Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Golden Ridge School # 656
Section 21 Township 14 Range 4 W - 2nd Meridian
near Inchkeith / Hawthorne / Fitzmaurice

I have a picture of Golden Ridge School 656
Section 21 Township 14 Range 4 W - 2nd Meridian
near Inchkeith / Hawthorne / Fitzmaurice
It was my dads school
The family was Tillotson they immigrated from England in 1903 Richard & Alice and 5 children
His name was Harry Fletcher Tillotson.

Regards Jan Joynt

GOSMIL School District # 3965
Sec Tsp 16 Rge 22 W of the 2 Meridian Sk
near Rouleau, Saskatchewan

Gosmil School District # 3965 in 1948

Gosmil School District # 3965 in 1948

Gosmil Map

Gosmil School District Map
FAIRLIGHT School District # 1630
Sec Tsp 11 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian
near Fairlight

1948 Fairlight School

1947 Jan on Valentine's Day

Fairlight Map

Fairlight School District Map
DOONSIDE School District # 1456
Sec Tsp 11 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian
near Rosseti

1945 Doonside Team

Doonside Map

Doonside Map

Doonside School District Map
Kipling School

Hollington School District # 4288

Hollington School District # 4288 in 2003


Hollington Map
Kipling School Golden Ridge School # 656
Section 21 Township 14 Range 4 W - 2nd Meridian
near Inchkeith

Kipling School 1926001

Kipling School Map

Golden Ridge School 656

Golden Ridge School Map

Golden Ridge School # 656
Local history / family biography books:
Title Peace and strife : some facets of the history of an early prairie community / Martin L. Kovacs
Author Kovacs, Martin Louis, 1918-
Published Kipling, Sask. : Kipling District Historical Society, 1980
Other Auth Kipling District Historical Society
ISBN 0969023707

Title Pioneers and progress : Kipling and district, 1882-1998
Published Kipling, SK : Kipling & District History Book Committee, c1998
ISBN 1550563394

Title Saskatchewan looking backward : from its 75th anniversary, 1980--
founded 1905 : the meditations and observations of a son of a pioneer / written and compiled by D.A. (Alex) Cunningham
Author Cunningham, D. Alex
Published [Kipling, Sask.] : D.A. Cunningham, 1979

Title Bekevar, working papers on a Canadian prairie community / Robert Blumstock, editor
Published Ottawa : National Museums of Canada, 1979
Series Mercury series Paper (Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies), 0316-1897 ; no. 31

Nearby placenames:
Inchkeith was located at SE 1/4 Sec.15, Twp.13, R.4, W2 and established in 1927-12-01. Inchkeith is visible on the June 1941 Waghorn's Guide: Post Offices in Man, Sask, Alta, & West Ontario, however before this date, the location on the Regina (SK)- Brandon (MB) Canadian National Rail branchline between Langbank on the east, and Kipling to the west was Hawthorne.

Langbank is located in Rural Municipality No. 123 of SILVERWOOD, whereas Kipling is located in RM No. 124 of KINGSLEY Hawthorne was located at 13-4-W2 on the January 1925 Waghorn's Guide. Post Offices in Man. Sask. Alta. and West Ontario and the 1924 SWP map

According to editor E.T. Russell in the book "What's In A Name? Traveling through Saskatchewan with the story behind over 1600 Saskatchewan placenames", and Bill Barry's book "Geographic Names of Saskatchewan", Inchkeith was originally a CNR siding named Hawthorn for about two decades. Hawthorne / Hawthorn had as its namesake the author Nathaniel Hawthorne. However, when the application was went in for a post office for Hawthorne, the name was rejected as there was already established a post office of Hawthorn, so the pioneers re-named their settlement to Inchkeith, honouring an early Scottish settler and a rock at the mouth of the river designated as Inchkeith Rock.

Bender was also located in the section at 13-4-W2 on the above maps. Crystal Spring post office was originally established at Sec.14, Twp.13, R.5, W2 and at the date of 1904-04-01.
Crystal Springs Post office chagned names to Bender in 1907-02-01 and was then established at Sec.7, Twp.13, R.4, W2.
Fitzmaurice, North West Territories post office was established at Sec.4, Twp.14, R.4, W2 in 1895-04-01 and the post office closed in 1919-04-12, however the settlement placename remained on some later maps.

Because the post office no longer had the name Fitzmaurice registered in Saskatchewan, the name was again chosen at another location near Yorkton at SE 1/4 Sec.18, Twp.27, R.8, W2 in 1933-08-16. From the National archives archivia net Post office and post master site

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1. Congratulations on a great site Monday, July 13, 2009 From: Jan Joynt To:
Golden Ridge School #656 Section 21 Township 14 Range 4 W - 2nd Meridian near Inchkeith / Hawthorne / Fitzmaurice Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house, Golden Ridge School #656 Section 21 Township 14 Range 4 W - 2nd Meridian near Inchkeith / Hawthorne / Fitzmaurice Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house, Golden Ridge School #656 Section 21 Township 14 Range 4 W - 2nd Meridian near Inchkeith / Hawthorne / Fitzmaurice Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house, Golden Ridge School #656 Section 21 Township 14 Range 4 W - 2nd Meridian near Inchkeith / Hawthorne / Fitzmaurice Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house, Golden Ridge School #656 Section 21 Township 14 Range 4 W - 2nd Meridian near Inchkeith / Hawthorne / Fitzmaurice Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house,