Saskatchewan One Room School Project

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Manlius School District 2956

south west section 12 Township 48 Range 15 West of the Second Meridian
near Armley, in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
north east section 6 township 48 range 14 west of the second meridian

Manlius School District 2956, south west section 12 Township 48 Range 15 West of the Second Meridian, 1914-1962, near Armley, north east section 6 township 48 range 14 west of the second meridian,

1940 circa Braith (far left front),Iris (center front,tallest girl),Maryon (beside Iris on right).Grampa Ken McKay (teacher) at back

Submitted by Jim Parker

Manlius School District 2956, south west section 12 Township 48 Range 15 West of the Second Meridian, 1914-1962, near Armley, north east section 6 township 48 range 14 west of the second meridian, map

Manlius School District 2956

south west section 12 Township 48 Range 15 West of the Second Meridian, 1914-1962
near Armley, north east section 6 township 48 range 14 west of the second meridian

My grandfather, Ken McKay, attended Normal School in Saskatoon and I am trying to ascertain the correct dates as I am compiling a time line of his life. I know that it was around 1922 to 1924 when he was in Saskatoon. He came back from WWI and went to the University of Toronto then struck out west.

The attached photo I know is for the Manlius School ...she is the tallest girl in front mother is the girl resting her head on my aunt...their brother (my uncle) is at the far left front row) an that is my grandfather at the back...

Besides teaching at Manlius school, Ken McKay taught at several other schools as well.

The date of the photo is around 1940 as my uncle was born in 1933 and is about 6 year sold, my aunt was born in 1928 and my mom was born in aunt thinks the family moved to Armley,SK in 1938 and my grandfather taught at Manlius school for 3 years until summer 1941.
(those dates are taken from my mom, Maryon Parker’s, writeup in the Homestead to Heritage book)...

Jim Parker

More information
Title Homestead to heritage : history of Armley and districts of Manlius, Armley, Silver Stream, Waterfield
Published Ridgedale, Sask. : Armley History Book Committee, 1987
ISBN 0889257736

Nearby Placenames:

Armley is a nearby Unincorporated area

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Codette is a nearby Village

Codette Station is a nearby Unincorporated area

Connaught No. 457 is a Rural Municipality

Ditton Park is a nearby Unincorporated area

Edenbridge is a nearby Unincorporated area

Elk Hill is a nearby Unincorporated area

Inkster is a nearby Unincorporated area

Leacross is a nearby Unincorporated area

Lost River is a nearby Unincorporated area

Murphy Creek is a nearby Unincorporated area

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Ratner is a nearby Unincorporated area

Ridgedale is a nearby Village

Riverstone is a nearby Unincorporated area

Runciman is a nearby Unincorporated area

Spooner is a nearby Unincorporated area

Township, Range, Meridian Legal Land information
Numerical School District Listing to determine neighbouring schools on School Maps.

Historical maps showing township and ranges | School Maps ~ shows neighboring school districts by school district #. Used with permission.
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Submitted by Jim Parker

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Manlius School District 2956, south west section 12 Township 48 Range 15 West of the Second Meridian, 1914-1962, near Armley, north east section 6 township 48 range 14 west of the second meridian, Manlius School District 2956, south west section 12 Township 48 Range 15 West of the Second Meridian, 1914-1962, near Armley, north east section 6 township 48 range 14 west of the second meridian, Manlius School District 2956, south west section 12 Township 48 Range 15 West of the Second Meridian, 1914-1962, near Armley, north east section 6 township 48 range 14 west of the second meridian, Manlius School District 2956, south west section 12 Township 48 Range 15 West of the Second Meridian, 1914-1962, near Armley, north east section 6 township 48 range 14 west of the second meridian,