, the junction town : an outline of the growth of the town and district

Author Humphrey, Edythe

Published Wreford Homemakers Club, [1955]

Book Title Last Mountain echoes : a family and school history of Govan & district

Published Govan, Sask. : Govan & District Local History Association, 1980

ISBN 088925172X

Nearby Placenames:

Ambassador which is a nearby Unincorporated area

Booth which is a nearby Unincorporated area

Govan which is a nearby Town

Hatfield which is a nearby Unincorporated area

Nokomis which is a nearby Town

Semans which is a nearby Village

Tate which is a nearby Unincorporated area


Gallery | One Room Schools near Regina, Moose Jaw submitted by Mary Worel

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