Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Diamond School District 601,
near Tyvan, Colfax
Province of Saskatchewan, Canada.

School for the 1947-1948 school year. Pictures of Grade 2 to 5 class and the outside of the school kindly submitted by Robert Laing
Diamond School
Diamond School
Diamond School Grade 3 June 1948
Diamond School Grade 3 June 1948
Diamond School Grade 5 June 1948
Diamond School Grade 5 June 1948
Diamond School Grades 2 & 4
Diamond School Grades 2 and 4
Diamond School Grades 2-5 June 1948
Diamond School Grades 2-5 June 1948
Diamond School June 1948 class list
Diamond School June 1948 class list
Diamond School District 601 Map

Diamond School District 601, Tyvan, Colfax, Cedoux

Attached are the class pictures of the students my mother Susanna Christine Broughton taught during the 1947/48 year. This is all the information that I have but if you have any other questions feel free to ask.
I love to preserve history so I am happy and impressed with the One Room Schoolhouse Project.
Robert Laing

For more information:

School District Maps courtesy of the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan

1924 Rand McNally Railway Map

Tyvan: as it was in the beginning

Tyvan Post Office 1912 | At Work Historical Images of Labour in Saskatchewan.

Polish Draw School 1481 near Diamond School 601, Cedoux and Colfax

Colfax United Church. Early history of Saskatchewan churches (grass roots ) Book II

Nearby Placenames:

Brightmore located at 26-9-16-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated place
Cedoux located at 4-11-14-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated place
Colfax located at 33-11-15-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated place
Francis located at 21-13-14-W2 is a nearby Town
Lewvan located at 15-12-16-W2 is a nearby Unincorporated place
Wellington No. 97 located at is a nearby Rural Municipality

Copyright © Web Publish Date: All Rights Reserved
Saskatchewan One Room School House Project
E-mail Webmaster ... Important Notice - Submitter

1. From: Robert Laing
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmasterSubject: Diamond School District 601, Colfax
Date January 29, 2017

Bissell School No 2745, 1913-1960, NE section 8 township 12, range 15 west of the 3rd meridian, Vesper, Bissell School No 2745, 1913-1960, NE section 8 township 12, range 15 west of the 3rd meridian, Vesper, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,