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Sask Gen Web: Saskatchewan Ethnic Biographies
Saskatchewan's ethnic diversity has many roots, and many tales. This is an opportunity to share an ancestral tale with others online. By submitting a biography, here to Sask Gen Web Ethnic Roots, WWW visitors have a chance to learn of Saskatchewan heritage, and its diverse ethnic roots. This also lets you connect with others in your research, it lets us know where you are at now, and where you have Saskatchewan Roots which enables you to meet other genealogists with similar interests.
  • No Copyrighted material
    Please do not send in any biographies which are protected by copyright elsewhere. If you do add a quotation from another source, please attach a bibliography. Written works older than 75 years old are generally considered to be in the public domain, and the information used freely. At the end of your submitted, original biography, accompany your work with "Copyright", Your name, and the date.
  • If you have permission to use material that is copyrighted, send in the written permission from the source author/publisher. If you wrote the biography yourself, just say so.
  • These are not queries, but biographies. If you wish to inquire about how to discover more information on a dead end, please post them on one of the query pages and/or on a mailing list. However, in the biographies, this type of wording would be OK: "Jan Doe's maiden name is unknown."
  • As an example see some online biographies of Saskatchewan residents: Biography Index

To Add a Biography

e-mail the Sask Gen Webmaster.

Subject:Sask Gen Web Biography
Your Email Address: your full internet email address
(e.g. ).
Your Name: your name as you would like it presented on the internet.
    In the biographical information submitted, Please include...
  • Saskatchewan Pioneer's Full Name: Surname, and Given names, Maiden name and any nick names.
  • The Saskatchewan areas, place names where this pioneer resided. PLEASE.... Your biographies should be about Saskatchewan residents only... A resident is an individual who lived in Saskatchewan for part of his/her life.
  • Birth and date of passing if known. (For privacy reasons, do not submit birth information of people who are still living.)
  • Some family lineage names where known.
  • The ethnic background of this Saskatchewan resident.
  • The migration process, dates to Saskatchewan if known.
  • Contribution to Saskatchewan heritage or community.
  • Any relevant biographical information of this early Saskatchewan resident.

Please quote and document any sources from which you have quoted, derived or paraphrased your source material, and do not infringe upon copyright works of others.

Please do not submit biographical accounts of those still living to protect privacy.

**PLEASE update/supply a valid email address if you wish others to contact you. Submitters are responsible for their own address updating and changes. Use whichever method is most convenient to you ... E-mail address, and / or fax number, and / or phone number, and / or postal mail, and / or web site URL address..

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