Walter E. Atkison is secretary-treasurer of the Round Valley Munici- pality, No.410, and is one of the prominent residents of Unity. He was born in the county of Waterloo, Ontario, on the 16th of March, 1888, a son of William and Alice (Jackson) Atkison, natives of England who came to Canada at an early day, being among the first settlers in that part of Ontario. The father engaged in agricultural pursuits in Waterloo county for the remainder of his life and died in 1890. Mrs. Atkison sur- vives her husband. The public schools of Waterloo county and Grey county afforded Walter E. Atkinson his education and he remained under the parental roof until he became of age. He then accepted a position in a sash and door factory in Elmira, Ontario, where he was employed for two or three years, when he took up the carpenter's trade and followed it until 1909. The last five years of that time were spent in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, to which place he removed in 1904. In 1909 he came to Unity and for three years conducted an implement business. In 1912 he was made secretary-treasurer of the Round Valley Municipality and is still occupy- ing this important position. For two years he was secretary ofUnity. Mr. Atkison is well fitted for the duties of his present position, for he is a business man of keen discrimination, integrity and innate ability and he has the genius for making and keeping friends. In December of the year 1914 Mr. Atkison was married to Miss Stella Gray and they have become the parents of one child: Loreen Estella, whose birth occurred on the 15th of August, 1921. Mr. Atkison has been secretary of the Unity Agricultural Society and of the Board of Trade, and is now acting in that capacity for the local Curling Club. Frater- nally he is identified with the Masons and the Independent Order of Foresters, the Canadian Order of Foresters, the Eastern Stars and the Rebekahs. His religious faith is that of the Methodist church. Since taking up residence in Unity, Mr. Atkinson has taken an active interest in civic affairs and has never been too busy to aid in any movement for the benefit of the community. Bibliography follows:

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