Corn Valley School District 4320
SE-28-39-2 W3
1920 - 1957
near Aberdeen, Saskatchewan
SW quarter section 6 township 39 range 2 west of the 3rd meridian
Hello. I took a photo of the old Corn Valley single room school in the 1980’s shortly before it was torn down. I have attached a scan. I hope you can use this on your great website. Thanks.
"Corn Valley School was a one-room country school with eight grades, about three miles from Aberdeen, Saskatchewan. School started on August 27th in 1956. John had 25 students and his wages were $3,425. The school was heated by a huge stove, which stood in the middle of the room on a metal sheet for protection."
Source Willms, Margaretha.I had to smile when I saw that. Mr Willms was my Grade 4 teacher the year before the school was closed. The year afterwards all the kids in the area were then bussed to Aberdeen.
My first teacher was Mr Schellenburg as mentioned in the write-up. Mr Willms came after him. The write-up covers so many of my memories as well. The teachers house was also on the yard as well as the barn. Mrs Willms memories in her book covers a portion of the challenges of country school teachers houses (I believe she mentioned Corn Valley) . Frank Taylor was my fathers teacher and left a very positive last impression on him. He lied about his age and joined the Canadian Army when he was 15 and served overseas in WWI. He was gassed and always had a persistent cough all his life. He became a teacher after the war. When he passed there was no funeral and his body was donated to science.
When you entered the front door, the boy’s cloakroom was on the right, girls on the left. The rows of desks were set by grades with the Grade 1 at the very front on the first isle on the right as you entered the classroom. Once school commenced we all sang O Canada. I recall some exercises by our desks (singing Head, shoulders, knees and toes). At lunch we would all go out into the yard and eat there (except when raining or in the winter). No one was allowed back into the school until lunch was over. The end of the day we sang God Save the Queen. Interestingly, the only flag I saw ever flown at this school was the Union Jack.
Best regards,
Gordon Thompson
Addendum. School location must have been the SE-28-39-2W3 as the school was directly east of my Dad’s farm which was the S-29-39-2W3. Thanks. Gordon Thompson
Post Script:
Attached is a pdf of the Corn Valley write up as promised (cut and paste from the Aberdeen supplement). My first teacher was Mr Schellenburg as mentioned in the write-up. Mr Willms came after him. The write-up covers so many of my memories as well. The teachers house was also on the yard as well as the barn. Mrs Willms memories in her book covers a portion of the challenges of country school teachers houses (I believe she mentioned Corn Valley) . Frank Taylor was my fathers teacher and left a very positive last impression on him. He lied about his age and joined the Canadian Army when he was 15 and served overseas in WWI. He was gassed and always had a persistent cough all his life. He became a teacher after the war. When he passed there was no funeral and his body was donated to science.
When you entered the front door, the boy’s cloakroom was on the right, girls on the left. The rows of desks were set by grades with the Grade 1 at the very front on the first isle on the right as you entered the classroom. Once school commenced we all sang O Canada. I recall some exercises by our desks (singing Head, shoulders, knees and toes). At lunch we would all go out into the yard and eat there (except when raining or in the winter). No one was allowed back into the school until lunch was over. The end of the day we sang God Save the Queen. Interestingly, the only flag I saw ever flown at this school was the Union Jack.~Gordon Thompson
Willms, Margaretha.
And the Meadow Lark Sang: Prairie Memoirs Born Mennonite Page 361. Digitized online by Google Books.
Aberdeen, 1907-1981 Aberdeen Historical Society 1982
Aberdeen Supplement 1907-1985 Aberdeen History BookCommittee1986 -NOTE: Gordon Thompson had a copy of this supplement, and sent in information which contained the school location, teachers and pupils of Corn Valley School. Thank you kindly.
Addendum; prior research on the
Union Jack uncovered that the Union Jack was first used in Canada as early as 1610 and continued as the flag of Canada until 1945. In 1965, the Maple Leaf flag used today replaced the Canadian Red Ensign flag (1921-1957).
Beggs, Mrs.
Fitzsimmons, Miss
Hamm, Mrs
Huckaby, Betty
Hutton, Miss
Kingston, Mrs
Kitchenmaster, Mrs
Larson, Orland
Schellenberg, John
Sims, Mrs.
Smith, Kathleen
Taylor, Frank
Student Family names:
Buhlers, Dave
Buhlers, John
Danchuk, Harry
Gordons, Clarence
Halvorsens, Oscar
Hamolines, Joe
Hopper, family
Hryciw, John
Huckaby, Elzie
Huckaby, Gilbert
Hwyciw, Mike
Kowal, John
Kowal, Fred
Mantyka, Fred
Marsdens, The
Newton, Dick
Skelton, family
Thompson, John
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