Census of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and
Alberta, 1906
Approved by the Governor General in council, 22nd day of January, 1906.

PROVINCE Saskatchewan, DISTRICT 17 Saskatchewan North SUB-DISTRICT No. 1
Date when filled July , 1906. Signed by James Flett Enumerator.

Recensement de Manitoba,
Saskatchewan et Alberta,
Approuvé par le Gouverneur Général en Conseil le 22iéme jour de janvier, 1906

PROVINCE Saskatchewan DISTRICT 17 Saskatchewan North SOUS- DISTRICT No 1
Date des entrées July , 1906. Signé par James Flett enumérateur

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Page 33 Page 34Sous District / Sub district No. 2.Alphabetical Surnames
Noms de famille alphabétiques

    National Archives of Canada Census of the Northwest Provinces, 1906
  • Province: Saskatchewan
  • District Name: Saskatchewan North District
  • District Number: 17
  • District Description: being all that portion of the province of Saskatchewan lying northward of the census districts of Humboldt, Mackenzie and Saskatchewan as herein established
  • Sub-district Description: All that portion of the Census district of Saskatchewan North lying south of a line commencing at the intersection of Clearwater river with the west boundary of the province of Saskatchewan, thence northeasterly following the northern watershed of the Clearwater river to the portage from the headwaters of Gwillin river to the headwaters of Cree river, thence following the height of land between the waters that fall into Hudson Bay from those that fall in to the Arctic ocean to a point due north of Foster lakes, thence in a right line to the outlet of Reindeer lake, and thence due east to the eastern boundary of the province of Saskatchewan
  • Sub-district Number: 1
  • Reference: RG31 , Statistics Canada
  • Microfilm Reel Number: T-18361
    Archives Nationales du Canada Recensement des provinces du Nord-Ouest 1906
  • Province: Saskatchewan
  • Nom du district : District de Saskatchewan - Nord
  • Numéro du district : 17
  • Description du district : Saskatchewan - Nord, étant toute cette partie de la province de la Saskatchewan située au nord des districts de recensement de Humboldt, Mackenzie et Saskatchewan tels qu'établis par les présentes
  • Description du sous-district : Toute cette partie du district de recensement de la Saskatchewan-Nord sise au sud d'une ligne commençant à l'intersection de la rivière Clearwater et de la frontière ouest de la province de la Saskatchewan de là, vers le nord-est, suivant la ligne et faîte nord de la rivière Clearwater jusqu'au portage conduisant des sources de la rivière Gwillin aux sources de la rivière Crie, de là suivant la hauteur des terres séparant les eaux qui se déversent dans la baie d'Hudson d'avec celles qui se déversent dans l'océan Arctique jusqu'à un point vrai nord des lacs Foster, de là en droite ligne jusqu'à la décharge du lac Reindeer, et de là vrai est jusqu'à la frontière est de la province de la Saskatchewan
  • Numéro du sous-district : 1
  • Référence : RG31 , Statistique Canada
  • Numéro de la bobine de microfilm : T-18361
    The information provided on this webpage is provided in accordance with National Archives:Noncommercial Reproduction
  • The information provided in this webpage is transcribed with due diligence regarding the accuracy of the transcription. Saskatchewan Gen Web makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original source material for verification.
  • The National Archives of Canada has placed online images of the 1906 Census of the Northwestern Provinces as the source for this transciption. The preservation of the census has made this transcription possible.
  • This transcription is part of Saskatchewan Gen Web as a personal and public non-commercial web site to assist genealogists and historians and those with an interest in the 1906 Census of the Northwestern provinces.This transcription is not made in affiliation with or with the endorsement of the national Archives of Canada. Terms of this website in compliance with National Archives guidelines includes that it is available for personal and public non commercial usage.
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