Gallery SIX
Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Gallery lists images in order received

Gallery images listed in alphabetical order:
School names beginning A-L School names beginning M-Z

This page was getting very large to load so it was divided!.
(Thank you kindly for your submissions)
Some links will be one web page, some links will be multiple images, letters, maps, queries, drawings or reminiscinces depending on amount or type of submissions sent by each individual submitter.

{Text stories are entered at Places}

Valley Ste. Claire SD 3184
Valley Ste. Claire SD 3184
Cadillac, SK
Wheatville SD 4547 and Priory SD 3716
Wheatville SD 4547
Cadillac, SK
Honeywood School District 1138,Teacher. Lillian Davis c1930
Shell Lake, NE 11-50-8-W3,Province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Honeywood SD 1138
Shell Lake, SK
Diamond School District 601,near Tyvan, Colfax, Province of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Diamond SD 601
Colfax, SK
YELLOWGRASS SCHOOL DISTRICT 539,Six room schoolhouse
215 Souris Street,Town of Yellow Grass NE section 7 township 10 range 16 W2, Province of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Yellow Grass SD 539
Yellow Grass, SK
ELK School District # 3266,NE Sec 9 Tsp 35 Rge 27 W of the 3 Meridian,near Major, and Cactus Lake,Province of Saskatchewan, Canada, Submitter of photo Eric Larsson
Elk SD 3266
Major, Cactus Lake, SK
Panama School 3635,1916-1959,SE 9-35-28-W3,near Major and Unity, Saskatchewan, Canada, Submitter of photo Eric Larsson
Panama SD 3635
Major, Unity, SK
Driver One Room Schoolhouse #811
Driver, Smiley, Coleville, Saskatchewan, Canada, Saskatchewan, Canada, Submitter of photo Eric Larsson
Driver SD 811
Driver, Smiley, SK
Hilldale School District 3099,sw 14 33 28 W3,near Court, Kerrobert, and Flack's Saskatchewan, Canada, Submitter of photo Eric Larsson
Hilldale SD 3099
Court, Kerrobert, SK
Cotswold School District 2771
SE 11 40 27 W3 Near Evesham, Saskatchewan, Canada 1913-1949, Submitter of photos Eric Larsson
Cotswold SD 2771
Evesham, SK
Cathrintal School District 563 Map, 1900, Kathrintal Colony Post Office SE 14 16 17 W2, Kronau, Regina,Rural Municipality of Edenwold No. 158,   Saskatchewan
Cathrintal SD 563
Kronau, SK
Druid One Room Schoolhouse 702, Druid, RM Winslow 319, Saskatchewan, Canada, Saskatchewan, Canada, Submitter of photo Eric Larsson
Druid SD 702
Druid, Sk
Twynholm School District 3010, NE 23 28 27 w3, Denzil, Primate, RM Eye Hill 382   Saskatchewan
Twynholm SD 3010
Denzil, SK
Ollenburger SD 2636, SW 16 37 26 W3, Denzil,  Saskatchewan
Ollenburger SD 2636
Denzil, SK
Evesham School District 2338, Evesham, ne 29 39 27 w3, RM of Eye Hill 382,  Saskatchewan
Evesham SD 2338
Evesham, SK
Hampton School District 2750 , NE 32 38 27 W3, Primate, Unity, RM Eye Hill 382, Saskatchewan
Hampton SD 2750
Primate, SK
Alsask School District 2761 , 28 29 W3, Alsask, RM Milton 292, Saskatchewan
Alsask SD 2750
Alsask, SK
Point Lake School District 4289 , Winter, Unity, RM Senlac 411, Saskatchewan
Point Lake SD 4289
Winter, SK
Wall Lake School District 1764, Dundurn, Saskatchewan
Wall Lake SD 1764
Dundurn, SK
Rutland School District 737 , Rutland, Unity, Senlac RM 411, Saskatchewan
Rutland SD 737
Rutland, SK
Jellicoe School District 3512, 1915-1961, RM 350, Dodsland, Saskatchewan
Jellicoe SD 3512
Dodsland, SK
Norris School District 4218, NW 19-33-20-W3, Dodsland, 1924-1958, Rural Municipality of Winslow No. 319, Saskatchewan
Norris SD 4218
Dodsland, SK
Hopedale School District 346, RM Oakdale 320, T 32 R 22 W3, Coleville, Bearfield, Ednaburg, Coleville 
se 6 32 23 
w3, Saskatchewan
Hopedale SD 346
Coleville, SK
Prairiedale school district 335,
NW of the NW quarter of section 8 Tsp 32 Rge 26 West of the Third Meridian,
near Hoosier, Loverna, Glenloney, Howiedale,
Rural Municipality of Prairiedale No. 321
Saskatchewan, Canada  Saskatchewan
Prairiedale SD 335
Coleville, SK
Burnbrae School District 4665, 1932-1952, Court, Kerrobert,  Saskatchewan
Burnbrae SD 4665
Kerrobert, SK
Stranraer School District 651, RM Mountainview 318,SE 4-32-18-W3,  Stranraer,  Saskatchewan
Stranraer SD 651
Stranraer, SK
Mystery school district,Rural Municipality Winslow 319,Tsp 31 Rge 19 West of the Third Meridian,
51 degrees 37'10.9N 108 degrees 37'46.4W,51.619694, -108.629556,Saskatchewan, Canada ,Saskatchewan, Canada ,Saskatchewan, Canada  Saskatchewan
Mystery School
Viewfair, SK
Smiley School District 3171, Smiley NE 21-31-25 W3, Prairiedale RM 321,Saskatchewan, Canada ,Saskatchewan, Canada  Saskatchewan
Smiley SD 3171
Smiley, SK
Hoosier School 1145,SW 24-31-27-W3,Hoosier hamlet SE 3-31-27-W3,Whittier School District 1145,1912-1916,Saskatchewan, Canada ,Saskatchewan, Canada  Saskatchewan
Hoosier SD 1145
Whittier SD 1145

Hoosier, SK
Mystery school district,51 degrees 45'50.9 N,109 degrees 57'14.9 W,51.764139, -109.954139,32-28 W3,Rural Municipality Antelope Park 322,Saskatchewan, Canada  Canada  Saskatchewan
Mystery School
Loverna, SK
Saltcoats SD 140, Saltcoats SD 36, Saltcoats, Saskatchewan, RM Saltcoats No. 213 Aston (new school)	School District 	1537	,
Armstrong	School District 	797	,
Barvas	School District 	3452	,
Boakview (Boakeview)	School District 	1325	,
Bredenbury	School District 	1186	,
Castleton (Castletown)	School District 	118	,
Castleton (new school)	School District 	118	,
Chatsworth A	School District 	1810	,
Chatsworth B 	School District 	1810	,
Clumber	School District 	184	,
Crescent (Hilltop)	School District 	110	,
Crescent	School District 	110	,
Cut Arm	School District 	136	,
Eden	School District 	197	,
Glyndwr	School District 	991	,
Grahame	School District 	151	,
Hillerton	School District 	4236	,
Kengsington Lake	School District 	1083	,
Llewelyn	School District 	807	,
Loyal	School District 	4385	,
Meadowvale	School District 	175	,
Peachview	School District 	4322	,
Pennock	School District 	1437	,
Perley	School District 	395	,
Rothbury (new school)	School District 	204	,
Saltcoats (old school)	School District 	140	,
Saltcoats (new school)	School District 	36	,
St. David's	School District 		,
Tupper (LOG SCHOOL)	School District 	196	,
Tupper (NEW SCHOOL)	School District 	196	,
Saltcoats SD 140
Saltcoats SD 36

Saltcoats, Sk
Area schools
NW 22 8 14 W3, 1916-1963
Cadillac, NW 8 9 13 w3
province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Boule Creek SD 3314
Jupiter SD 3314
Cadillac, SK
North Landing School District 3198
south east quarter of section 28 township 20 range 15 west of the third meridian
near the town of Kyle
north east section 32 township 21 range 15 west of the third meridian
province of Saskatchewan, Canada
North Landing SD 3198
Kyle, SK
Sanctuary School District 4566
Sanctuary hamlet NE 30 23 15 W3
Saskatchewan, Canada
Sanctuary SD 4566
Sanctuary, SK
WHITE BEAR School District 4773
hamlet NW 18 22 16 W3
Another record shows also WHITE BEAR SCHOOL DISTRICT 2647
22-16-W3, near Tuberose,
Saskatchewan, Canada
White Bear SD 4773
Tuberose, SK
HAZELWOOD 	School District # 2814 	1911 classes 1912 	1958 	Regina - Touchwood Hills Sheets Map 	NE of NW 	35 	Township 24 	Range 18 	W of the 2 nd Meridian 	near Hazelwood 	1948 and 1952 	Replaced 1950. P.O. NE Section 24 Tsp 11 Rge 5 W2
Hazelwood SD 2814
Hazelwood, Cupar, Sk
Bourneville School District 3521, one room school house picture
Bourneville SD 3521
Southey, Sk
Minor Lake Consolidated SD 2716, one room school house picture
Minor Lake Consolidated SD 2716

D'Arcy, Sk
Stoneyhurst School District 4060, one room school house picture
Stoneyhurst SD 4060
Alsask, Sk
Meadow Prairie School District 2716, BARICH SCHOOL DISTRICT 2716, near Lawtonia and Morse,  one room school house picture
Meadow Prairie SD2716
Barich SD 2716
, Morse, Sk
Long Creek School District 883, New Warren, Avonlea,   one room school house picture
Long Creek SD 883
New Warren, Avonlea, SK
BARRYVILLE school district 2946, Cactus Lake,  Saskatchewan   Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Cactus Lake, Sk
Palm School District 2529, Cactus Lake,  one room school house picture
Palm SD 2529
Cactus Lake, Sk
Heart's Hill School District 2423, Luseland,  one room school house picture
Heart's Hill SD 2423
Luseland, Sk
Ruth School District 4066, Luseland,  one room school house picture
Ruth SD 4066
Vera, Unity, SK
Senlac School District 2749, Senlac  one room school house picture
Senlac SD 2749
Senlac, Sk

Gramlich SD # 3960
near Cactus Lake
aster  School District 4457 near Major, Saskatchewan
Aster SD # 4457
Major, SK
Englewood  School District 4457 near Luseland, Saskatchewan
Englewood SD # 4457
Luseland, SK
Ackerman School District 4229 near Cactus Lake, Saskatchewan
Ackerman SD # 4229
Cactus Lake, SK
Federal School District 4048 near Bresaylor, Saskatchewan
Federal SD # 4048
Bresaylor, SK
seifert School District 2725, near Evesham, Twynholm, Saskatchewan
Seifert SD 2725
Evesham, Sk
St Mary School District 4558, Cactus Lake, Walz School District 4558
Walz SD 4558
St. Mary SD 4558
Cactus Lake, Sk
Rhyl School District 4265, St. Joseph's Colony, Handel,
Rhyl SD 4265
Handel, Sk
Kelfield School District 2466
Paragon School on S 28 34 19 in 1912
Moved into Kelfield 1916
Brick School 1918-1964, Kelfield,
Province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Kelfield SD 2466
Kelfield, Sk

The Gallery lists images in order received

Gallery images listed in alphabetical order:
School names beginning A-L School names beginning M-Z

This page was getting very large to load so it was divided!.
(Thank you kindly for your submissions)
Some links will be one web page, some links will be multiple images, letters, maps, queries, drawings or reminiscinces depending on amount or type of submissions sent by each individual submitter.

{Text stories are entered at Places}

Offsite, WWW links to one room schoolhouses have been moved to WWW Places Thank you for stopping by #
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Dear Valued Visitors of Saskatchewan GenWeb's New Domain,

We're delighted to welcome you to our new digital abode at ! If you've been a traveler through the pathways of the Provincial Saskatchewan GenWeb site hosted by Rootsweb and Ancestry, fret not?our webpages will not only endure but thrive at this new domain.

A New Chapter Unfolds:

This is not just a change of address; it's the dawn of a new chapter in documenting the rich tapestry of Saskatchewan's history. The one-room schoolhouses, cemetery headstones, historical maps, and the myriad of placenames will continue to find a digital home here.

Patreon: Fueling the Future: The heartbeat of this endeavor is our Patreon community. Their support ensures not only the financing of this project for the current year but paves the way for future years. It's a collective effort where every contribution propels us forward.

The Saskatchewan GenWeb Mission Persists: As volunteers diligently place new information and updates online, we're excited to persist in this labor of love. Your visits, support, and enthusiasm make it possible for us to continue unearthing and preserving the stories of the past.

The Journey to Sustain History:

The new domain and web hosting provider stand as pillars, thanks to the incredible support from our growing Patreon community. We're not just looking at this as a one-time venture but a sustained effort year after year.

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Visit to witness the evolution of Saskatchewan GenWeb. It's a digital canvas awaiting your exploration.

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Behind every update and every historical map scanned, there's a team of dedicated volunteers. If you find our service beneficial, consider supporting us through Patreon. Your contribution is an investment in preserving Saskatchewan's history.

Gratitude to and

A heartfelt thank you to and for providing the foundation. Now, as we transition, we seek your support in finding paid web hosting. Your backing ensures a lasting legacy.

Together, Let's Preserve and Propel:

The Saskatchewan GenWeb service has been a guiding light for historians, genealogists, and the public. Join us in preserving and propelling this legacy into the digital future.

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Thank you for being a cherished part of our community. Your passion for history fuels our dedication.

Warm regards,

The Saskatchewan GenWeb Team