Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Cherry Ridge School District 4405
SW16 51 15 W2.
White Fox / Nipawin, SK, CA

Large Original Picture

Cherry Ridge School District 4405
Hi Again:

Further to my first message re: Cherry Ridge School, attached are the pictures
for Cherry Ridge, School District 4405 located on SW16 51 15 W2.

This school opened in 1924 and operated continuously until 1962 when it was
closed and students were bussed to White Fox and Nipawin. It then served as
a community hall, and has now been relocated to the museum complex in Nipawin
where I took the attached photo in August 2001. The cairn in the second photo
sits on the original site. There is a local history compiled of the district
entitled "Between Two Rivers", ISBN 0-88925-881-3.

I have attached a brief and poignant history of the school written by Helen Brown
Scarf, who is still living and was a student in the first class in 1924. I have
transcribed her handwritten histories over a number of years, and have made no
editorial changes to her work.

I attended Cherry Ridge from 1956 - 1962, so greatly appreciate your efforts to
preserve this very important part of our heritage. I hope these are useful
contributions and thanks very much.

Rick Krehbiel
Prince George, British Columbia

The School House
by Helen Brown Scarf



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Cherry Ridge School pictures submitted by photographer:
Rick Krehbiel and family

Date: October 15, 2005