Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Meadowvale School District 175
near Saltcoats (Stirling) Saskatchewan.
West half of section 1, township 24 range 2 west of the 2 meridian

Meadowvale School District 175 near Saltcoats (Stirling) Saskatchewan

Meadowvale School District 175 map near Saltcoats (Stirling) Saskatchewan

For more information see

Book: Saltcoats - Roots and Branches (Saskatchewan Local History/Genealogy) [Hardcover] Saltcoats and District Historical Society (Author) Publisher: Saltcoats and District Historical Society; First Edition edition (1982) ASIN: 0919533205

This picture was forwarded to Verna Brenner by her cousin, Gordon Laycock, a former student of this school. This image is of the school house moving to another location, however Verna Brenner notes that the schoolhouse name is still visible.

History of Halls of Saltcoats

Saltcoats, SK Historic Walk

The school district was located on the North 1/2 of se3ctions 7,8,9 township 24 range 2 west of the 2 meridian AND

North 1/2 of section 12 township 24 range 3 west of the 2 meridian AND

sections 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 township 24 range 2 west of the 2 meridian AND

sections 13, 25, 25, 36 township 24 range 3 west of the 2 meridian AND

sections 19, 20, 21, 22 township 24 range 2 west of the 2 meridian AND

West 1/2 of sections 27, 28, 29, 30 township 24 range 2 west of the 2 meridian AND

sections 19, 20, 21, 22 township 24 range 2 west of the 2 meridian AND

sections 31, 32 33, 34 township 24 range 2 west of the 2 meridian

Saltcoats (previous name Stirling) was located at Section 1 township 24 range 2 west of the 2nd meridian. South east of Meadowvale School district.

Dunleath was located at NW Section 34 township 25 range 2 west of the 2nd meridian. North east of Meadowvale School district.

Eakindale was located at SE Section 14 township 23 range 3 west of the 2nd meridian.

Perley was located at NW Section 34 township 22 range 2 west of the 2nd meridian.

Llewelyn was located at SW Section 2 township 22 range 3 west of the 2nd meridian.

Clumber was located at NW Section 16 township 22 range 1 west of the 2nd meridian.

Bredenbury was located at N Section 35 township 22 range 1 west of the 2nd meridian.

Stornoway was located at NE Section 35 township 26 range 1 west of the 2nd meridian.

Orcadia was located at NW Section 26 township 26 range 5 west of the 2nd meridian.

Otthon was located at SE Section 26 township range 5 west of the 2nd meridian.

Yorkton and Qu'Appelle sheets of the
Schoolhouse Maps


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Saskatchewan One Room School House Project
Schools, yearbooks and information submitted by Verna Brenner
Yorkton Gen Web Region
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1. From: Verna Brenner

To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster Subject: Meadowvale one room schoolhouse, Saskatchewan
Date March 3, 2013