Saskatchewan One Room School Project

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Burnside School No. 2146

Northeast 1/4 section of 9 township 21 range 20 West of the 2nd Meridian
Glenbrea, northeast of Craven
First registered school address: Valley Mound84

Burnside School No. 2146, Northeast 1/4 section of 9 township 21 range 20 West of the 2nd Meridian, 1908-1959, Glenbrea, northeast of Craven, Valley Mound

Burnside School No. 2146, Northeast 1/4 section of 9 township 21 range 20 West of the 2nd Meridian, 1908-1959, Glenbrea, northeast of Craven, Valley Mound

Burnside School No. 2146, Northeast 1/4 section of 9 township 21 range 20 West of the 2nd Meridian, 1908-1959, Glenbrea, northeast of Craven, Valley Mound

Burnside School No. 2146, Northeast 1/4 section of 9 township 21 range 20 West of the 2nd Meridian, 1908-1959, Glenbrea, northeast of Craven, Valley Mound

Burnside School No. 2146, Northeast 1/4 section of 9 township 21 range 20 West of the 2nd Meridian, 1908-1959, Glenbrea, northeast of Craven, Valley Mound

Glenbrea post office located at north east quarter of section 16 township 21 range 20 west of the 2nd meridian 77

Glenside Community Cemetery : Glenside, Saskatchewan, R.M. of Rudy #284
[Saskatchewan? : R. Delwo, S. Leitch, S. Whitwill and L. Andrew?], 2001.
"NE Section 08 Township 29 Range 06 West of the 3rd Meridian."

Milestones and memories, 1900-1980 : Outlook, Broderick, Bratton, Glenside
compiled by Outlook-Broderick History Book Committee
Outlook, SK : Outlook and District Golden Circle, 1980.

From buffalo grass to wheat : a history of Long Lake district / [written and compiled by Leonard A. Shiels].
Craven, Sask. : L.A. Shiels, 1980.
Long Lake district. ISBN 0889252122

Nearby Placenames:

Alta Vista is a Hamlet
Bredin is an Unincorporated area Not available Buena Vista is a Village
Buena Vista Park ‡ is an Unincorporated area Not available Craven is a Village
Earl Grey is a Village
Euston is an Unincorporated area Not available Fairy Hill is an Unincorporated area
Gibbs is an Unincorporated area
Glenbrea is an Unincorporated area
Kannata Valley is a Village
Kennell is an Unincorporated area
Longlaketon No. 219 is a rural municipality
Lumsden is a Town
Lumsden Beach is a Village 13 8
Lumsden No. 189 is a Rural municipality
Regina Beach is a Town 18 11
Silton is a Village
Snoasis Valley is a Valley
Southey is a Town
Sunset Bay ‡ is an Unincorporated area
Sunset Cove is a Village
Tregarva is an Unincorporated area
Valeport is an Unincorporated area84

Waghorn's Railway Map 1941 | School Maps ~ shows neighboring school districts by school district #. Used with permission.
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Glidden Consolidated School District 2726, Glidden, 51.239 degrees North, 109.164 degrees west, section 21- township 26- range 23-West of the 3rd meridian, Saskatchewan, Newcombe Rural Municipality No. 260, intersection of highway 21, highway 44 & highway 649, Glidden Consolidated School District 2726, Glidden, 51.239 degrees North, 109.164 degrees west, section 21- township 26- range 23-West of the 3rd meridian, Saskatchewan, Newcombe Rural Municipality No. 260, intersection of highway 21, highway 44 & highway 649, Glidden Consolidated School District 2726, Glidden, 51.239 degrees North, 109.164 degrees west, section 21- township 26- range 23-West of the 3rd meridian, Saskatchewan, Newcombe Rural Municipality No. 260, intersection of highway 21, highway 44 & highway 649,