Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Crosswoods School District 1902
Southeast section 28 township 25 range18 west of the 2nd meridian
Quinton, Crosswoods Saskatchewan

Crosswoods 20121221-closer Crosswoods 20121221-closeup Crosswoods 20121221-site Crosswoods 20121221-site_th
Crosswoods1902Map Crosswoods1902Map Crosswoods1902Map  

Saskatchewan History
& Folklore Society Inc.
SE 1/4 28 - 25 -18 W2M
Homesteaders mainly from England and
Ontario settled in this area 1905-1920 in the
vicinity of junction of Touchwood/Lumsden
and Ft. Qu'Appelle/Carlton Trails. First post
office named Crossroads but changed to
Crosswoods because of another Crossroads post
office. CROSSWOODS SCHOOL, named after the
post office, was erected in 1905 on this site.
First trustees were James Harris, William King,
John Cleverley. In 1928 a new and larger
school was built to accommodate increased
enrolment. Old school became a community
hall. In 1955 school was moved and added to
Serth-Ridge consolidated school.

Teachers 1905-1955: Isobel King;
Bessie Cartt; Beatrice Riches; Miss Smithers;
Arthur Fassnidge; George Riches; Paul Smith;
Bert Banick; Ignace Mitchell; Mildred McMillan.

Erected in 1995 by Former Pupils

"Gathering, preserving and sharing.
the history and folklore of Saskatchewan."

Families whose children attended
Anderson Marshall King Edward
Anderson Robert Klarer Anton
Anderson Wallace Kramer John
Barnes Fred Lauridsen Anton
Brooks Ben Luck Percy
Cleverley Jack Maggs Charlie
Davis Tom Massier Fred
Dodd Eddy Massier William
Froggatt Douglas Mickelson Chris
Fry Charles Sr Moore Frank
Haines Alfred Moore Gordon
Hayward Richard Sr Nesbitt Daniel
Hayward Douglas Nesbitt James
Hillier Sidney Sr Parsons Charles
Hillier Charles Parsons William
Hillier Edgar F Riches George
Hillier Edgar W Roske Arthur
Hillier Frank Rumball Edward
Houliston Andrew Smith Hayes
(Williams)   Smith Myrvel
Jasper Ernest Smith Wilbur
Katchuk Steve Weber Karl Jr
Kato George Williams Fred
King Edward Sr    

One Room School District Photographs submitted by Mary Worel

Quinton Northeast section 12 township 28 rane 18 west of the 2nd meridian
Crosswoods northwest section 22 township 25 range 18 west of the 2nd meridian
Bulyea Southwest section 27 township 23 range 21 west of the 2nd meridian
Southey South east section 7 township 23 range 18 west of the 2 meridian
Earl Grey Southeast section 10 township 23 range 20 west of the 2 meridian
Cupar northwest section 8 township 23 range 16 west of the 2 meridian
Butterton southeast section 14 township 24 range 20 west of the 2 meridian
McDonald Hills southwest section 5 township 25 range 15 west of the 2 meridian

For more information:
Title A glimpse into the past : Quinton and district
Published CIRCA 1979

Southey Saskatchewan

Bulyea, Saskatchewan

Book Title Southey seen
Published Southey, SK : [s.n.], 1965

Between Long Lake and Last Mountain : Bulyea, Duval, Strasbourg : Volume 1
Schwandt, Marie
Strasbourg, Bulyea, Duval History Book Committee
Strasbourg Region (Sask.)--History and Biography
Publication Information
Strasbourg, Bulyea, Duval History Book Committee
Strasbourg, Saskatchewan

One Room Schoolhouse Map

Butterton School District 3729

Southey, Saskatchewan

Title Southey seen
Published Southey, SK : [s.n.], 1965

Title Pioneers and Progress the history of Southey and District

Title Harvest of memories : Earl Grey and district
Published Earl Grey, SK : Earl Grey History Committee, 2007
ISBN 9781553831761 (bound)
1553831764 (bound)

Scottish Settlements

Map segment above from School District Map

Canada Online Historical Digitisation Project

Gallery | One Room Schools near Regina, Moose Jaw submitted by Mary Worel

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