Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

INDIANOLA School District # 2704
Sec 6 Tsp 9 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian
Indiana Sod Schoolhouse 29 1910

INDIANOLA School District # 2704
SE Sec 6 Tsp 9 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian
Indiana Sod Schoolhouse 29 1910
Photo online with permission from photographer;
Ken Johnston

Book Reference:
Title Aneroid : the rising barometer : 1905-1980, Aneroid, Cananea, Quimper, Warren, Erinlea, Pinto River, South Pinto districts
Published Aneroid, Sask. : Aneroid History Book Committee, c1980

Indianola Sod SD 2704 earned an image and history on Pages 59 to 61 of The little white schoolhouse Pulse of the community Those bittersweet schooldays Title History of Aneroid., paraphrased as follow: The community met in the spring of 1910 to oranize a school, yet the closest source of lumber was Swift Current, 99.87 Kilometers (62.06 miles) to the northwest, and the rail had not yet arrived to this community. A sod schoolhouse was put forward as a temporary building. "Your proposiation is too weird to consider. A building of bricks, logs, stones or boards, yes but who ever heard of a sod schoolhouse? " was the first reply from the Department of Education. The community persisted, and finally Mr. H. Calder, deputy Minister of Education relented, "Remember! Yours will be the only so schoolhouse in the west!" The sod schoolhouse opened in the spring of 1911 serving 21 students, and closed in 1914 giving way to frame one room schoolhouses.
Published Aneroid, Sask.
Author Aneroid High School, 1955

Author Charyk, John C Title The little white schoolhouse Pulse of the community Those bittersweet schooldays
Author: John C. Charyk
Published Saskatoon, Sask. : Western Producer Prairie Books, 1968-1977 Local series: Western Producer Prairie Books
ISBN 091930608X (v. 1) 091930625X (v. 2) 091930687X (v. 3)

Indianola SD 2704 and Aneroid Consolidated School 2704

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