William J. Bailey, principal of the Connaught school of Regina, was born at Dundalk, Ontario, in 1889, son of George and Hannah (Kearns) Bailey, who now reside at Hamilton. For many years the father, a native of Alderney Island in the English Channel, was a railroad man in Canada, but now he is connected with a cotton factory in Ontario. In his religious faith he is an Anglican and for some years a church warden. He is a Conservative in politics and fraternally affiliated with the Ancient Order of United Workmen. The mother was born in Ontario. The fourth in a family of seven children, William J. Bailey was sent to the public schools of Dundalk as a boy and later attended the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute. For eighteen months after finishing at the collegiate institute he taught in Ontario, following which he came west to Saskatchewan and entered the Regina Normal School, from which he graduated in 1910. When he resumed his profession of teaching it was at Moose Jaw, where he taught two terms. At this point in his career he completed the required work on a homestead he had taken up while a student in the Normal School proving up his claim. Following a period of eighteen months spent teaching at Laura, Saskatchewan, Mr. Bailey returned to Regina as vice principal of the Benson school in 1913. Two years later he was transferred to the Albert school in a similar capacity and in 1919 was made principal of the Connaught school. The same enterprise that Mr. Bailey manifested as a young man, when he came out to Saskatchewan to take up a homestead and attend normal school in between times, has characterized all of his work. He studies closely every phase of the educational profession that comes before him and is ever on the alert to learn of new methods that are being tried elsewhere. His efforts have been productive of substantial results and he is consid- ered one of the ablest younger educators in Regina. Mr. Bailey was married in 1912 to Miss Stella Jack, who was born in Ontario and received her education at Durham in that province. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have four children: Jack, aged ten, and Norma, a little girl of six, who are both in school; Bill, who is three; and Merle, aged one. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey attend St. Paul's Anglican church, and Mr. Bailey is a Mason, being past master of Assiniboia Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Re- gina. He held this office in 1920. In 1921 he was elected vice president of the Saskatchewan Teachers Alliance and the following year was elected president, which office he held for two years. He believes that the teachers should have a professional organization similar to the medical and legal associations. Outdoor life and healthy recreations, in this edu- cator's opinion, do much to promote physical and mental well-being, as well as provide diversion from work-a-day affairs. Personally he is an enthusiastic baseball "fan," and a supporter of hockey and lacrosse. Bibliography follows:

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