Saskatchewan One Room School Project

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Suggestions for Saskatchewan School Children

1920s cookbook

    Suggestions for Saskatchewan School Children.

  1. I will eat my food slowly and at regular intervals.
  2. I will eat cooked cereal with milk for breakfast.
  3. I will take at least four cups of milk daily.
  4. I will drink at least four glasses of water daily.
  5. I will drink no tea or coffee.
  6. I will eat eggs but very little meat.
  7. I will eat plenty of fruits --- apples, oranges and prunes.
  8. I will eat fresh vegetable ---lettuce, spinach, beets and carrots.
  9. I will eat milk puddings and custards rather than pastry.
  10. I will eat very little candy and only after meals.
  11. I will aid the digestion of my food by doing the following:
    1. Spending two hours each day in the open air.
    2. Keeping my window open at night.
    3. Sleeping as many hours as this table indicates for my age:
      AgeHours of sleep.
      5 to 613
      6 to 812
      8 to 10 11 1/2
      10 to 12 11
      12 to 14 10 1/2
      14 to 16 10
      16 to 18 9 1/2

I (Victor Taylor) came across a cook book that I believe was used in the 1920's in the school system. Unfortunately, the cover and the first pages are missing. I have attached an image of page 3, which you may find interesting.

Victor Taylor

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From: Victor Taylor

Subject: Re: One room School Photos
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Suggestions for Saskatchewan School Children 1920s cookbook ,Suggestions for Saskatchewan School Children 1920s cookbook ,Suggestions for Saskatchewan School Children 1920s cookbook ,Suggestions for Saskatchewan School Children 1920s cookbook ,Sk,CA, Canada, School, One Room School House, One Room Schoolhouse, Schoolhouse, School District,