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From Settlers between the mighty Saskatchewans:? Stanleyville and Russelville, Published by the Stanleyville -Russelville History Committee, Prince Albert, Sask., 1980. (ISBN 0-88925-191-6) p. 24-25, Russellville School District #3136 of Saskatchewan formed 1913 covering Sections 25-36 incl. In Township 48, Range 25, W. 2nd M. School built in 1914 on N.E. corner, Sec. 34, Range 25, W2, named in honour of pioneer John Russell.? New school built in 1924 to accommodate burgeoning population.? School closed in 1953 and students bused to East Central School. p. 31-33 Stanleyville Public School District #385 of Saskatchewan formed in 1895 covering 3-4-5-6, the west half of Township 48, Range 24, Sec. 28-29-30-31-32-33-34 and portions of 21-22-27-35, lying west and north of the South Branch of the Saskatchewan River, Township 47, Range 24, W2nd Meridian.? Log school erected in 1895 and named in honour of pioneer Edward Stanley.? New frame school built in 1930 and opened in 1931. The school closed in 1953. From Chances, Challenges and Cherished Memories: Colleston, Cecil, Birson, Fanford, Steep Creek, Sask Forks, Published by the Prince Albert East School area history committee, 1998. (ISBN 1-55056-361-0) P649-653? Birson School District #879 was formed in 1903. In 1920 the first school building was erected at the NE corner of the SE section 18, Township 49, Range 24, W2. School was named after the pioneer Robins family (Birson) Formerly the district was known as Fir Ridge. Birson School closed in 1953. Fir Ridge is a small community east of Prince Albert, bordered by on the south by the South Saskatchewan River, on the east by the Nisbet Forest Reserve, on the west by the Stanleyville district and on the north by the North Saskatchewan River. (Description from p. 617) P 655-662 Cecil School District #130 was formed in 1888 as the MacDowall School District #130. Name changed to Cecil in 1912. In 1889-1890 a log school was built at the southwest corner of Sec 23 in Township 48, Range 24, W2 and in 1906 a new school was built. Cecil School closed in 1953. p. 662?669 Colleston School District #9 was formed in 1885. First log school built in 1887 on NE corner, Sec. 11, Township 48, Range 25, W2. In 1901 a new frame school was built on SW corner of Sec. 14, Township 48, Range 25, W2 (across the road from the original site). School closed in 1953. p. 671-686? Fanford School District #4238 was formed in 1919. School was erected in the centre of the district on the SW quarter of Sec. 25, Township 48, Range 23, W2 in 1921 and was in service until 1953. p. 686-712 Saskatchewan Forks School District #364 was formed in 1895 covering Sec.2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23, those portions of sec. 26-27-28-29-30 lying south of the North Saskatchewan River and those portions of sec 1-11-12-12-24-25 lying west of the South Saskatchewan River in Township 49, Range 22, W2. . School built in 1914-1915 on SW corner of Sec. 16, Township 49, Range 22, W2. The school closed in 1953. p. 713-718? Steep Creek School District #389 was formed in 1896. Original log school built in 1904 on south west corner of SE 22, Township 49, R23, W2. New frame school built in 1916-1917.? Steep Creek School closed in 1954. ? |
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Regina. Spring 1908. and A story about a Pioneer Saskatchewan School Inspector and his One Room School House teacher daughter. J.Frank Hutchison (1865-1935) and Orma V. Neilson (1890-1967)
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