One of the prominent citizens and public officials of Saskatoon is Wil- liam Rose, city solicitor. He was born in Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire, England, on the 4th of September, 1873, a son of William and Eliza Emily (Girvan) Rose, the former of whom passed away on the 18th of Novem- ber, 1913. In the acquirement of his education William Rose attended the public schools of his birthplace and was a student at St. Oswald's College, Elles- mere, for a time. Subsequently he took up the study of law and was ad- mitted to practice as a solicitor in 1902. He practiced in England for three years and in 1906 came to Canada and located in Regina, where he was associated with a law firm from 1907 to 1911, in the employ of the govern- ment. In 1916 he was admitted to the Saskatchewan bar and was connected with two law firms as partner until 1919, when he came to Sas- katoon and became a member of the firm of Ferguson, MacDermid, Rose & Ferguson, assisting in building up an extensive and important practice. On the 1st of October, 1921, he was appointed city solicitor of Saskatoon, which office he is still holding. He is a man of genial and pleasing per- sonality and he stands high in the professional circles of this city and province. On the 14th of July, 1903, Mr. Rose was married to Miss Lilian Eliza Hanson, who was born in England. She is a woman of culture and re- finement and is active in the club and social circles of this community. Mr. Rose is a Liberal in politics and along strictly professional lines holds membership in the Dominion, Saskatchewan, and Saskatoon Bar Associa- tions. Socially he is identified with the Saskatoon Club, the Riverside Country Club and the Saskatoon Golf Club, and is also an active member of the Canadian Club. Mr. and Mrs. Rose are highly esteemed and re- spected citizens of the community. Bibliography follows:

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