Baliol school #427 Pictures
: "Patrick Wayne Brennen is 2nd from left in the second row, and Lyle Brennen is standing at front. Baliol School, Kerrobert, Saskatchewan, 1949-50."
Gerald Brennen
Baliol S.D. # 427 SE Sec 19 Tsp 35 Rge 23 W of the 3 Meridian from the NA A
This school district straddled the CPR railroad and encompassed the placename of Baliol as can be seen on this school district map.
Note Lyle Brennen, a former student, has confirmed that the spelling of the school district should be Baliol, the same as the former Canadian Pacific Railway Siding of the name Baliol. Bill Barry in his book, Geographic names of Saskatchewan has written that Baliol CP siding was located at the North West quarter of section 18, township 35 ragne 23 west of the third meridian. Barry goes on to state that the school district was spelled Balliol and gives the dates as 1911 to 1960 and no location. So in retrospect, thre has been, historically, some noted differences in the spelling of the Baliol school name. National Archives Land Grants of Western Canada, 1870-19301 provides the school location as PT South East section 19 township 35 range 23 West of the 3rd meridian.
NOTE: In "Luseland Hub and Spokes : a History of Luseland, Saskatchewan, Canada, 1905-1983. Volume 1.", the naming of the school, as BALIOL rather than BALLIOL is confirmed by the local history book committee who are residents in the area of this school, and are directly familiar with the history of the name. Pages 223 - 226 of Volume 1 speak directly to the history of the school house, continuing on with biographies of the residents of the pioneer settlers of the area.
Nearby placenames were (from North west to South east)
Baliol S.D. # 427 Sec Tsp 35 Rge 24 W of the 3 Meridian
Baliol was a CP siding at NW 18 Tsp 35, Rge 23, W of the 3 Meridian
Hartsburg P.O. was located at Section 36, Tsp 34 R 23 W of the 3 Meridian
Rural was a CP junction at SE Section 23, Tsp 34, Rge 23 W of the 3 Meriian
Kerrobert from the Sk A
Kerr-Robert (1910) changed to Kerrobert (1924) Post Office Sec.13, Twp.34, R.23, W3 -
Ermine P.O. was located at Sec.14, Twp.33, R.22, W3
Locations identified from these sources:
Post Offices and Postmasters Library and Archives Canada
About My Books: Geographic Names of Saskatchewan by Bill Barry
Title "Luseland Hub and Spokes : a History of Luseland, Saskatchewan, Canada, 1905-1983. Volume 1."[Luseland, Sask.]: [Luseland Historical Society], 1984
Title: Luseland Hub and Spokes : a History of Luseland, Saskatchewan, Canada, 1905-1983. Volume 2 [Luseland, Sask.]: [Luseland Historical Society], 1984
Title Echoes from the tower : millennium memories of Kerrobert
Published Kerrobert, SK : Kerrobert History Committee 2000.
Location Altona, Man., Canada : Friesens Corporation, History Book Division
ISBN 1550565613