For more information on LEIPZIG SCHOOL DISTRICT 3310
Book Title St. Josephs Colony 1905-1930 Silver Jubilee of the St. Josephs Colony 1976 St. Joseph's Colony St. Joseph's Colony: 1905 - 1930 Pictures and Pages on the Silver Jubilee of St. Joseph's Colony Compiled by the Oblate Priests in the colony. Translation from German to English by Lambert and Tillie Schneider, 1930, 215 pages, 80 illustrations, 2 maps, softcover. North Dakota State University Libraries Germans from Russia Heritage Collection Pictures and pages on the silver jubilee of St. Joseph's Colony. Schulte, W. (Wilhelm) (1872-1945) (compiler) ; Schneider, Tillie (translator) ; Schneider, Lambert (translator) . [Battleford, Sask.?: s.n, 1976?]. St. Joseph's Colony, 1905-1930 Peel 10573 University of Alberta St. Joseph's Colony, 1905-1930 Title Also Known As: St. Joseph's Colony, 1905-1930 Pictures and pages on the silver jubilee of St. Joseph's Colony. family history center. Family Search. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Nearby PlacenamesBrass 6-39-19-W3 is a nearby Railway Point Cathkin 7-38-19-W3 is a nearby Railway Point Cavell 12-38-19-W3 is a nearby Hamlet Grandview No. 349 is a nearby Rural Municipality Handel 6-36-19-W3 is a nearby Hamlet Leipzig 17-37-19-W3 is a nearby Hamlet Reford 5-39-19-W3 is a nearby Railway Point Reford No. 379 is a nearby Rural Municipality St. Alphege 26-39-19-W3 is a nearby Locality Wilkie Beach 7-39-18-W3 is a nearby Locality Sources: Geographical Names Natural Resources Canada Bill Barry Geographical Names of Saskatchewan. School maps used with permission |
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Date May 15, 2017