CanadaGenWeb For Kids Queries
This is a special board for kids looking for family roots. If you are a kid visiting this page, please use this board to ask for help to find your great great grandparents, cousins, etc. If you are an adult visiting this page, check out this board often to see if you can be of assistance to these junior genealogists.
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Doukhobor Query Board Early Saskatchewan Doukhobor Reserves and homesteads are near...
Petrofka, Blaine Lake, Buchanan, Kamsack, Kelvington, Kylemore, Langham, Prince Albert Colony Bloc 3 1899, Quill Lake, South Colony Bloc 1 1899, Veregin, Wadena, Watson, Yorkton area North Colony Bloc 2 1899
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Message Boards for Saskatchewan
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Boards > Topics > Cemeteries & Tombstones > Canada > Cemeteries in Saskatchewan
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For example, if you are seeking ancestors in Davidson, you would post on the Regina Regional query board. The closer you get to your intended search area, the more likely you are to find what you need.
How do I know what Sask Gen Web Region my place name is located in?
Please check the new web site: Search Saskatchewan Place Names, and / or each region's home page, to help determine which Sask Gen Web Region to use.
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Saskatchewan Queries, A handy way to search mailing lists or posting boards. Homesteads, Biographies, Obituaries, Bible, Pensions, Wills, Classified Ads, Guest Book
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