Saskatchewan One Room School Project

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

School and School marker photographs in the area of Regina and Moose Jaw taken by Mary Worel.


Alphabetical One Room School District Listing

Picture Name School Name Number Date of Photo School Operation Quarter Section Township (N-S) Range (E-W) Meridian Comments
Amulet-plaque 20120724 Amulet July24/12 1910-1961 SW2 8 21 W2nd town
Amulet-townsite 20120724 Amulet July24/12 1910-1961 SW2 8 21 W2nd town
Artesian 20111023 Artesian 3213 Oct23/11 1914-1924 NE31 11 25 W2nd at Our Lady of Sorrows RC Cemetery (Spring Valley)
Artesian-plaque 20130816 Artesian 3213 Aug16/13 1914-1924 NE31 11 25 W2nd at Our Lady of Sorrows RC Cemetery (Spring Valley)
Aylesbury-memorial 20130725 Aylesbury 2127 July25/13 1908-1957 SW10 23 27 W2nd in Aylesbury
Aylesbury-plaque 20130725 Aylesbury 2127 July25/13 1908-1957 SW10 23 27 W2nd in Aylesbury
Aylesbury-second plaque 20130725 Aylesbury 2127 July25/13 1927-1970 SW10 23 27 W2nd in Aylesbury
Aylesbury-site 20130725 Aylesbury 2127 July25/13 1908-1957 SW10 23 27 W2nd in Aylesbury
Badger Hill-school (Bechard) 20120222 Badger Hill 2194 Feb.22/12 1949-1955 NE2 13 17 W2nd ghost town of Bechard
Badger Hill-school (Bechard)(HDR) 20120222 Badger Hill 2194 Feb.22/12 1949-1955 NE2 13 17 W2nd ghost town of Bechard
Badger Hill-School-2(Bechard) 20120222 Badger Hill 2194 Feb.22/12 1949-1955 NE2 13 17 W2nd ghost town of Bechard
Badger Hill-sign (Bechard) 20120222 Badger Hill 2194 Feb.22/12 1949-1955 NE2 13 17 W2nd ghost town of Bechard
Barrett 20120817 Barrett 2015 Aug.17/12 1908-1937 SW30 21 27 W2nd
Barrett-closeup 20120817 Barrett 2015 Aug.17/12 1908-1937 SW30 21 27 W2nd
On Plaque Bayard 4159 Nov16/12 SE36 3 3 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Beautiful Plains 20120311 Beautiful Plains 699 Mar.11/12 1903-1953 SE27 11 16 W2nd
On a plaque listing Beaver Creek 3128 July24/12 NW12 2 24 W2nd Location given is for plaque
Berg 20130216-closeup Berg 1044 Feb16/13 1912-1956 3 27 W2nd 2km east of Jct 18 (E-W) & 36 (N-S) on Twp Rd 30, RM Hart Butte #11
Berg 20130216-site Berg 1044 Feb16/13 1912-1956 3 27 W2nd 2km east of Jct 18 (E-W) & 36 (N-S) on Twp Rd 30, RM Hart Butte #11
Bessborough 20130505 Bessborough 5013 May5/13 1933-1952
Bessborough-closeup 20130505 Bessborough 5013 May5/13 1933-1952
Bessborough-site 20130505 Bessborough 5013 May5/13 1933-1952
Big Arm~ Liberty Memorial Big Arm 4172 Oct25/13 1919-1937 SE18 26 24 memorial in Liberty
Big Beaver(HDR) 20120724 Big Beaver 4065 July24/12 1949-1987 NE5 2 24 W2nd
On a plaque listing Big Beaver 4065 July24/12 NE5 2 24 W2nd Location given is for plaque
Big Beaver & area-plaque 20120724 Big Beaver and area July24/12 NE5 2 24 W2nd
Big Beaver-closeup 20120724 Big Beaver and area misc July24/12 misc NE5 2 24 W2nd
Boggy Creek 20120512 Boggy Creek 64 May 12/12 1886-1965 NW31 18 20 W2nd private residence
Boggy Creek 20121214 Boggy Creek 64 Dec12/12 1886-1965 NW31 18 20 W2nd private residence
Bond City-Mitchellton(HDR) 20130503 Bond City 1375 May3/13 1912-1925
Boyle(HDR) 20130325 Boyle 1800 Mar25/13 1907-1959
Brighton(HDR) 20131024 Brighton 2380 Oct24/13 1909-1956
Brooklyn-sign(HDR) 20131025 Brooklyn 1791 Oct25/13 1913-1961 Sec.36 28 21 W2nd by ghost town of Tate
Bryn Mawr 1918-1952 20120928 Bryn Mawr 3312 Sept29/12 1918-1952 SE29 24 19 W2nd
Bryn Mawr 1918-1952-site 20120928 Bryn Mawr 3312 Sept29/12 1918-1952 SE29 24 19 W2nd
Bryn Mawr Centralized-plaque 1952-1968(HDR) 20120928 Bryn Mawr Sept29/12 SE29 24 19 W2nd
On a plaque listing Bryn Mawr 3312 Sept29/12 1952-1968 SE29 24 19 W2nd Location given is for plaque
Buck Lake 20120413 Buck Lake 331 Apr.13/12 1894-1953 14 19 W2nd
On a plaque listing Buffalo Gap 3254 July24/12 NW1 2 25 W2nd Location given is for plaque
On a plaque listing Butterton 3729 Sept29/12 1956-1968 SE29 24 19 W2nd Location given is for plaque
Butterton 20120712 Butterton School 3729 July2/12 1916-1956 SE15 24 20 W2nd
Butterton-closeup 20120712 Butterton School 3729 July2/12 1916-1956 SE15 24 20 W2nd
Poniatowsky & Cedoux-sign 20120222 Cedoux School 1552 Feb.22/12 1907-1968 11 14 W2nd
Claybank 20120316 Claybank 3408 Mar.16/12 1914-1972 12 23 W2nd 13-24 W2?
Clydesdale 20130914 Clydesdale 4142 Sept14/13 1918-1955
Clydesdale-school(HDR) 20130914 Clydesdale 4142 Sept14/13 1918-1955
Coal Dale 20130721 Coal Dale 4094 July21/13 1919-1948
Coynach 20120928 Coynach 3360 Sept29/12 1915-1952 SE13 24 19 W2nd
Coynach-site 20120928 Coynach 3360 Sept29/12 1915-1952 SE13 24 19 W2nd
On a plaque listing Coynach 3360 Sept29/12 1915-1952 SE13 24 19 W2nd Location given is for plaque
Crocus Prairie-closeup 20131024 Crocus Prairie 3906 Oct24/13 1917-1950
Crocus Prairie-site(HDR) 20131024 Crocus Prairie 3906 Oct24/13 1917-1950
Croft(HDR) 20130503 Croft 3751 May3/13 1916-1958 10 24
Croft-site(HDR) 20130503 Croft 3751 May3/13 1916-1958 10 24
Crosson Private 20120601 Crosson Private B-918 Jun.1/12 1935-1941 SE2 1 20 W2nd immediately before the Border Crossing at Regway, east side of highway
Crosswoods 20121221-closeup Crosswoods 1902 Dec21/12 1902-1955 SE29 25 18 W2nd
Crosswoods 20121221-site Crosswoods 1902 Dec21/12 1902-1955 SE28 25 18 W2nd
Crosswoods-closeup 20130422 Crosswoods 1902 Apr22/13 1902-1955 SE28 25 18 W2nd
Crosswoods-site 20130422 Crosswoods 1902 Apr22/13 1902-1955 SE28 25 18 W2nd better closeup than in winter
Crown-detail 20130816 Crown 3518 Aug16/13 1915-1942
Crown-site 20130816 Crown 3518 Aug16/13 1915-1942
Cuthbert 20120928 Cuthbert 1934 Sept29/12 1908-1950 SW11 28 22 W2nd
Cuthbert-site 20120928 Cuthbert 1934 Sept29/12 1908-1950 SW11 28 22 W2nd
Dahinda(HDR) 20130503 Dahinda 2982 May3/13 1955-1967 9 23 crossroads, SE of Dahinda Twp Rd 92, Rge Rd 233
Darmody School(HDR) 20120414 Darmody School 4314 Apr.14/12 1908-1963 20 33 W2nd 20-3 W3?
Darmody School-2(HDR) 20120414 Darmody School 4314 Apr.14/12 1908-1963 20 33 W2nd 20-3 W3?
Darmody-sign 20120414 Darmody School 4314 Apr.14/12 1908-1963 20 33 W2nd 20-3 W3?
Davenport~ Liberty Memorial Davenport 2356 Oct25/13 1908-1944 SE10 26 26 memorial in Liberty
Davin 20130223 Davin 2282 Feb23/13 1910-1973 35 16 16 W2nd in Davin
Davyroyd-plaque 20120316 Davyroyd 93 Mar.16/12 1912-1959 SW34 8 28 W2nd
Davyroyd-school 20120316 Davyroyd 93 Mar.16/12 1912-1959 SW34 8 28 W2nd
Davyroyd-School(HDR) 20120316 Davyroyd 93 Mar.16/12 1912-1959 SW34 8 28 W2nd
Demaine (Affleck)-sign 20130830 Demaine 2865 Aug30/13 1913-1967
Demaine-memorial-closeup 20130830 Demaine 2865 Aug30/13 built 1912-1913
Demaine-site 20130830 Demaine 2865 Aug30/13 1913-1967
Riceton & Denver, Riceton School 20120222 Denver 1460 Feb.22/12 1912-1933 13 17 W2nd Riceton School built 1926 (Storey&VanEgmond Architects)
On a plaque listing Dorgan 2990 Nov16/12 SE28 6 4 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Dravland(HDR) 20130228 Dravland 947 Feb28/13 1912-1950 3 15 W2nd west of Oungre on Hwy 18
On a plaque listing Dry Forks 3252 July24/12 NW3 2 25 W2nd NW3-2-25 W2 or SE10?Location given is for plaque
Dummer School(HDR) 20120720 Dummer 794 July20/12 1912-1958 SE30 10 21 W2nd
Dummer-memorial(HDR) 20120720 Dummer 794 July20/12 1912-1958 SE30 10 21 W2nd
Dummer-sign 20120720 Dummer 794 July20/12 1912-1958 SE30 10 21 W2nd
Dutch Hollow 20130216-closeup Dutch Hollow 3085 Feb16/13 1915-1955 4 28 W2nd 7km S of Willow Bunch on #36, site 1/2 mile west of sign
Dutch Hollow(HDR) 20130216-site Dutch Hollow 3085 Feb16/13 1915-1955 4 28 W2nd 7km S of Willow Bunch on #36, site 1/2 mile west of sign
On a plaque listing Eastmount 1715 Sept29/12 1956-1968 SE29 24 19 W2nd Location given is for plaque
Eddyside 20120724 Eddyside 1954 July24/12 1918-1952 2 25 W2nd
Edenkillie-memorial 20120325 Edenkillie 2022 Mar.25/12 1908-1960 24 23 W2nd 2km east of Uhls Bay Resort (by Rowan's Ravine)
Edenkillie-memorial-2 20120325 Edenkillie 2022 Mar.25/12 1908-1960 24 23 W2nd 2km east of Uhls Bay Resort (by Rowan's Ravine)
Edgeworth-closeup 20130503 Edgeworth 4720 May3/13 1928-1955 9 22 Twp Rd 92
Edgeworth-site(HDR) 20130503 Edgeworth 4720 May3/13 1928-1955 9 22 Twp Rd 92
Edgeworth-site2(HDR) 20130503 Edgeworth 4720 May3/13 1928-1955 9 22 Twp Rd 92
Edgeworth-water pump(HDR) 20130503 Edgeworth 4720 May3/13 1928-1955 9 22 Twp Rd 92
On a plaque listing Elm Springs 2951 Nov16/12 SE3 5 3 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Estlin School 20120222 Estlin 107 Feb.22/12 1959-2005 15 19 W2nd Estlin School built 1926 (Storey&VanEgmond Architects), town of Estlin
Estlin School(HDR) 20120222 Estlin 107 Feb.22/12 1959-2005 15 19 W2nd Estlin School built 1926 (Storey&VanEgmond Architects), town of Estlin
Estlin School(HDR) 20121115 Estlin 107 Nov15/12 1959-2005 15 19 W2nd Estlin School built 1926 (Storey&VanEgmond Architects), town of Estlin
Estlin School-sign 20120222 Estlin 107 Feb.22/12 1959-2005 15 19 W2nd Estlin School built 1926 (Storey&VanEgmond Architects), town of Estlin
Expanse-plaque 20121012 Expanse no # Oct12/12 get info NW12 12 29 W2nd
Expanse-school(HDR) 20121012 Expanse no # Oct12/12 get info NW12 12 29 W2nd
Expanse-site and memorial-town(HDR) 20121012 Expanse no # Oct12/12 get info NW12 12 29 W2nd
Fairview(HDR) 20130325 Fairview 174 Mar25/13 1890-1910
Fife Lake-school(HDR) 20130620 Fife Lake 4695 June10/13 1928 in Fife Lake
Fife Lake-sign 20130620 Fife Lake 4695 June10/13 1928 in Fife Lake
Fir Mountain-plaque 2012111 Fir Mountain 4796 Nov16/12 1929-1987 SE13 5 5 W3rd top of hill, town of Fir Mountain
Fir Mountain-school and site(HDR) 20121116 Fir Mountain 4796 Nov16/12 1929-1987 SE13 5 5 W3rd top of hill, town of Fir Mountain
Fir Mountain-school(HDR) 20121116 Fir Mountain 4796 Nov16/12 1929-1987 SE13 5 5 W3rd top of hill, town of Fir Mountain
On a plaque listing Fir Mountain 4796 Nov16/12 1929-1987 SE13 5 5 W3rd Location given is for plaque
On a plaque listing Five Mile Creek 3942 Nov16/12 NE9 5 3 W3rd Location given is for plaque
On a plaque listing Flintoft 4783 Nov16/12 NE3 5 3 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Fransfield(HDR) 20120722 Fransfield 2031 July22/12 1919-1962 NW21 22 19 W2nd
Fransfield-plaque(HDR) 20120722 Fransfield 2031 July22/12 1919-1962 NW21 22 19 W2nd
Free Soil School Division 20131025 Free Soil Oct25/13 1921 memorial in Liberty
Free Soil-memorial1(HDR) 20131025 Free Soil Oct25/13 memorial in Liberty
Free Soil-memorial2(HDR) 20131025 Free Soil Oct25/13 memorial in Liberty
Freesoil - Moved into Vilage 1908-1918~ Liberty Memorial Freesoil - Moved into Vilage 1908-1918 1957 Oct25/13 1908-1918 memorial in Liberty
Freesoil - Village of Liberty 1909-1981~ Liberty Memorial Freesoil - Village of Liberty 1909-1981 1957 Oct25/13 1909-1981 memorial in Liberty
Garland-sign(HDR) 20131025 Garland 1009 Oct25/13 1914-1944 NW29 28 21 W2nd
Garland-site(HDR) 20131025 Garland 1009 Oct25/13 1914-1944 NW29 28 21 W2nd
Garrett-1(HDR) 20121102 Garrett 3939 Nov2/12 1917-1954 SW9 12 27 W2nd similar to -2
Garrett-2(HDR) 20121102 Garrett 3939 Nov2/12 1917-1954 SW9 12 27 W2nd
Gelowitz School 20120714 Gelowitz 1450 July14/12 1907-1964 NE22 20 6 W2nd
Gelowitz School(HDR) 20120714 Gelowitz 1450 July14/12 1907-1964 NE22 20 6 W2nd
Gelowitz-memorial(HDR) 20120714 Gelowitz 1450 July14/12 1907-1964 NE22 20 6 W2nd
Gelowitz-plaque 20120714 Gelowitz 1450 July14/12 1907-1964 NE22 20 6 W2nd
Gelowitz-sign(HDR) 20120714 Gelowitz 1450 July14/12 1907-1964 NE22 20 6 W2nd
Gelowitz-sign-closeup(HDR) 20120714 Gelowitz 1450 July14/12 1907-1964 NE22 20 6 W2nd
Good Time 20130721 Good Time 4633 July21/13 1926-1944
Goodland 20120316 Goodland 1969 Mar.16/12 1908-1949 12 24 W2nd Hwy #339 between Avonlea and Claybank
On a plaque listing Guildford 4390 Nov16/12 NE9 6 3 W3rd Location given is for plaque
On a plaque listing Gwendella 4685 Nov16/12 SE20 4 2 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Hallville 1908-1947-memorial(HDR)-grid634 Hallville 1952 Aug.17/12 1908-1947 NE20 21 28 W2nd south of junction 733 and 634 (on 634)
Hallville 1908-1947-plaque-grid634 Hallville 1952 Aug.17/12 1908-1947 NE20 21 28 W2nd south of junction 733 and 634 (on 634)
Hallville 1947-52-grid733 20120817 Hallville 1952 Aug.17/12 1947-1952 NE334 21 28 W2nd east of junction 733 and 634 (on 733)
Hallville 1947-52-memorial(HDR)-grid733 20120817 Hallville 1952 Aug.17/12 1947-1952 NE34 21 28 W2nd east of junction 733 and 634 (on 733)
Hallville 1947-52-plaque-grid733 20120817 Hallville 1952 Aug.17/12 1947-1952 NE24 21 28 W2nd east of junction 733 and 634 (on 733)
Harptree-memorial(HDR) 20130914 Harptree 628 Sept14/13 1912-1966 SE20 4 26 W2nd built 1912, burnt in 1920-rebuilt same site, moved to Harptree in 1953
Harptree-school(HDR) 20130914 Harptree 628 Sept14/13 1912-1966 SE20 4 26 W2nd built 1912, burnt in 1920-rebuilt same site, moved to Harptree in 1953
Harptree-site 20130914 Harptree 628 Sept14/13 1912-1966 SE20 4 26 W2nd built 1912, burnt in 1920-rebuilt same site, moved to Harptree in 1953
On a plaque listing Havelock 2525 Sept29/12 1956-1968 SE29 24 19 W2nd Location given is for plaque
Hawthorn School(HDR) 20120803 Hawthorn 1447 Aug.3/12 1906-1955 NW19 10 20 W2nd
Hawthorn-memorial(HDR) 20120803 Hawthorn 1447 Aug.3/12 1906-1955 NW19 10 20 W2nd
Hawthorn-plaque 20120803 Hawthorn 1447 Aug.3/12 1906-1955 NW19 10 20 W2nd
Hawthorn-site 20120803 Hawthorn 1447 Aug.3/12 1906-1955 NW19 10 20 W2nd
On a plaque listing Hay Meadow 4241 Nov16/12 SW6 5 4 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Hexagon 20130216-site Hexagon 3526 Feb16/13 1917-1951 4 25 W2nd 35km east of Willow Bunch on #705
Hexagon(HDR) 20130216-closeup Hexagon 3526 Feb16/13 1917-1951 4 25 W2nd 35km east of Willow Bunch on #705
Hexagon(HDR) 20130216-memorial Hexagon 3526 Feb16/13 1917-1951 4 25 W2nd 35km east of Willow Bunch on #705
Iduna~ Liberty Memorial Iduna 1643 Oct25/13 1907-1963 S33 24 26 memorial in Liberty
Ipsley Mound 20120724 Ipsley Mound 4065 July24/12 1920-1949 NE3 2 25 W2nd
Ipsley Mound-site 20120724 Ipsley Mound 4065 July24/12 1920-1949 NE3 2 25 W2nd
On a plaque listing Ipsley Mound 4065 July24/12 NE3 2 25 W2nd Location given is for plaque
Kabrud 20130915 Kabrud 3001 Sept15/13 1921-1955 NE25 14 30 W2nd
Kabrud-closeup 20130915 Kabrud 3001 Sept15/13 1921-1955 NE25 14 30 W2nd
Kabrud-site 20130915 Kabrud 3001 Sept15/13 1921-1955 NE25 14 30 W2nd
Keeler School(HDR) 20120817 Keeler 491 Aug.17/12 1911-1970 20 28 W2nd town of Keeler
Keeler School(HDR-border) 20120817 Keeler 491 Aug.17/12 1911-1970 20 28 W2nd town of Keeler
Keeler School-plaques(HDR) 20120817 Keeler 491 Aug.17/12 1911-1970 20 28 W2nd town of Keeler
Keeler-sign 20120817 Keeler 491 Aug.17/12 1911-1970 20 28 W2nd town of Keeler
Keeler-sign(HDR) 20120817 Keeler 491 Aug.17/12 1911-1970 20 28 W2nd town of Keeler
Kempville 20130816 Kempville 4144 Aug16/13 1919-1954 NE16 10 25 W2nd
Kempville-site 20130816 Kempville 4144 Aug16/13 1919-1954 NE16 10 25 W2nd
Khedive(HDR) 20130228 Khedive Feb28/13 in town of Khedive
King Edward 20120311 King Edward 2035 Mar.11/12 1908-1966 16 20 W2nd
Kingsville 20121221-closeup Kingsville 2288 Dec21/12 1909-1952 SW18 22 18 W2nd Hwy6 south of Southey (north of valley where hwy curves)
Kingsville 20121221-site Kingsville 2288 Dec21/12 1909-1952 SW18 22 18 W2nd Hwy6 south of Southey (north of valley where hwy curves)
Kirby 20120413 Kirby 3803 Apr.13/12 1916-1966 15 20 W2nd
Last Mountain Valley 20120702 Last Mountain Valley 92 July2/12 1914-1958 24 20 W2nd 7km north of Bulyea
Last Mountain Valley-closeup 20120702 Last Mountain Valley 92 July2/12 1914-1958 24 20 W2nd 7km north of Bulyea
Lefort-sign 20130621 Lefort 2412 June21/13 1913-1958
Lethburn-memorial 20120316 Lethburn 280 Mar.16/12 1911-1946 SE16 8 29 W2nd
Lethburn-plaque 20120316 Lethburn 280 Mar.16/12 1911-1946 SE16 8 29 W2nd
Lewvan-sign 20120222 Lewvan 3510 Feb.22/12 1915-1973 12 16 W2nd
Lewvan-site-foundation 20120222 Lewvan 3510 Feb.22/12 1915-1973 12 16 W2nd
Liberty~ Liberty Memorial Liberty Oct25/13 memorial in Liberty
Log Valley 20120622 Log Valley 3158 Jun.22/12 1914-1959 NE11 20 8 W3rd 12km north of the Junction Hwy 738/644 (north of Morse)
Log Valley-closeup 20120622 Log Valley 3158 Jun.22/12 1914-1959 NE11 20 8 W3rd 12km north of the Junction Hwy 738/644 (north of Morse)
Long Creek 20121014-Tim Horton's Long Creek 883 Oct14/12 1903-1955 13 22or23 W2nd
Long Creek(HDR) 20121014 Long Creek 883 Oct14/12 1903-1955 13 22or23 W2nd
Lorraine(HDR) 20130228 Lorraine 222 Feb28/13 1911-1938 1 16 W2nd 1km East of Rge Rd 2163 on Twp Rd 20
On a plaque listing Lynthorpe 3237 Nov16/12 NE29 4 1 W3rd Location given is for plaque
On a plaque listing MacWorth 4118 Nov16/12 SW29 6 3 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Marquette School-site sign 20130621 Marquette 2747 June21/13 1910-1970
McCoy 20120601 McCoy 1062 Jun.1/12 1905-1960 SE24 11 20 W2nd #6 Hwy, take turnoff to Regway (just before Milestone), 11 km south of this turnoff, on west side of highway
McRoberts 20120330 McRoberts 2456 Mar.30/12 1909-1947 NE10 16 28 W2nd
Bond City-Mitchellton(HDR) 20130503 Mitchellton 1375 May3/13 1925-1964
Moorefield (HDR) 20120720 Moorefield 3555 July20/12 1915-1954 11 22 W2nd
Muddy View 20130216-closeup1 Muddy View 2891 Feb16/13 1913-1955 4 25 W2nd 27km east of Willow Bunch on #705
Muddy View 20130216-closeup2 Muddy View 2891 Feb16/13 1913-1955 4 25 W2nd 27km east of Willow Bunch on #705
Muddy View 20130216-closeup3 Muddy View 2891 Feb16/13 1913-1955 4 25 W2nd 27km east of Willow Bunch on #705
Muddy View-memorial(HDR) 20130216 Muddy View 2891 Feb16/13 1913-1955 4 25 W2nd 27km east of Willow Bunch on #705
North Landing-school(HDR) 20130830 North Landing 3198 Aug30/13 1914-1959
North Landing-sign 20130830 North Landing 3198 Aug30/13 1914-1959
North Landing-site(HDR) 20130830 North Landing 3198 Aug30/13 1914-1959
On a plaque listing not named-Wood Mountain? Nov16/12 SW21 4 3 W3rd Location given is for plaque
On a plaque listing not named-Woodville? Nov16/12 NW34 3 4 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Ohio~ Liberty Memorial Ohio 1662 Oct25/13 1906-1941 SW?4 27 24 memorial in Liberty
Oregon(HDR) 20120720 Oregon 1697 July20/12 1907-1942 SE1 11 22 W2nd School site 3 miles east and 1/2 mile north
Oregon(HDR) 20121026 Oregon 1697 Oct26/12 1907-1942 SE1 11 22 W2nd School site 3 miles east and 1/2 mile north
Oregon-plaque 20120720 Oregon 1697 July20/12 1907-1942 SE1 11 22 W2nd School site 3 miles east and 1/2 mile north
On a plaque listing Paisley Brook 3434 July24/12 SW14 1 23 W2nd Location given is for plaque
On a plaque listing Parkers Bluff 3686 Nov16/12 SE4 3 4 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Parry School-1(HDR) 20120629 Parry 3020 Jun.29/12 1913-1956 10 21 W2nd town of Parry, west end, newer school (old SD 320, 9-21-W2?)
Parry School-2(HDR) 20120629 Parry 3020 Jun.29/12 1913-1956 10 21 W2nd town of Parry, west end, newer school (old SD 320, 9-21-W2?)
Parry(HDR) 20120629 Parry 3020 Jun.29/12 1913-1956 10 21 W2nd in the town of Parry, north road
Parry-bell 20120629 Parry 3020 Jun.29/12 1913-1956 10 21 W2nd in the town of Parry, north road
Pepper(HDR) 20130228 Pepper 2812 Feb28/13 1912-1927 3 17 W2nd on Hwy28 1/2km south of Twp Rd 032A
Pleasant Valley-plaque 20130816 Pleasant Valley 4112 Aug16/13 1918-1953 NE24 12 26 W2nd
Pleasant Valley-site 20130816 Pleasant Valley 4112 Aug16/13 1918-1953 NE24 12 26 W2nd
On a plaque listing Plessis 3753 Nov16/12 SW11 5 2 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Polish Draw-sign 20120222 Polish Draw 1481 Feb.22/12 not noted 12 14 W2nd
Polish Draw-sign-closeup 20120222 Polish Draw 1481 Feb.22/12 not noted 12 14 W2nd
Poniatowsky & Cedoux-sign 20120222 Poniatowksi School 1552 Feb.22/12 1907-1968 11 14 W2nd
On a plaque listing Prairie Centre 4169 July24/12 NW14 1 25 W2nd Location given is for plaque
Prairie Flower 20121021 Prairie Flower 989 Oct21/12 1904-1970 15 16 W2nd in Town of Lajord
Prairie Flower-closeup 20121021 Prairie Flower 989 Oct21/12 1904-1970 15 16 W2nd in Town of Lajord
Prairie Lily 20121007 Prairie Lily 1557 Oct7/12 1906-1957 15 22 W2nd
Prairie Lily(HDR) 20121007 Prairie Lily 1557 Oct7/12 1906-1957 15 22 W2nd
Prairie Lily-lilies 20121007 Prairie Lily 1557 Oct7/12 1906-1957 15 22 W2nd
Querrin 20121026 Querrin 3905 Oct26/12 1918-1954 NW11 9 22 W2nd
Querrin-closeup 20121026 Querrin 3905 Oct26/12 1918-1954 NW11 9 22 W2nd
Rastadt-front view(HDR) 20121021 Rastadt 453 Oct21/12 1899-1970 16 17 W2nd St Peter's Colony, Kronau
Rastadt-side view(HDR) 20121021 Rastadt 453 Oct21/12 1899-1970 16 17 W2nd St Peter's Colony, Kronau
Rastadt-sign 20121021 Rastadt 453 Oct21/12 1899-1970 16 17 W2nd St Peter's Colony, Kronau
On a plaque listing Red Butte 3940 July24/12 NW30 2 25 W2nd Location given is for plaque
Red Rose 20120601 Red Rose no # Jun.1/12 1908-1958 15 12 19 W2nd on #6 between Ceylon and turnoff to Weyburn, east side of hwy (2 miles east of the hwy), near Milestone
On a plaque listing Red Stone 3639 July24/12 SE17 1 24 W2nd Location given is for plaque
Regina View-memorial(HDR) 20120817 Regina View 4607 Aug.17/12 Honour roll of teachers (no dates)
Regina View-site 20120817 Regina View 4607 Aug.17/12 Honour roll of teachers (no dates)
Riceton & Denver, Riceton School 20120222 Riceton 1460 Feb.22/12 1933-1995 13 17 W2nd Riceton School built 1926 (Storey&VanEgmond Architects)
Richburg 20120127 Richburg 1120 Jan.27/12 1913-1952 11 24 W2nd East of Spring Valley near the top of hills before the east slope-Avonlea to the NE
Ridge Hill~ Liberty Memorial Ridge Hill 2358 Oct25/13 1918-1959 memorial in Liberty
Rosebud(HDR) 20121026 Rosebud 1606 Oct26/12 1906-1949 11 22 W2nd
Sanderson 20121014 Sanderson 1566 Oct14/12 1907-1960 13 22 W2nd
Scott-Saar(HDR) 20131024 Scott 190_-1926; Saar 1926-20__ 2007 Oct24/13 in Town of Kronau
Secretan 20120622 Secretan 3191 Jun.22/12 1914-1959 18 4 W3rd less than 1km north of Junction of Hwy #1 and Secretan Road
Silent Valley~ Liberty Memorial Silent Valley 1762 Oct25/13 1908-1939 NW7 25 24 memorial in Liberty
Simpson-memorial(HDR) 20131025 Simpson 1359 Oct25/13 1919 in Town of Simpson
Simpson-school(HDR) 20131025 Simpson 1359 Oct25/13 1919 in Town of Simpson
Sinclair Hill 20130503 Sinclair Hill 3730 May3/13 1916-1958 11 24
Sinclair Hill(HDR) 20130503 Sinclair Hill 3730 May3/13 1916-1958 11 24
On a plaque listing Snarum 1262 Sept29/12 1952-1968 SE15 24 19 W2nd Location given is for plaque
On a plaque listing Snowdrop 3414 Sept29/12 1952-1968 SE15 24 19 W2nd Location given is for plaque
On a plaque listing Spring Dell 4399 July24/12 SE13 1 24 W2nd Location given is for plaque
On a plaque listing St. Jerome 2574 July24/12 1920-1953 NW35 2 25 W2nd Location given is for plaque
St. Jerome 20120724 St. Jerome 2574 July24/12 1920-1953 NW35 2 25 W2nd
Stalwart-site(HDR) 20131025 Stalwart 409 Oct25/13 Hamlet from 1911
by Town of Stalwart
Stalwart-sign(HDR) 20131025 Stalwart 409 Oct25/13 Hamlet from 1911
by Town of Stalwart
On a plaque listing Strawberry Coulee 4313 July24/12 SW11 2 23 W2nd Location given is for plaque
Sugar Loaf 20121102 Sugar Loaf 3515 Nov2/12 1914-1956 NW31 11 26 W2nd visible on approach from south
Sugar Loaf-closeup 20121102 Sugar Loaf 3515 Nov2/12 1914-1956 NW31 11 26 W2nd visible on approach from south
On a plaque listing Sunny Crest 3569 Nov16/12 SE32 5 4 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Surprise Valley-closeup 20130503 Surprise Valley 76 May3/13 1912-1954
Surprise Valley-site 20130503 Surprise Valley 76 May3/13 1912-1954
Thorndyke 20120724 Thorndyke 2567 July24/12 SW1 8 23or24 W2nd
Thorndyke-close 20120724 Thorndyke 2567 July24/12 SW1 8 23or24 W2nd
On a plaque listing Thornycroft 4498 Nov16/12 NE19 3 3 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Three Hills 20120622 Three Hills 3559 Jun.22/12 1920-1936 18 4 W3rd 1km south of intersection TWSP RD184, RGE Rd 3043 on Secretan Road (north of Hwy #1 on Secretan Road)
Three Hills -closeup 20120622 Three Hills 3559 Jun.22/12 1920-1936 18 4 W3rd 1km south of intersection TWSP RD184, RGE Rd 3043 on Secretan Road (north of Hwy #1 on Secretan Road)
Trossachs 20120803 Trossachs 1077 Aug.3/12 NE10 8 17 W2nd
Tugaske-sign(HDR) 20120817 Tugaske 2393 Aug.17/12 1909-1970 NE13 22 3 W3rd
Tugaske-site 20120817 Tugaske 2393 Aug.17/12 1909-1970 NE13 22 3 W3rd
On a plaque listing Tunbridge Wells 2625 Nov16/12 SW2 6 2 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Valentine 20130830 Valentine 2824 Aug30/13 1911-1942
Valentine-site 20130830 Valentine 2824 Aug30/13 1911-1942
Vendetta 20130830 Vendetta 874 Aug30/13 1915-1958
Weissenberg-plaque(HDR) 20130328 Weissenburg 49 Mar28/13 1900-1906 RC Pubic plaque is on steps of St. Michael's RC Church, east of Lemberg
Weissenberg-plaque(HDR) 20130328 Weissenburg 17 Mar28/13 1907-1921 RC Separate plaque is on steps of St. Michael's RC Church, east of Lemberg
Weissenberg-school 20130328 Weissenburg 49&17 Mar28/13 1900-1921 by St. Michael's RC Church, east of Lemberg, became a Teacherage 1922
West Lawn-sign 20121026 West Lawn 3132 Oct26/12 1914-1946 SE29 7 24 W2nd
West Lawn-site 20121026 West Lawn 3132 Oct26/12 1914-1946 SE29 7 24 W2nd
West Lawn-steps 20121026 West Lawn 3132 Oct26/12 1914-1946 SE29 7 24 W2nd
West Point-sign 20130724 West Point 2084 July24/13 1909-1944 SW3 27 7 W3rd
West Point-site(HDR) 20130724 West Point 2084 July24/13 1909-1944 SW3 27 7 W3rd
Wolff Valley~ Liberty Memorial Wolff Valley 1495 Oct25/13 1906-1945 SW4 26 25 memorial in Liberty
On a plaque listing Wood Mountain 2793 Nov16/12 1928-1968 SW8 5 3 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Wood Mountain & area-plaque 20121116 Wood Mountain Nov16/12 SW8 5 3 W3rd town of Wood Mountain
Wood Mountain & area-plaque-closeup 20121116 Wood Mountain Nov16/12 SW8 5 3 W3rd town of Wood Mountain
Wood Mountain 20121116 Wood Mountain 4740 Nov16/12 1928-1968 SW8 5 3 W3rd town of Wood Mountain
On a plaque listing Woodville 4626 Nov16/12 NW20 4 3 W3rd Location given is for plaque
Yankee Ridge 20120311 Yankee Ridge 1377 Mar.11/12 1905-1963 14 20 W2nd
Zenith-closeup 20120316 Zenith 2884 Mar.16/12 1913-1957 8 28 W2nd
Zenith-sign 20120316 Zenith 2884 Mar.16/12 1913-1957 8 28 W2nd
'Site' does not indicate Site of School, but rather a larger area view of where the memorial is
Photographs copyright
Mary Worel
Schools in the area of Regina and Moose Jaw

Mary Worel
Schools in the area of Regina and Moose Jaw

From: Mary Worel

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Schools in the area of Regina and Moose Jaw, Amulet2706, Amulet2706, Artesian3213, BadgerHill2194, BadgerHill2194, BadgerHill2194, BadgerHill2194, Barrett2015, Barrett2015, Cuthbert1934, BeautifulPlains699, BigBeaver4065, Berg1044, Berg1044, BigBeaver4065, BigBeaver4065, BigBeaver4065, BigBeaver4065, BoggyCreek64, BoggyCreek64, Coynach3360, BrynMawr, BrynMawr3312, BrynMawr3312, BuckLake331, BuffaloGap3254, Coynach3360, ButtertonSchool3729, ButtertonSchool3729, CedouxSchool1552, Claybank3408, Coynach3360, Coynach3360, Coynach3360, Crosson, Crosswoods1902, Crosswoods1902, Cuthbert1934, Cuthbert1934, DarmodySchool4314, DarmodySchool4314, DarmodySchool4314, Davin2282, Davyroyd93, Davyroyd93, Davyroyd93, Denver1460, FirMountain4796, Dravland947, BigBeaver4065, Dummer794, Dummer794, Dummer794, DutchHollow3085, DutchHollow3085, Claybank3408, Eddyside1954, Edenkillie2022, Edenkillie2022, WoodMountain, Estlin107, Estlin107, Estlin107, Estlin107, Expanse2465, Expanse2465, Expanse2465, FirMountain4796, FirMountain4796, FirMountain4796, FirMountain4796, WoodMountain, WoodMountain, Fransfield2031, Fransfield2031, Garrett3939, Garrett3939, Gelowitz1450, Gelowitz1450, Gelowitz1450, Gelowitz1450, Gelowitz1450, Gelowitz1450, Goodland1969, FirMountain4796, Cuthbert1934, Hallville1952, Hallville1952, Hallville1952, Hallville1952, Hallville1952, Harptree , Coynach3360, Hawthorn1447, Hawthorn1447, Hawthorn1447, Hawthorn1447, WoodMountain, Hexagon3526, Hexagon3526, Hexagon3526, BigBeaver4065, IpsleyMound4065, IpsleyMound4065, Keeler491, Keeler491, Keeler491, Keeler491, Keeler491, Khedive1975, KingEdward2035, Kingsville2288, Kingsville2288, Kirby3803, LastMountainValley92, LastMountainValley92, Lethburn280, Lethburn280, Lewvan3510, Lewvan3510, LogValley3158, LogValley3158, LongCreek883, LongCreek883, Lorraine222, Cuthbert1934, FirMountain4796, McCoy1062, McRoberts2456, Moorefield3555, MuddyView2891, MuddyView2891, MuddyView2891, MuddyView2891, WoodMountain, Cuthbert1934, Oregon1697, Oregon1697, Oregon1697, BigBeaver4065, Cuthbert1934, Parry3020, Parry3020, Parry3020, Parry3020, Pepper2812, Cuthbert1934, PolishDraw1481, PolishDraw1481, PoniatowksiSchool1552, BigBeaver4065, PrairieFlower989, PrairieFlower989, PrairieLily1557, PrairieLily1557, PrairieLily1557, Querrin3905, Querrin3905, Rastadt453, Rastadt453, Rastadt453, BigBeaver4065, RedRose1996, BigBeaver4065, ReginaView4607, ReginaView4607, Riceton1460, Richburg1120, Rosebud1606, Sanderson1566, , Secretan3191, Coynach3360, Coynach3360, BigBeaver4065, BigBeaver4065, St.Jerome2574, BigBeaver4065, SugarLoaf3515, SugarLoaf3515, WoodMountain, Thorndyke2567, Thorndyke2567, Cuthbert1934, ThreeHills3559, ThreeHills3559, Trossachs1077, Tugaske2393, Tugaske2393, FirMountain4796, WestLawn3132, WestLawn3132, WestLawn3132, WoodMountain, WoodMountain4740, WoodMountain4740, WoodMountain4740, Cuthbert1934, YankeeRidge1377, Zenith2884, Zenith2884, AmuletSchool District # 2706, AmuletSchool District # 2706, ArtesianSchool District # 3213, BadgerHillSchool District # 2194, BadgerHillSchool District # 2194, BadgerHillSchool District # 2194, BadgerHillSchool District # 2194, BarrettSchool District # 2015, BarrettSchool District # 2015, CuthbertSchool District # 1934, BeautifulPlainsSchool District # 699, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, BergSchool District # 1044, BergSchool District # 1044, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, BoggyCreekSchool District # 64, BoggyCreekSchool District # 64, CoynachSchool District # 3360, BrynMawrSchool District # , BrynMawrSchool District # 3312, BrynMawrSchool District # 3312, BuckLakeSchool District # 331, BuffaloGapSchool District # 3254, CoynachSchool District # 3360, ButtertonSchoolSchool District # 3729, ButtertonSchoolSchool District # 3729, CedouxSchoolSchool District # 1552, ClaybankSchool District # 3408, CoynachSchool District # 3360, CoynachSchool District # 3360, CoynachSchool District # 3360, CrossonSchool District # , CrosswoodsSchool District # 1902, CrosswoodsSchool District # 1902, CuthbertSchool District # 1934, CuthbertSchool District # 1934, DarmodySchoolSchool District # 4314, DarmodySchoolSchool District # 4314, DarmodySchoolSchool District # 4314, DavinSchool District # 2282, DavyroydSchool District # 93, DavyroydSchool District # 93, DavyroydSchool District # 93, DenverSchool District # 1460, FirMountainSchool District # 4796, DravlandSchool District # 947, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, DummerSchool District # 794, DummerSchool District # 794, DummerSchool District # 794, DutchHollowSchool District # 3085, DutchHollowSchool District # 3085, ClaybankSchool District # 3408, EddysideSchool District # 1954, EdenkillieSchool District # 2022, EdenkillieSchool District # 2022, WoodMountainSchool District # , EstlinSchool District # 107, EstlinSchool District # 107, EstlinSchool District # 107, EstlinSchool District # 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4796, McCoySchool District # 1062, McRobertsSchool District # 2456, MoorefieldSchool District # 3555, MuddyViewSchool District # 2891, MuddyViewSchool District # 2891, MuddyViewSchool District # 2891, MuddyViewSchool District # 2891, WoodMountainSchool District # , CuthbertSchool District # 1934, OregonSchool District # 1697, OregonSchool District # 1697, OregonSchool District # 1697, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, CuthbertSchool District # 1934, ParrySchool District # 3020, ParrySchool District # 3020, ParrySchool District # 3020, ParrySchool District # 3020, PepperSchool District # 2812, CuthbertSchool District # 1934, PolishDrawSchool District # 1481, PolishDrawSchool District # 1481, PoniatowksiSchoolSchool District # 1552, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, PrairieFlowerSchool District # 989, PrairieFlowerSchool District # 989, PrairieLilySchool District # 1557, PrairieLilySchool District # 1557, PrairieLilySchool District # 1557, QuerrinSchool District # 3905, QuerrinSchool District # 3905, RastadtSchool District # 453, RastadtSchool District # 453, RastadtSchool District # 453, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, RedRoseSchool District # 1996, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, ReginaViewSchool District # 4607, ReginaViewSchool District # 4607, RicetonSchool District # 1460, RichburgSchool District # 1120, RosebudSchool District # 1606, SandersonSchool District # 1566, School District # , SecretanSchool District # 3191, CoynachSchool District # 3360, CoynachSchool District # 3360, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, St.JeromeSchool District # 2574, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, SugarLoafSchool District # 3515, SugarLoafSchool District # 3515, WoodMountainSchool District # , ThorndykeSchool District # 2567, ThorndykeSchool District # 2567, CuthbertSchool District # 1934, ThreeHillsSchool District # 3559, ThreeHillsSchool District # 3559, TrossachsSchool District # 1077, TugaskeSchool District # 2393, TugaskeSchool District # 2393, FirMountainSchool District # 4796, WestLawnSchool District # 3132, WestLawnSchool District # 3132, WestLawnSchool District # 3132, WoodMountainSchool District # , WoodMountainSchool District # 4740, WoodMountainSchool District # 4740, WoodMountainSchool District # 4740, CuthbertSchool District # 1934, YankeeRidgeSchool District # 1377, ZenithSchool District # 2884, ZenithSchool District # 2884, AmuletSchool District # 2706, AmuletSchool District # 2706, ArtesianSchool District # 3213, BadgerHillSchool District # 2194, BadgerHillSchool District # 2194, BadgerHillSchool District # 2194, BadgerHillSchool District # 2194, BarrettSchool District # 2015, BarrettSchool District # 2015, CuthbertSchool District # 1934, BeautifulPlainsSchool District # 699, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, BergSchool District # 1044, BergSchool District # 1044, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, BoggyCreekSchool District # 64, BoggyCreekSchool District # 64, CoynachSchool District # 3360, BrynMawrSchool District # , BrynMawrSchool District # 3312, BrynMawrSchool District # 3312, BuckLakeSchool District # 331, BuffaloGapSchool District # 3254, CoynachSchool District # 3360, ButtertonSchoolSchool District # 3729, ButtertonSchoolSchool District # 3729, CedouxSchoolSchool District # 1552, ClaybankSchool District # 3408, CoynachSchool District # 3360, CoynachSchool District # 3360, CoynachSchool District # 3360, CrossonSchool District # , CrosswoodsSchool District # 1902, CrosswoodsSchool District # 1902, CuthbertSchool District # 1934, CuthbertSchool District # 1934, DarmodySchoolSchool District # 4314, DarmodySchoolSchool District # 4314, DarmodySchoolSchool District # 4314, DavinSchool District # 2282, DavyroydSchool District # 93, DavyroydSchool District # 93, DavyroydSchool District # 93, DenverSchool District # 1460, FirMountainSchool District # 4796, DravlandSchool District # 947, BigBeaverSchool District # 4065, DummerSchool District # 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