Gallery THREE
Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

The Gallery lists images in order received

Gallery images listed in alphabetical order:
School names beginning A-L School names beginning M-Z

Some links will be one web page, some links will be multiple images, letters, maps, queries, drawings or reminiscinces depending on amount or type of submissions sent by each individual submitter.

{Text stories are entered at Places}

Wardenville	2479	SW 5 45 22 W3	1910-1955	  (See also Unity and area schools)
Wardenville SD 2479
Unity, SK
Vance	180	NW 11 43 23 W3	1911-1964	  (See also Unity and area schools)
Vance SD 180
Unity, SK
Cut Knife	1992	SE 15 44 21 W3	1908-1917	near Cut Knife
Cut Knife SD 1992
near Cut Knife
Esterhaz Colony School near Esterhazy, SK
Esterhaz Colony School
Esterhazy, SK
North End SD 2650, Macklin, SK
North End SD 2650
Macklin, SK
Meridian School, Lloydminster AB, SK
Meridian School
Lloydminster, SK AB
North End SD 2650, Macklin, SK
East Bank SD 3525
Unity, SK
Wilbert SD 2357, Wilbert, SK
Wilbert SD 2357
Wilbert, SK
Thule SD 4312, Unity, SK
Thule SD 4312
Unity, SK
Village of Ebenezer School 3268 , SK
Ebenezer SD 3268
Ebenezer, SK
West Ebenezer School District #157 8 , SK
West Ebenezer SD #157
Ebenezer, SK
Langenau School District #274, Ebenezer , SK
Langenau School District 274
Ebenezer, SK
Bryntarian School District #248 , Menno SD 248, Ebenezer , SK
Bryntarian SD 248
Menno SD 248
Ebenezer, SK
Halica School District 3204 Wishart, SK
Halicz SD 3204
Wishart, SK

Lily White SD 4691
Wishart, Sk
Royal Rock SD 2289 near Bankend, SK
Royal Rock SD 2289
Bankend, Sk
Gelowitz SD 1450 near Grayson, SK
Gelowitz SD 1450
Grayson, SK
Nokomiz Public School, Nokomis SK
Nokomis Public School
Nokomis, SK
Coverdale SD 493 near Fleming, SK
Coverdale SD 493
Fleming, SK
Manor SD 605 near Manor
Manor SD 605
Manor, SK
Good Luck 3666 near Theodore
Good Luck SD 3666
Theodore, SK
Creekside 997 near Theodore
Creekside SD 997
Theodore, SK
Lily Plain School District 501, Saskatchewan
Lily Plain SD 501
Butterby, SK
Barrett School District 2015, Saskatchewan
Barrett SD 2015
Foxbury, SK
Dummer School District 794, Saskatchewan
Dummer SD 794
Dummer, SK
Boggy Creek School District 644, Saskatchewan
Boggy Creek SD 64
Condie, SK
Fransfield School District 2031, Saskatchewan
Fransfield SD 2031
Southey, SK
Moorefield School District 3555, Saskatchewan
Moorefield SD 3555
Avonlea, SK
Oregon School District 1697, Saskatchewan
Oregon SD 1697
Truax, SK
Amulet School District 2706, Saskatchewan
Amulet SD 2706
Amulet, SK
Hallville School District 1952, Saskatchewan
Hallville SD 1952
Chamberlain, SK
Hawthorn School District 1447, Saskatchewan
Hawthorn SD 1447
Dummer, SK
Trossachs School District 1077, Saskatchewan
Trossachs SD 1077
Trossachs, SK
Trossachs School District 1077, Saskatchewan
Bernadine SD 2181
Goodeve, SK
Tugaske School District 2393, Tugaske, Saskatchewan
Tugaske SD 2393
Tugaske, SK
Keeler School District 491, Keerler Saskatchewan
Keeler SD 491
Keeler, SK
Regina View School District 4607, Regina, Saskatchewan
Regina View SD 4607
Regina, SK
Reno Hill School District 5158, Mossy Vale, Saskatchewan
Reno Hill SD 5158
Mossy Vale, SK
Brandon School District 4367 North West Section 13 Township 27 Range 32 West of the First Meridian 1921-1969 near Wroxton and Starleigh, Saskatchewan
Brandon SD 4367
Wroxton, SK
Boakeview School District 1325 SE section 29 township 23 range 2 west of the 2nd meridian Near Boakeview, Eakindale, and Saltcoats (Stirling) Saskatchewan.
Boakeview SD 1325
Saltcoats (Stirling), SK
Boakeview School District 1325 SE section 29 township 23 range 2 west of the 2nd meridian Near Boakeview, Eakindale, and Saltcoats (Stirling) Saskatchewan.
Meadowvale SD 175
Saltcoats (Stirling), SK
Petain School District 3982 NW section 26 township 10 range 23 west of the third meridian (1917-1964) near Piapot, Skibereen and Dryforks, Saskatchewan
Petain SD 39825
Piapot, SK
The Aurora 1926 Regina Normal School Regina Saskatchewan
Regina Normal School
Regina, SK
Bluebird School District 34251917-1962  SE section 5 township 47 range 10 west of the 3 meridian First named Coyote School District 3425 (1917) Mayfair , SK, CA)
Bluebird SD 345
Mayfair, SK
Petrolia School District 591 1901-1962, SW Section 18 Township 16 Range 25 West of the 2nd meridian near Moose Jaw
Petrolia SD 591
Moose Jaw, SK
Lorraine School District 222, 1911-1938, Township 1 Range 16 West of the 2nd Meridian, 1km East of Rge Rd 2163 on Twp Rd 20, near Overland and Fairlawn
Lorraine SD 222
Overland, SK
Big Beaver School District 4065 Northeast section 5 township 2 range 24 west of the 2nd meridian Near Big Beaver, Big Muddy, Saskatchewan Beaver Creek No. 3128: NW 12-2-24W2, Big Beaver No. 4065: NE5-2-24W2, Buffalo Gap No. 3254: NW1-2-25W2, Dry Forks No. 3252: NW3-2-25W2, Ipsley Mound No. 4065: NE3-2-25W2 Paisley Brook No. 3434: SW14-1-23W2, Prairie Centre No. 4169: NW14-1-25W2 Red Butte No. 3940: NW30-2-25W2, Red Stone No. 3639: SE17-1-24W2, Spring Dell No. 4399: SE 13-1-24W2, St. Jerome No. 2574: NW35-2-25W2 Strawberry Coulee No. 4313: SW 11-2-23W2
Big Beaver SD 4065
Big Beaver, SK
Big Beaver School District 4065 Northeast section 5 township 2 range 24 west of the 2nd meridian Near Big Beaver, Big Muddy, Saskatchewan Beaver Creek No. 3128: NW 12-2-24W2, Big Beaver No. 4065: NE5-2-24W2, Buffalo Gap No. 3254: NW1-2-25W2, Dry Forks No. 3252: NW3-2-25W2, Ipsley Mound No. 4065: NE3-2-25W2 Paisley Brook No. 3434: SW14-1-23W2, Prairie Centre No. 4169: NW14-1-25W2 Red Butte No. 3940: NW30-2-25W2, Red Stone No. 3639: SE17-1-24W2, Spring Dell No. 4399: SE 13-1-24W2, St. Jerome No. 2574: NW35-2-25W2 Strawberry Coulee No. 4313: SW 11-2-23W2
Buffalo Gap SD 3254
Big Beaver, SK
Big Beaver School District 4065 Northeast section 5 township 2 range 24 west of the 2nd meridian Near Big Beaver, Big Muddy, Saskatchewan Beaver Creek No. 3128: NW 12-2-24W2, Big Beaver No. 4065: NE5-2-24W2, Buffalo Gap No. 3254: NW1-2-25W2, Dry Forks No. 3252: NW3-2-25W2, Ipsley Mound No. 4065: NE3-2-25W2 Paisley Brook No. 3434: SW14-1-23W2, Prairie Centre No. 4169: NW14-1-25W2 Red Butte No. 3940: NW30-2-25W2, Red Stone No. 3639: SE17-1-24W2, Spring Dell No. 4399: SE 13-1-24W2, St. Jerome No. 2574: NW35-2-25W2 Strawberry Coulee No. 4313: SW 11-2-23W2
Dry Forks SD 3252
Big Beaver, SK
Big Beaver School District 4065 Northeast section 5 township 2 range 24 west of the 2nd meridian Near Big Beaver, Big Muddy, Saskatchewan Beaver Creek No. 3128: NW 12-2-24W2, Big Beaver No. 4065: NE5-2-24W2, Buffalo Gap No. 3254: NW1-2-25W2, Dry Forks No. 3252: NW3-2-25W2, Ipsley Mound No. 4065: NE3-2-25W2 Paisley Brook No. 3434: SW14-1-23W2, Prairie Centre No. 4169: NW14-1-25W2 Red Butte No. 3940: NW30-2-25W2, Red Stone No. 3639: SE17-1-24W2, Spring Dell No. 4399: SE 13-1-24W2, St. Jerome No. 2574: NW35-2-25W2 Strawberry Coulee No. 4313: SW 11-2-23W2
Ipsley Mound SD 4065
Big Beaver, SK
Big Beaver School District 4065 Northeast section 5 township 2 range 24 west of the 2nd meridian Near Big Beaver, Big Muddy, Saskatchewan Beaver Creek No. 3128: NW 12-2-24W2, Big Beaver No. 4065: NE5-2-24W2, Buffalo Gap No. 3254: NW1-2-25W2, Dry Forks No. 3252: NW3-2-25W2, Ipsley Mound No. 4065: NE3-2-25W2 Paisley Brook No. 3434: SW14-1-23W2, Prairie Centre No. 4169: NW14-1-25W2 Red Butte No. 3940: NW30-2-25W2, Red Stone No. 3639: SE17-1-24W2, Spring Dell No. 4399: SE 13-1-24W2, St. Jerome No. 2574: NW35-2-25W2 Strawberry Coulee No. 4313: SW 11-2-23W2
Paisely Brook SD 3434
Big Beaver, SK
Big Beaver School District 4065 Northeast section 5 township 2 range 24 west of the 2nd meridian Near Big Beaver, Big Muddy, Saskatchewan Beaver Creek No. 3128: NW 12-2-24W2, Big Beaver No. 4065: NE5-2-24W2, Buffalo Gap No. 3254: NW1-2-25W2, Dry Forks No. 3252: NW3-2-25W2, Ipsley Mound No. 4065: NE3-2-25W2 Paisley Brook No. 3434: SW14-1-23W2, Prairie Centre No. 4169: NW14-1-25W2 Red Butte No. 3940: NW30-2-25W2, Red Stone No. 3639: SE17-1-24W2, Spring Dell No. 4399: SE 13-1-24W2, St. Jerome No. 2574: NW35-2-25W2 Strawberry Coulee No. 4313: SW 11-2-23W2
Prairie Centre SD 4169
Big Beaver, SK
Big Beaver School District 4065 Northeast section 5 township 2 range 24 west of the 2nd meridian Near Big Beaver, Big Muddy, Saskatchewan Beaver Creek No. 3128: NW 12-2-24W2, Big Beaver No. 4065: NE5-2-24W2, Buffalo Gap No. 3254: NW1-2-25W2, Dry Forks No. 3252: NW3-2-25W2, Ipsley Mound No. 4065: NE3-2-25W2 Paisley Brook No. 3434: SW14-1-23W2, Prairie Centre No. 4169: NW14-1-25W2 Red Butte No. 3940: NW30-2-25W2, Red Stone No. 3639: SE17-1-24W2, Spring Dell No. 4399: SE 13-1-24W2, St. Jerome No. 2574: NW35-2-25W2 Strawberry Coulee No. 4313: SW 11-2-23W2
Red Butte SD 3940
Big Beaver, SK
Big Beaver School District 4065 Northeast section 5 township 2 range 24 west of the 2nd meridian Near Big Beaver, Big Muddy, Saskatchewan Beaver Creek No. 3128: NW 12-2-24W2, Big Beaver No. 4065: NE5-2-24W2, Buffalo Gap No. 3254: NW1-2-25W2, Dry Forks No. 3252: NW3-2-25W2, Ipsley Mound No. 4065: NE3-2-25W2 Paisley Brook No. 3434: SW14-1-23W2, Prairie Centre No. 4169: NW14-1-25W2 Red Butte No. 3940: NW30-2-25W2, Red Stone No. 3639: SE17-1-24W2, Spring Dell No. 4399: SE 13-1-24W2, St. Jerome No. 2574: NW35-2-25W2 Strawberry Coulee No. 4313: SW 11-2-23W2
Red Stone SD 3639
Big Beaver, SK
Big Beaver School District 4065 Northeast section 5 township 2 range 24 west of the 2nd meridian Near Big Beaver, Big Muddy, Saskatchewan Beaver Creek No. 3128: NW 12-2-24W2, Big Beaver No. 4065: NE5-2-24W2, Buffalo Gap No. 3254: NW1-2-25W2, Dry Forks No. 3252: NW3-2-25W2, Ipsley Mound No. 4065: NE3-2-25W2 Paisley Brook No. 3434: SW14-1-23W2, Prairie Centre No. 4169: NW14-1-25W2 Red Butte No. 3940: NW30-2-25W2, Red Stone No. 3639: SE17-1-24W2, Spring Dell No. 4399: SE 13-1-24W2, St. Jerome No. 2574: NW35-2-25W2 Strawberry Coulee No. 4313: SW 11-2-23W2
Spring Dell 4399
Big Beaver, SK
Big Beaver School District 4065 Northeast section 5 township 2 range 24 west of the 2nd meridian Near Big Beaver, Big Muddy, Saskatchewan Beaver Creek No. 3128: NW 12-2-24W2, Big Beaver No. 4065: NE5-2-24W2, Buffalo Gap No. 3254: NW1-2-25W2, Dry Forks No. 3252: NW3-2-25W2, Ipsley Mound No. 4065: NE3-2-25W2 Paisley Brook No. 3434: SW14-1-23W2, Prairie Centre No. 4169: NW14-1-25W2 Red Butte No. 3940: NW30-2-25W2, Red Stone No. 3639: SE17-1-24W2, Spring Dell No. 4399: SE 13-1-24W2, St. Jerome No. 2574: NW35-2-25W2 Strawberry Coulee No. 4313: SW 11-2-23W2
St. Jerome SD 2574
Big Beaver, SK
Big Beaver School District 4065 Northeast section 5 township 2 range 24 west of the 2nd meridian Near Big Beaver, Big Muddy, Saskatchewan Beaver Creek No. 3128: NW 12-2-24W2, Big Beaver No. 4065: NE5-2-24W2, Buffalo Gap No. 3254: NW1-2-25W2, Dry Forks No. 3252: NW3-2-25W2, Ipsley Mound No. 4065: NE3-2-25W2 Paisley Brook No. 3434: SW14-1-23W2, Prairie Centre No. 4169: NW14-1-25W2 Red Butte No. 3940: NW30-2-25W2, Red Stone No. 3639: SE17-1-24W2, Spring Dell No. 4399: SE 13-1-24W2, St. Jerome No. 2574: NW35-2-25W2 Strawberry Coulee No. 4313: SW 11-2-23W2
Strawberry Coulee SD 4313
Big Beaver, SK
Eddyside School District 1954, 1918-1952, Township 2 Range 25 West of the 2nd Meridian Near 	East Poplar River post office North West 3 Township 1 range 26 west of the 2nd meridian 	 Eddyside Southwest section 1 township 2 range 26 west of the 2nd meridian
Eddyside SD 1954
East Poplar River, SK
Dravland School District 947, 1912-1950,  South East Section 26 Township 2 Range 15 West of the 2 Meridian Township 3 Range 15 West of the 2nd Meridian, West of Oungre on Highway 18, South East Section 26 Township 2 Range 15 West of the 2 Meridian,  Oungre Northwest Section 22 Township 2 Range 14 West of the 2nd Meridian
Dravland SD 947
Oungre, SK
Pepper School District 2812, 1912-1927, Township 3 range 17 West of the 2nd Meridian,  on Hwy28 1/2km south of Twp Rd 032A, Near Pepper Post Office North East Section 9 Township 3 range 17 West of the 2nd Meridian
Pepper SD 2812
Gladmar, SK
Berg School District 1044, 1912-1956, Township 3 Range 27 West of the 2nd Meridian,  2km east of Jct 18 (E-W) & 36 (N-S) on Twp Rd 30, RM Hart Butte #11 North East section 36 Township 2 Range 28 West of the 2nd Meridian
Berg SD 1044
Coronach, SK
Muddy View School District 2891, 1913-1955, Township 4 Range 25 West of the 2nd Meridian, 27km east of Willow Bunch on #705, Hainstock 2891 Northwest section 19 Township 4 Range 25 West of the 2 meridian 1913-1918, Bengough Southeast section 23 township 5 range 24 West of the 2nd Meridian, Muddy View School District 2891 1918-1955 - Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Muddy View SD 2891
Bengough, SK
Muddy View School District 2891, 1913-1955, Township 4 Range 25 West of the 2nd Meridian, 27km east of Willow Bunch on #705, Hainstock 2891 Northwest section 19 Township 4 Range 25 West of the 2 meridian 1913-1918, Bengough Southeast section 23 township 5 range 24 West of the 2nd Meridian, Muddy View School District 2891 1918-1955 - Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Hainstock SD 2891
Bengough, SK
 Hexagon School District 3526, Hexagon School District 3256, 1917-1951, Township 4 Range 25 West of the 2nd meridian, near Willow Bunch at Section 18 township 5 Range 27 West of the 2nd Meridian, Saskatchewan, - Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Hexagon SD 3526 / 3256
Bengough, SK
Dutch Hollow School District 3085, 1915-1955, Southwest Section 25 Township 4 Range 28 West of the 2nd Meridian, 7km south of Willow Bunch on Highway 36 - Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Dutch Hollow SD 3085
Willow Bunch, SK
Tupper school district 196SE 15 township 25 range 1 west of the second meridiannear Saltcoats, SaskatchewanOperational 1890-1964GPS Location 51 09' 04 N 102 03' 51 W - Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Tupper SD 196
Saltcoats, SK
Grand Central school district 10 RM Montrose 315 near Swanson, Bird View and Ardath- Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Grand Central SD 10
Ardath, sK
Ambassador	School District Number	4740	, 				Township	5	Range	4	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Bruce	School District Number	2541	, 				Township	7	Range	2	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Crestmont	School District Number	3463	, 				Township	7	Range	4	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Elm Springs	School District Number	2951	, 				Township	6	Range	3	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Fir Mountain	School District Number	3098	, 				Township	6	Range	5	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Five Mile Ceek	School District Number	3942	, 				Township	5	Range	3	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Florence	School District Number	2541	, 				Township	7	Range	2	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Gletworth	School District Number	3957	, 				Township	5	Range	6	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Gravelbourg	School District Number	2244	, 				Township	10,11	Range	5	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Harpwell	School District Number	3957	, 				Township	5	Range	6	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Harwood	School District Number	3040	, 				Township	7	Range	5	West of the 	3	Meridian	, High Region	School District Number	3112	, 				Township	10	Range	6	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Highland Valley	School District Number	2397	, 				Township	7	Range	2	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Humberstone	School District Number	4743	, 				Township	6	Range	8	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Lafleche	School District Number	2730	, 				Township	8,9	Range	4	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Lakenheath	School District Number	3451	, 				Township	7	Range	3	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Lynthorpe	School District Number	3247	, 				Township	7	Range	3	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Mathews	School District Number	711	, 				Township	8	Range	5	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Mazenod	School District Number	1302	, 				Township	10	Range	3	West of the 	3	Meridian	, McCarter	School District Number	3179	, 				Township	9	Range	6	West of the 	3	Meridian	, McDonald Creek	School District Number	3243	, 				Township	6	Range	7	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Melaval	School District Number	3983	, 				Township	8	Range	3,4	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Meyronne	School District Number	3189	, 				Township	9	Range	7	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Milly	School District Number	926	, 				Township	6	Range	7	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Mount Zion	School District Number	3183	, 				Township	6	Range	5	West of the 	3	Meridian	, New Hope	School District Number	3628	, 				Township	6	Range	6	West of the 	3	Meridian	, One Mile Coulee	School District Number	4005	, 				Township	8	Range	5	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Orinoco	School District Number	837	, 				Township	8,9	Range	2	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Pinto Valley	School District Number	2573	, 				Township	8	Range	6	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Pinto View	School District Number	1241	, 				Township	8	Range	8	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Plessis	School District Number	3753	, 				Township	6	Range	4	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Rothsay	School District Number	1302	, 				Township	9,10	Range	3	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Spiral	School District Number	2950	, 				Township	8	Range	7	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Survivance	School District Number	4743	, 				Township	6	Range	8	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Sutton	School District Number	667	, 				Township	9,10	Range	2,3	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Twin Valley	School District Number	999	, 				Township	6	Range	6	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Winston	School District Number	3098	, 				Township	6	Range	5	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Wood Dale	School District Number	2629	, 				Township	7	Range	5	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Wood River	School District Number	2828	, 				Township	9	Range	6	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Woodrow	School District Number	3462	, 	 			Township	9	Range	6	West of the 	3	Meridian	, Plessis	School District Number	3752	, 											Conifer	School District Number	4613	, 											Crestmont	School District Number	3163	, 											Lafleche	School District Number	7 Catholic School	, 											Limerick	School District Number	2686	, 											Mathieu	School District Number	7 Catholic School	, 											Meyronne	School District Number	10 Catholic School	, 											 Wood River District, Gravelbourg, Ambassador, Conifer, Fir Mountain, Glentworth, Kramer, Lafleche, Lakenheath, Lynthorpe, Mazenod, Meyronne, McCarter, Milly ,Sutton, Woodrow, Wood River,Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
74 school listing
Wood River, SK
Thorndyke School District 2567 southwest 1 Township 8 range  24 west of the 2nd meridian, 1910-1965, near Kayville NE 22 12 23 W2, Thorndyke hamlet SE 14 9 24 W2- Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Thorndyke SD 2567
Kayville, SK
Querrin School District 3905Northwest section 11 township 9 range 22 west of the 2nd meridian1918-1954Querrin P.O. SW 7 9 21 W2Parry SE 1 10 21 W2near Avonlea, Saskatchewan - Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Querrin SD 3905
Avonlea, SK
Rosebud School District 16061906-1949Township 11 range 22 west of the second meridiannear Avonlea, Parry, Saskatchewan - Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Rosebud SD 1606
Avonlea, SK
Artesian School District 32131914-1924North East Section 31 township 11 range 25 west of the 2nd meridianat our Lady of Sorrows Roman Catholic CemeteryNorth East section 30 township 11 range 25 west of the 2nd meridianNear Spring Valley, Parry, Avonlea Saskatchewan  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Artesian SD 3213
Avonlea SK
Sugar Loaf School District 351531914-1956North West Section 31Township 11 range 26 west of the 2nd meridianvisible on approach from southnear Spring Valley   Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Sugar Loaf SD 3515
Spring Valley, SK
Garrett School District 39391917-1954South West 9, Township 12 range 27 west of the second meridiannear MitchelltonSouth east section 25 township 11 range 28 west of the second meridiannear Mossbank, SaskatchewanNortheast section 25 township 11 range 30 west of the 2 meridian   Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Garrett SD 3939
Mitchellton, SK
Garrett School District 39391917-1954South West 9, Township 12 range 27 west of the second meridiannear MitchelltonSouth east section 25 township 11 range 28 west of the second meridiannear Mossbank, SaskatchewanNortheast section 25 township 11 range 30 west of the 2 meridian   Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Garrett SD 3939
Mitchellton, SK
Sanderson School District 15661907-1960South West 4 township 13 range 22 west of the 2nd meridiannear Avonlea, Saskatchewan  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Sanderson SD 1566
Avonlea, SK
Long Creek School District 8831903-1955Township 13 range 22 or 23 West of the second meridiannear New Warrenand near Kraus, Buffin, Long Creek and Parry Saskatchewan   Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Long Creek SD 883
New Warren, SK
Prairie Flower School District 9891904-1970Township 15 range 16 west of the second meridianin town of Lajord, SaskatchewanSouthwest section 9 township 15 range 16 west of the second meridian   Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Prairie Flower SD 989
Lajord, SK
Kingsville school district 22881909-1952southwest section 18 township 22 range 18 west of the second meridiannear Southey, Wheatwyn, Fairy Hill, Earl Grey, Mortlach, Loch Creek, Glenbrea, Saskatchewan   Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Kingsville SD 2288
Wheatwyn, S
Coynach School District 33601915-1952southeast 13 township 24 range 19 west of the 2 meridiannear Southey    Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Coynach SD 3360
Southey, SK
Cuthbert School District 19341908-1950southwest section 11 township 28 range 22 west of the 2 meridiannear Nokomis, Sasktachewan   Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Cuthbert SD 1934
Nokomis, SK
Khedive School District 1975in town of Khedive, Northeast section 4 township 8 range 19 west of the second meridianwas Royholm Southeast section 22 township 7 range 19 west of the second meridian   Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Khedive SD 1975
Khedive, SK
Moose Jaw Normal School, Teachers College, Teachers Education, Student Teachers, Pioneer school, history of teacher education, Alexandra School,Ross Collegiate School,School District of the Town of Moose Jaw Protestant Public School District No. 1 of the North West Territories, Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST) Palliser Campus , Provincial Technical Institute,  Moose Jaw Union School District Number One  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Normal School
Moose Jaw, SK
Saskatoon Normal School, Saskatoon Teacher's College, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, Nutana Collegiate, Saskatoon Collegiate Institute, Buena Vista School, Wilson School, St. Paul's Separate School, St. Mary's Separate School, St. Thomas Presbyterian Church, St. Thomas Wesley United Church, Qu'Appelle Hall, Student's Residence Number Two, 1030 Avenue A North, 1030 Idywlyld Drive North, Teacher Training Institute, Teacher Training, History of Teacher Education, Saskatoon Normal School, Saskatoon Teacher's College, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, Nutana Collegiate, Saskatoon Collegiate Institute, Buena Vista School, Wilson School, St. Paul's Separate School, St. Mary's Separate School, St. Thomas Presbyterian Church, St. Thomas Wesley United Church, Qu'Appelle Hall, Student's Residence Number Two, 1030 Avenue A North, 1030 Idywlyld Drive North, Teacher Training Institute, Teacher Training, History of Teacher Education,Saskatoon Normal School, Saskatoon Teacher's College, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, Nutana Collegiate, Saskatoon Collegiate Institute, Buena Vista School, Wilson School, St. Paul's Separate School, St. Mary's Separate School, St. Thomas Presbyterian Church, St. Thomas Wesley United Church, Qu'Appelle Hall, Student's Residence Number Two, 1030 Avenue A North, 1030 Idywlyld Drive North, Teacher Training Institute, Teacher Training, History of Teacher Education   Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Normal School
Saskatoon, SK
Regina Normal School~ a History ~ From potential to realty , North-West Territories Normal School 1893-1905 , Regina Provincial Normal School 1905-1927 ,Regina Normal School 1927-1953,Regina Teacher's College 1953-1961,University of Saskatchewan ~ Regina Campus 1961-1969,Faculty of Education USRC 1969-1974,University of Regina 1974-, Regina Teachers Education,  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Normal School
Regina, SK
WOODLIGHT School District # 3823 Sec Tsp 36 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian near Sturgis FORT PELLY School District # 163 NW Sec 30 Tsp 32 Rge 32 W of the 1 Meridian    Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Woodlight area
(please help I.D.)
Fort Pelly, SK
 Frontenac school #305 was SW 27 - 33 - 8  West of 3rd, Rm of Montrose # 315.  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Frontenac SD 305
Chambers, SK
 Peveril school #551 in 1911 was NW  5 - 33 - 8  West 3rd, Rm of Vanscoy # 345.  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Peveril SD 551
Vanscoy, SK
  Zaporoze #3188,  NW 19 44 8 W3, Krydor, Blaine Lake, Hafford  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Zaporoze SD 3188
Springbourne, SK
 Wood Mountain School District 2793, and area, Southwest section 21 township 3 range 3  west of the third meridian and northwest section 20  township  4  range 3 west of the third meridian, near Wood Mountain  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Wood Moutain SD 2793
Wood Mountain, SK
 Wood Mountain School District 2793, and area, Southwest section 21 township 3 range 3  west of the third meridian and northwest section 20  township  4  range 3 west of the third meridian, near Wood Mountain  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Elm Springs 2951
Wood Mountain, SK
 Wood Mountain School District 2793, and area, Southwest section 21 township 3 range 3  west of the third meridian and northwest section 20  township  4  range 3 west of the third meridian, near Wood Mountain  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Five Mile Creek 3942
Wood Mountain, SK
 Wood Mountain School District 2793, and area, Southwest section 21 township 3 range 3  west of the third meridian and northwest section 20  township  4  range 3 west of the third meridian, near Wood Mountain  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Flintoft 4783
Wood Mountain, SK
 Wood Mountain School District 2793, and area, Southwest section 21 township 3 range 3  west of the third meridian and northwest section 20  township  4  range 3 west of the third meridian, near Wood Mountain  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Hay Meadow 4241
Wood Mountain, SK
 Wood Mountain School District 2793, and area, Southwest section 21 township 3 range 3  west of the third meridian and northwest section 20  township  4  range 3 west of the third meridian, near Wood Mountain  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Sunny Crest 3569
Wood Mountain, SK
 Fir Mountain School District 4796, south east 13 township 5 range 5 west of the third meridian, Fir Mountain, MacWorth,  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Fir Mountain SD 4796
Wood Mountain, SK
 Hohenlohe school district 27051911Located a few miles North and 1 mile East of Langenburg Saskatchewan50' 53' 21 N 101'40' 23 WSec 11 Tsp 22 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian Langenburg   Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Hohenlohe SD 2705
Langenburg, SK
Tyrone School District 46081925-1958Wilton Rural Municipality 4729.8 kilometers to Trans Canada Highway 16 west9.8 kilometers to Saskatchewan highway 675Township road 474, Range road 326Southwest section 26 Township 47 range 26 West of the third meridiannear Lashburn, Saskatchewan
Tyrone SD 4608
Lashburn, SK
Roland View School District number 50661934-195953.0558866 -109.7594385Range Road 3260 Twp Rd 454Neilburg, SaskatchewanHillsdale Rural Municipality 440NW Sec 19 Tsp 45 Rge 25 W of the 3 Meridian
Roland View SD 5066
Neilburg, SK
Senlac CommunitySenlac Church, Community of Christ, Senlac, 32-40-26-W3, Latitude - Longitude : 52? 29' 35'' N, 109? 42' 30'' W, Latitude - Longitude 52.4931361, -109.7082360, Senlac Rural Municipality No. 411
Senlac, SK
Nolan / (Nolin) School District 903Sec Tsp 45 Rge 17 W of the 3 Meridian 44,45-17-W3 52?52'17''N 108?18'9''W 1905-1966 Near North Battleford, Battleford Saskatchewan Nolin South east quarter of section 18 township 45 range 16 west of the third meridian
Nolan / Nolin SD 903
North Battleford, Battleford, SK
Kensington Lake School District 1083Southwest section 11 township 23 range 33 west of the first meridian, Bredenbury, 1918-1946, Bredenbury School, 50 57' 52'' N 102 00' 22'' ,
Kensington Lake SD 1083
Bredenbury SK
Chatsworth School District 181near Saltcoats, Saskatchewan1907-1966Location 51 03'4'' N 102 00' 22''WSoutheast section 25 township 24 range 1 west of the second meridian
Chatsworth SD 181
Saltcoats, SK
St. John's School, North east quarter of section 4 township 21 range 26 west of the third meridian, Leader, Liebenthal, Blumenfeld, Sceptre, St John's Church,Rural Municipality of Happyland #231
St. Johns
Leader, SK
St Joseph De Dauphinais School District 317 Catholic Public School District 15 of the North-West Territories near Ituna and Foam Lake, Saskatchewan
St Joseph De Dauphinais 317
Foam Lake, SK
St Joseph De Dauphinais School District 317 Catholic Public School District 15 of the North-West Territories near Ituna and Foam Lake, Saskatchewan
Catholic Public School District 15
of the North-West Territories
Foam Lake, SK
Foster School District 388, Abernethy, Saskatchewan
Foster SD 388
Abernethy, SK
Corofin School District no 1507 ,TAdmore,  Saskatchewan
Corofin SD 1507
Tadmore, SK
Tadmore School District 5130 ,TAdmore,  Saskatchewan
Tadmore SD 5130
Tadmore, SK
Little stone School District 2069,  Naicam, Saskatchewan
Little Stone SD 2069
Naicam, SK
Home School District 3993,  Naicam, Saskatchewan
Home SD 3993
Naicam, SK
Kitako SD 3172, Naicam  Saskatchewan
Naicam SD 3172
Naicam, SK
AMSTERDAM School District # 5255Canora, Saskcatchewan Saskatchewan
Amsterdam SD 5255
Canora, SK
LILY PLAIN School District # 501 Sec Tsp 49 Rge 1 W of the 3 Meridian, near Butterby / Lily Plain,
Lily Plain SD 501
Butterby, SK
Hauer School District 1350 N 50 46 31.2 W 102 39 23.4 1925-1965 near Grayson, SK
Hauer SD 1350
Grayson, SK
Wymer School District 1287,1914-1965,Section 25 Township 21 Range 6 West of the 2nd meridian,50? 40' 40.1'' N, 102? 43' 33.9'',Near Grayson, Saskatchewan
Wymer SD 1287
Grayson, SK
Gelowitz School District 1450 NE section 22 Township 20 Range 6 West of the 2nd Meridian 1907-1964 Coordinates 50? 44' 17.1'' N, 102? 44' 59'' W
Gelowitz School District 1450
Grayson, SK
REED VALLEY School District # 1522SW Sec 1 Tsp 18 Rge 10 W of the 3 Meridian
Reed Valley SD 1522
Herbert, SK
Rosefarm School district 2632 is located southwest of Herbert, Saskatchewan
Rosefarm SD 2632
Herbert, SK
Violetdale School District 4781,. New NE quarter of section 18-township 40- range 16 w 2nd new school build on new location 1947, Old NE quarter of section 08- township 40-range 16 w 2nd original log building 1929 Spalding, SK
Violetdale SD 4781
Spalding, SK
Coverdale School Distrct 493 located near Moosomin NW 13 13 32 W1
Coverdale SD 493
Moosomin, SK
Iona  School Distrct 306 SE 15 13 33 w1, St. Andrews Colony, SK
Iona SD 306
St. Andrew's Colony, SK
Norwegian Grove School District 2630 Northeast section 14 township 40- range 20 west of the 2nd meridian Sign locates at township 40- range 19 west of the 2nd meridian 1912 to 1963 near Lake Lenore, Saskatchewan
Norwegian Grove SD 2630
Lake Lenore, SK
Dumbarton School Distrct 1999 Northeast 11 Township 40 Range 18 west of the 2nd meridian changed names to Naicam SD 1999
Dumbarton SD 1999
Naicam, SK
Dumbarton School Distrct 1999 Northeast 11 Township 40 Range 18 west of the 2nd meridian changed names to Naicam SD 1999
Naicam SD 1999
Naicam, SK
Kew Gardens School District 4847 NW quarter of section 09- township 41-range 16 west of the 2nd meridian 1930-1968 Near Lac Vert, Saskatchewan 2-41-18-W2
Kew Gardens SD 4847
Lac Vert, SK
Service School Distict 4474North East quarter of section 11- township 41- range 17 west of the 2nd meridian 1922-1960 Organised 1922, school built 1923 Near Lac Vert, Saskatchewan
Service 4474
Lac Vert, SK
Champlain School SD #1185 North West section 11-township 39-range 19 west of the 2nd meridian near Spalding, Saskatchewan
Champlain SD 1185
Spalding, SK
Killaly School District 1594 Sec Tsp 21 Rge 7 W of the 2 Meridian  Killaly Saskatchewanvillage South section 31 township 20 range 6 west of the 2nd meridian
Killaly SD 1594
Killaly. SK
Saskatoon Normal School Class Picture 1924
Normal School
Class of 1924
Saskatoon, SK
Last Centre ? school district #4605 Mankota, SK
Last Centre SD 4605
Mankota, SK
Varsity SD 3078 McCord, SK
Varsity SD 3078
McCord, SK
Summercove SD 350 Mankota,  SK
Summercove SD 350
Mankota, SK.
Lark Hill SD 4446 McCord, SK
Lark Hill SD 4446
McCord, SK
Return SD 3473 Mankota, SK
Return SD 3473
Mankota, SK
Glidden SD 2726 near Glidden, SK
Glidden SD 2726
Glidden, SK
Kincora SD 2726 near Glidden, SK
Kincora SD 2726
Glidden, SK
Kolin 4538 near Esterhazy and Kolin, SK
Kolin SD 4538
Kolin, SK
Kingslynn SD 1851 near Esterhazy, SK
Kingslynn SD 1851
Esterhazy, SK
West Wexord School District 4767 near Gorlitz and Canora SK
West Wexford SD 4767
Gorlitz, SK
Poplar Springs School District 1676 near Gorlitz and Canora SK
Poplar Springs SD 1676
Gorlitz, SK
Ormsby School District 1371 near Ormside SK
Ormsby SD 1371
Ormside, SK
Fell School District 2982 near Dahinda SK
Fell SD 2982
Dahinda, SK
Brightsand School 3447 near Brightsand. SK
Brightsand SD 3447
Brightsand, SK
Emmaville School District 2191 near Brightsand. SK
Emmaville SD 2191
Brightsand, SK
Marguerite School District 1321 near Brightsand. SK
Marguerite SD 1321
Brightsand, SK
New Pine Ridge School 1018 near Brightsand. SK
New Pine Ridge SD 1018
Brightsand, SK
Old Pine Ridge School 1018 near Brightsand. SK
Old Pine Ridge SD 1018
Brightsand, SK
Marquette School District 2747 SK
Marquette SD 2747
Gravelbourg, SK
Mostetz School District 1734, Calder,  SK
Mostetz SD 1734
Calder, SK
Manlius School District 2956, Armley SK
Manlius SD 2956
Armley, SK
Artesian School District 3213 1914-1924 North East Section 31 township 11 range 25 west of the 2nd meridian
Aylesbury SD 2127
Aylesbury, SK
Bessborough School District 50131933-1952South west section 23 township 1 range 21 west of the second meridiannear Minton [was Fort Comfort]
Bessborough SD
Minton, SK
Bond City School District 1375Mitchellton School District 13751912-1925, 1925-1964near Mitchellton, Saskatchewan
Bond City SD 1375
Mitchellton, SK
Boyle School District 18001907-1959southeast quarter of section 15 township 15 range 19 west of the second meridiannear Estlin, Saskatchewan
Boyle SD 1800
Estlin, SK
Brighton School District 23801909-1956north west quarter of section 27 township 13 range 19 west of the second meridiannear Gray, Saskatchewan
Brighton SD 2380
Gray, Saskatchewan , SK
Brooklyn School District 17911913-19616section 36 township 28 range 21 west of the second meridiannear Tate section 36- township 28- range 21-West of the 2nd meridianprevious post office names Bleakmore, South west section 20 township 28 range 20 west of the second meridian
Brooklyn SD 1791
Tate, SK
Clydesdale School District 41421918-1955North east section 32 township 3 range 27 west of the second meridiannear Coronach, Saskatchewan
Clydesdale SD 4142
Coronach, Saskatchewan , SK
Coal Dale School District 40941919-1948North east section 32 township 3 range 21 west of the second meridiannear Roanmine [Roan Mine] was located at Section 17, township 3, range 21 west of the second meridian
Coal Dale SD 4094
Roanmine [Roan Mine], SK
Crocus Prairie School District 39061917-1950township 13 range 19 west of the second meridiannear Gray, Saskatchewan
Crocus Prairie SD 3906
Croft School District 37511916-1958north west section 8 township 10 range 24 west of the second meridiannear Crystal Hill , Saskatchewan
Croft SD 3751
Crystal Hill, SK
Crown School District 35181915-1942south west section 16 township 12 range 22 west of the 2nd meridiannear Avonlea, Saskatchewannorth east sction 22 township 12 range 23 west of the 2nd meridian
Crown School District SD 3518
Avonlea, SK
Dahinda School District 29821955-1967north east section 24 township 9 range 23 west of the second meridiansouth east of Dahinda, Saskatchewan
Dahinda SD 2982
Dahinda, SK
Bond City School District 1375Mitchellton School District 13751912-1925, 1925-1964near Mitchellton, Saskatchewan
Mitchellton SD 1375
Mitchellton, SK
Edgeworth School Disrict 4720Township 9, Range 22 or 23 west of the second meridian1928-1955on Township road 92near Edgeworth , Saskatchewan
Edgeworth SD 4720
Edgeworth, SK
Go To Gallery four

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Gallery images listed in alphabetical order:
School names beginning A-L School names beginning M-Z

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