Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Briercrest School District 3479
Briercrest, SK, CA

Briercrest Roll of Honour

Roll of Honour

of the Members of Briercrest
and Community
Who Volunteered for Active Service
With Canada's Fighting Forces.

These Gave their lives Their Name Liveth

J.W. Cockburn H. M. Horton

~ These also served ~
Anderson K.K.Healey L.J.McKee L.M.
Anderson W.R.Healey H.M.McKee ?
Armstrong G.R.Healey M.G. Minielly A.
Barden L.C.Hikox R. A.Moffat M.C.
Boan D.R.Hillson A.L.Olson E.R.
Boan J.A. Hillson E.R.Sanderson D.D.
Boothman H.V.Hillson G.C.Schweitzberg C.G.
Boothman J.C. Hillson L.E. Snell W.D.
Bowler J.M. Hillson W.S.Snell W.
Calder A.G.Horton H.E.Tysdal E.E.
Cockburn A.E.Horton R.G.Varlet V.A.
Cockburn B.K.Jaques B.D.Walker D.A.
Cockburn D.R.Jaques H.B. Walker J.C.
Cole C.E.Jaques J.N.Walker R.E.
Conlon D.R.Johnson C.H.Weir B.I.
Coward H.E.Lewis C.F.Weir D.H.
Dixon M.T.Lewis J.L.Weir E.M.
Duff A.J.McGhee C.R. Weir J.A.
Findlay D.A.McGonigal J.M.Westrum L.F.
Findlay D.S.McGonigal R.D.Whyte J.G.
Findlay N.A.McKaskill A.M. Windrem O.C.
Hanson L.O.McKee B.N.Wyatt M.G.
Healey L.F.McKee T.C.Wyatt R.L.

Briercrest School District 3479 Pictures

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Briercrest School pictures submitted by photographer:
Julia Adamson
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Date: October 3, 2005