Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Freeland School# 4108
Sec Tsp 24 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian
Lipton, Saskatchewan

1949 photograph

While going through my mother's old photos, I came across the attached photo of my mother's grammar school in Canada. On the back of the photo, she has written the names of some of the students and states the name of the school as: Freeland School in Lipton, Saskatchewan. My mother, Mary Mohr, is in the front (bottom) row, third from left. She is about six years of age, which would make the year the photo was taken about 1918.

My mother immigrated to the U. S. in 1924-25 with her parents and seven siblings. Her parents were Simon and Maria Mohr.

If you can identify the school and its location, I would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Elayne Sandusky

Dear WebMaster:

Several months ago I submitted to your site a photo I found belonging to my mother, Mary Mohr, of her one-room school in Lipton, Freeland School. I submitted it along with a few comments including the fact that on the back of the photo, my mother had written the names of some of the students who appear in the photo. Recently, I received an email from a visitor to your site asking if I would please submit the names of those students as his mother also attended, and later taught, at some one-rooms schools in the area. At this time, I would like to submit a list of the students' names as written by my mother on the back of the photo (The Ott's, Mohr's and Zorn's were first cousins):

Back Row: Far left, Lydia Ott; 3rd from left, Rosina Mohr.
Front Row: L-R: Elsie Mohr, Carrie Zorn, Mary Mohr, Lydia Kreutzer, Elsie Kreutzer, Rosie Zorn, Willie Ott.

Please add these names to the photo.

Thank you, Elayne Sandusky
Rancho Murieta, CA.

Freeland School School District #4108

Freeland School large picture

Sec Tsp 24 Rge 14 W of the 2 Meridian

Lipton, Saskatchewan
Sec.26, Twp.22, R.14, W2
More information:
1949 photograph - Cupar Museum School Photographs Title Pioneering in Saskatchewan
Author Mlazgar, William J.
Published [Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask. : W.J. Mlazgar, c1984]
ISBN 0919781241

Title Trails and tales of settlement and progress : Lipton & district, 1875-1985
Published Lipton, Sask. : Lipton & Area Historical Society, c1987
ISBN 0919781276

Map segment from 1924 Rand McNally map
Lipton is circled in blue

School district Map segment from Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project; Yorkton area School Districts Map, Sk, CA
School district is blue, school is red, Lipton is yellow
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1. Submitted by Sam and Elayne Sandusky
Subject: E-mail Sask Gen Web Webmaster Date: Mon, 9/8/08
CA, Canada, Sk, Saskatchewan, Freeland School #4108, Lipton, Freeland School, Freeland School district 4108, CA, Canada, Sk, Saskatchewan, Freeland School #4108, Lipton, Freeland School, Freeland School district 4108, CA, Canada, Sk, Saskatchewan, Freeland School #4108, Lipton, Freeland School, Freeland School district 4108, CA, Canada, Sk, Saskatchewan, Freeland School #4108, Lipton, Freeland School, Freeland School district 4108,