Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical eduational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Map of Rural Municipality Excelsior No. 166 School Districts
W of the 3rd

History of the RM of Excelsior No. 166 (1910-1967)

Bittersweet years : the Herbert story

The RM of Excelsior No. 166 includes the following placenames
The one room schoolhouses included in the above map
BEAVER FLAT School District # 4021 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian (19-3-W3) Beaver Flat
Beaver Flat, post officeSE Sec. 3 Tsp 19 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian  
BETHANIA School District # 1626 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian Herbert
CENTRE SPRING School District # 433 NW Sec 17 Tsp 17 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian Rush Lake /
DIAMOND HILLS School District # 609 Sec Tsp 17 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian Waldeck
DONNELLYVILLE School District # 2533 SE Sec 8 Tsp 16 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian Herbert
FOX School District # 2211 NW Sec 34 Tsp 145 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian Waldeck
FRIESEN School District # 3322 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian Beaver Flat
FUNK School District # 2898 NW Sec 9 Tsp 19 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian Main Centre
GOETHE School District # 510 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian Rush Lake / Main Centre
Gouldtown, the hamletNW Sec. 17 Tsp 19 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian  
Herbert, the townS Sec 18 Tsp 17 Rge 9 W of the 3 Meridian  
HIGHFIELD School District # 393 NE Sec 32 Tsp 15 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian Waldeck
HOVDESTAD School District # 2045 NE Sec 24 Tsp 19 Rge 13 W of the 3 Meridian Stewart Valley
LEONARD School District # 4865 SE Sec 8 Tsp 18 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian Waldeck
LOBETHAL School District # 1290 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian Main Center
Los Angeles School District # 2476 SE Sec 26 Tsp 18 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian Gouldtown
MAIN CENTRE School District # 1236 Sec Tsp 19 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian Main Centre
Main Centre, the hamletNE Sec. 5 Tsp 19 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian  
MOSCOW School District # 2626 NW Sec 2 Tsp 18 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian Waldeck Beaver Flat
NOTMAN School District # 2484 NW Sec 20 Tsp 16 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian Waldeck, Notman
REED VALLEY School District # 1522 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian Herbert
ROCKSIDE School District # 1689 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian Herbert
ROSE FARM School District # 2632 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian Herbert, Waldeck
RUSHLAKE School District # 1689 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian Herbert
Rush Lake, the villageE Sec. 2 Tsp 17 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian  
RUSH VALLEY School District # 3376 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian Rush Valley
SALT LAKE School District # 2056 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian Rush Lake / Herbert
SPENST School District # 2169 SE Sec 16 Tsp 17 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian Waldeck
Stewart Valley, the villageNE Sec. 12 Tsp 19 Rge 14 W of the 3 Meridian  
SWAN LAKE School District # 2374 Sec Tsp 18 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian Rush Lake
TURNHILL School District # 1470 NW Sec 30 Tsp 18 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian Herbert
Turnhill, post officeNW Sec. 32 Tsp 18 Rge 11 W of the 3 Meridian  
WALDECK School District # 1718 Sec Tsp 16 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian Waldeck
Waldeck, the villageSec. 21 Tsp 16 Rge 12 W of the 3 Meridian  

Photograph copyright by Red Lauttamus.
Take CareRed

Rural Municipality Excelsior No. 166 W of the 3rd

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1. From: Red Lauttamus
To: E-mail Sask Gen Web
Subject: Assorted School Items
Date: August 5, 2011

Rural Municipality Excelsior No. 166, Beaver Flat, Bethania, Centre Spring, Diamond Hill, Donellyville, Fox, Friesen, Funk, Goethe, Highfield, Hovdestad, Leonard, Lobethal, Los Angeles, Main Centre, Moscow, Notman, Reed Valley, Rockside, Rosefarm, Rush Lake, Rush Valley, Salt Lake, Spenst, Swan Lake, Turnhill, andWaldeck, W of the 3rd, RM Excelsior, RM #166, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, historical, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house,