National Archives of Canada Census of the Northwest Provinces, 1906 -
Province: Saskatchewan
District Name: Saskatchewan North District
District Number: 17
District Description: being all that portion of the province of Saskatchewan lying northward of the census districts of Humboldt, Mackenzie and Saskatchewan as herein established
Sub-district Description: All the remaining portion of Saskatchewan North district lying north of No. 1 district
Sub-district Number: 2
Reference: RG31 , Statistics Canada
Microfilm Reel Number: T-18361
Archives Nationales du Canada Recensement des provinces du Nord-Ouest 1906-
Province: Saskatchewan
Nom du district : District de Saskatchewan - Nord
Numéro du district : 17
Description du district : Saskatchewan - Nord, étant toute cette partie de la province de la Saskatchewan située au nord des districts de recensement de Humboldt, Mackenzie et Saskatchewan tels qu'établis par les présentes
Description du sous-district : Toute la partie restante du district de la Saskatchewan-Nord sise au nord du sous-district no. 1
Numéro du sous-district : 2
Référence : RG31 , Statistique Canada
Numéro de la bobine de microfilm : T-18361
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The National Archives of Canada has placed online images of the 1906 Census of the Northwestern Provinces as the source for this transciption. The preservation of the census has made this transcription possible.
This transcription is part of Saskatchewan Gen Web as a personal and public non-commercial web site to assist genealogists and historians and those with an interest in the 1906 Census of the Northwestern provinces.This transcription is not made in affiliation with or with the endorsement of the national Archives of Canada. Terms of this website in compliance with National Archives guidelines includes that it is available for personal and public non commercial usage.
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