Saskatchewan One Room School Project

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Summercove – school district #3507.

Land location is SE 28 Twp 4, R8, W3.
The school was 4 miles from Summercove Settlement.
Mankota is the nearest centre now.

   Summercove – school district #3507.  Land location is  SE 28 Twp 4, R8, W3.  It has a nice big metal sign.  The school was 4 miles from Summercove Settlement.  It was opened in 1916 with Miss Morrel as the first teacher. It closed June 30, 1960.  Mankota is the nearest centre now.  (Wilbur Wilson, McCord)

Photograph submitted by Della ©

   Summercove – school district #3507.  Land location is  SE 28 Twp 4, R8, W3.  It has a nice big metal sign.  The school was 4 miles from Summercove Settlement.  It was opened in 1916 with Miss Morrel as the first teacher. It closed June 30, 1960.  Mankota is the nearest centre now.  (Wilbur Wilson, McCord)

Click on map for larger image

Summercove – school district #3507.

Land location is SE 28 Twp 4, R8, W3. It has a nice big metal sign. The school was 4 miles from Summercove Settlement. It was opened in 1916 with Miss Morrel as the first teacher. It closed June 30, 1960. Mankota is the nearest centre now. (Wilbur Wilson, McCord).

On a recent trip:

First stop was Last Centre – school district #4605.

Second stop was Varsity – school district #3078.

Third stop was Summercove – school district #3507.

Fourth stop was Lark Hill – school district #4446.

Fifth stop was Return – school district #3473.


Nearby placenames:

Mankota is located at Location : Section 30- Township 5- Range 8-West of the 3 meridian
Latitude - Longitude : 49º 25' 14'' N, 107º 4' 18'' W OR 49.4206556, -107.0717609

Billimun Unincorporated area
Ferland Unincorporated area
Horse Creek Unincorporated area
Mankota No. 45 Rural Municipality
McCord Hamlet
Milly Unincorporated area
Norge Unincorporated area
Reliance Unincorporated area
Summercove Unincorporated area

More information
The long, long trail
Glen McPherson and Mankota Saskatchewan history

Online Historical Map Project | School Maps ~ shows neighboring school districts by school district #. Used with permission.
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Submitted by Della

Subject: E-mail Sask Gen Web Webmaster / Emailing: Larkhill, Last Centre, Return, Summercove, Varsity
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Summercove – school district #3507. Land location is SE 28 Twp 4, R8, W3. It has a nice big metal sign. The school was 4 miles from Summercove Settlement. It was opened in 1916 with Miss Morrel as the first teacher. It closed June 30, 1960. Mankota is the nearest centre now. (Wilbur Wilson, McCord) CA, Canada, Sk, Saskatchewan, one room school house, one room school district, pioneer education, historical education, one room school, Summercove – school district #3507. Land location is SE 28 Twp 4, R8, W3. It has a nice big metal sign. The school was 4 miles from Summercove Settlement. It was opened in 1916 with Miss Morrel as the first teacher. It closed June 30, 1960. Mankota is the nearest centre now. (Wilbur Wilson, McCord) CA, Canada, Sk, Saskatchewan, one room school house, one room school district, pioneer education, historical education, one room school, Summercove – school district #3507. Land location is SE 28 Twp 4, R8, W3. It has a nice big metal sign. The school was 4 miles from Summercove Settlement. It was opened in 1916 with Miss Morrel as the first teacher. It closed June 30, 1960. Mankota is the nearest centre now. (Wilbur Wilson, McCord) CA, Canada, Sk, Saskatchewan, one room school house, one room school district, pioneer education, historical education, one room school, Summercove – school district #3507. Land location is SE 28 Twp 4, R8, W3. It has a nice big metal sign. The school was 4 miles from Summercove Settlement. It was opened in 1916 with Miss Morrel as the first teacher. It closed June 30, 1960. Mankota is the nearest centre now. (Wilbur Wilson, McCord) CA, Canada, Sk, Saskatchewan, one room school house, one room school district, pioneer education, historical education, one room school,