Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Bluebird School District 3425

SE section 5 township 47 range 10 west of the 3 meridian 63
First named Coyote School District 3425 (1917) ~ 63
(Mayfair , SK, CA)

Bluebird School District 3425 circa 1942 near Mayfair, Saskatchewan

Click on image for larger size

Hi Julia,

My mother, Alma Brennen, was the teacher at Bluebird School for 1941-42. She took this 1942 photo of her son, Gerald Brennen, standing in front of a group of friends in Mayfair, Saskatchewan. All of the people in the photo were identified with the help of Madeleine Rash. You might want to add this photo to your Bluebird School collection.

Lyle Brennen

Bluebird S.D. #3425

For more information:
BLUEBIRD S.D. # 3425 SE Section Township 47 Range 10 W of the 3 Meridian Mayfair 65
Neighbouring Placenames

Mayfair P.O. 46, 11,12, W3
Lorenzo P.O. 46, 10, W3
Kleczkowki NE 33, 45, 9, W3
Moon Hill NW 1, 46, 8, W3
Alberton/Albertown NW 23, 45, 10 W3
Alticane SE 26, 45, 11, W3
Blaine Lake SE 36, 44, 7, W3
Tallman NE 16, 44, 7, W3
Hafford SW 26, 43, 10 W3
Springbourne NW 24,44,10 W3
Keatley NW 24, 44, 11, W3
Krydor SE 15 44, 8, W3

Title Golden memories of the Alticane, Mayfair, Mullingar, Redfield, Whitkow districts
Published Mayfair, Sask. 1986
Author Mayfair History Book Committee

School District Map "Carlton Sheet" SD 3425 in north west corner of this map

Bluebird School District 3425
Mayfair, SK
SE - 5 - 47 - 10 - W 3

Bluebird School District 3425
Mayfair, SK
SE - 5 - 47 - 10 - W 3

Bluebird School District 3425
Mayfair, SK
SE - 5 - 47 - 10 - W 3

Bluebird School District 3425
School Class Images
Mayfair, SK

Bluebird School District 3425
Mayfair, SK
c 1941-1942


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1. From: Lyle Brennen
To: E-mail Sask Gen Web
Subject: Bluebird School SD 3425 photograph
Date: February 12, 2016