Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Prairie Heights School District 1041
1/4 mile west of Prairie Heights Cemetery on SW quarter of section 4 township 37 range 22 west of the third meridian
6 miles west of Tramping Lake SW quarter section 33 township 36 range 21 west of the third meridian
province of Saskatchewan, Canada

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PrairieHeightsSchool 1041 Map SMALL20161116_112041
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Good morning,
I went to school at Prairie Heights School District 1041 from 1955-1959. My father and his family also went to school there. I went to until 1959 when we were bused into Tramping Lake, Sk.This school was west of Tramping Lake about 6 miles. My Dad Ralph Fluney organized a school reunion there. The school burned down in the 1990s. My Dad and his siblings went to school there too- he was born in 1916.

Thank you,

Sharon Fluney (Submitter).

Nearby Place names

Broadacres located at 32-35-21-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place
Mariposa No. 350 is a nearby Rural Municipality
Revenue located at 35-37-21-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place
Tramping Lake located at 33-36-21-W3 is a nearby Village
Tramping Lake No. 380 is a nearby Rural Municipality
Verulam located at 3-35-22-W3 is a nearby Unincorporated place

For more information

Book resource: Revenue Remembers 1905-1955 Journey to Tramping Lake

One Room Schoolhouse Map
School Map used with permission

Historical township, range, meridian maps

Department of Education Re-assigns Number

In the North West Territories the 1884 Territorial Ordinance #5 allowed for the formation of school districts. School Districts were given numbers in the order by which the areas applied for. This sorting by School District Number then gives an idea of the NWT early settlement patterns, and school house formation by year. When Saskatchewan and Alberta became provinces in 1905, numbers previously in use in Alberta were canceled and re-applied to School Districts of Saskatchewan.

THIS is exactly what happened with Crown School District 1041 at township 32 range 26 west of the fourth meridian, later the number re-assigned to Prairie Heights School District 1041 in Saskatchewan

When the two provinces were formed Alberta continued numerically incrementing from the last school District Number which was at that time Bow Valley S. D. 1409. The next one of Alberta therefore numbered was 1410. Saskatchewan then re-used any numbers which were now not being used and therefore some School Districts may have two names attached to them...the early use of the number in Alberta, and later use in Saskatchewan.

These school houses in Alberta are west of the fourth and west of the fifth meridian. Saskatchewan locations must be west of the first, second or third meridian. Manitoba also has locations west of the first or prime meridian as the provincial border does not rest on a meridian on the east side of Saskatchewan.comments

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Prairie Heights School District 1041 1/4 mile west of SW quarter of section 4 township 37 range 22 west of the third meridian, and 6 miles west of Tramping Lake SW quarter section 33 township 36 range 21 west of the third meridian ,Prairie Heights School District 1041 1/4 mile west of SW quarter of section 4 township 37 range 22 west of the third meridian, and 6 miles west of Tramping Lake SW quarter section 33 township 36 range 21 west of the third meridian ,Prairie Heights School District 1041 1/4 mile west of SW quarter of section 4 township 37 range 22 west of the third meridian, and 6 miles west of Tramping Lake SW quarter section 33 township 36 range 21 west of the third meridian , Saskatchewan, Sask, Sk, Canada, township, range, meridian, vintage, antique, school, school house, one room school house, one room school, school-house, one-room school-house, one room school house project, One Room School Project, SK Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, 1930-1963,Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada