Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

McTAGGART School District #1143
Sec Tsp 9 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian
McTaggart, Saskatchewan

My husband Doyle Thomas went to McTaggart School. We have a picture of the school class of 1946 taken at the McTaggart School. The names of those in the photo are as follows:

McTaggart School - 1946

Back Row - Roy McKee, Hugh Campbell, Hilton Campbell, Arnold Kot, Alfred Jacob, Doyle Thomas
3rd Row - Isabel Schultz, Gloria Norum, Miss Lang (teacher), Helen Lix, Sheena Mowat
2nd Row - Harold Jackson, Leonard Lutz, Doug Bucholz, Ron Lutz, Rodney Ward, Harold Schultz, Alexander Murphy
Front Row - John Schultz, Darold Kot, Don Schultz, Vernon Vogel, Gary Norum, Monty Murphy

I hope you can use this in your One Room School House Project.

My e-mail address for reply is: valjwt1 AT

Thank you.

Regards Val Thomas
McTaggart, SK

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McTAGGART School District #1143, Sec Tsp 9 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian, McTaggart, Saskatchewan, McTAGGART School District #1143, Sec Tsp 9 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian, McTaggart, Saskatchewan, McTAGGART School District #1143, Sec Tsp 9 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian, McTaggart, Saskatchewan, McTAGGART School District #1143, Sec Tsp 9 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian, McTaggart, Saskatchewan, McTAGGART School District #1143, Sec Tsp 9 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian, McTaggart, Saskatchewan, McTAGGART School District #1143, Sec Tsp 9 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian, McTaggart, Saskatchewan, McTAGGART School District #1143, Sec Tsp 9 Rge 16 W of the 2 Meridian, McTaggart, Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project,