Gallery FIVE
Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Gallery lists images in order received

Gallery images listed in alphabetical order:
School names beginning A-L School names beginning M-Z

This page was getting very large to load so it was divided!.
(Thank you kindly for your submissions)
Some links will be one web page, some links will be multiple images, letters, maps, queries, drawings or reminiscinces depending on amount or type of submissions sent by each individual submitter.

{Text stories are entered at Places}

LEWISWYN School District # 3272, 1920-1953, SE corner of the SE quarter of section 25 Tsp 29 Rge 19 W of the 2 Meridian, Near Raymore, Province of Saskatchewan, and Lewiswyn post office SE 14-29-19-W2,
Lewiswyn SD 3272
Raymore, SK
A story about a Pioneer Saskatchewan School Inspector and his One Room School House teacher daughter.  J.Frank Hutchison (1865-1935) and Orma V. Neilson (1890-1967) By Lisa G. Henderson
East Central School
Prince Albert, SK
A story about a Pioneer Saskatchewan School Inspector and his One Room School House teacher daughter.  J.Frank Hutchison (1865-1935) and Orma V. Neilson (1890-1967) By Lisa G. Henderson
Cecil SD 130
Davis, SK
A story about a Pioneer Saskatchewan School Inspector and his One Room School House teacher daughter.  J.Frank Hutchison (1865-1935) and Orma V. Neilson (1890-1967) By Lisa G. Henderson
Colleston SD 9
Prince Albert, SK
A story about a Pioneer Saskatchewan School Inspector and his One Room School House teacher daughter.  J.Frank Hutchison (1865-1935) and Orma V. Neilson (1890-1967) By Lisa G. Henderson
Stanleyville SD 385
Prince Albert, SK
A story about a Pioneer Saskatchewan School Inspector and his One Room School House teacher daughter.  J.Frank Hutchison (1865-1935) and Orma V. Neilson (1890-1967)  By Lisa G. Henderson
Oxbow SD 225
Oxbow, SK
Souvenir.Normal School.Regina. Spring 1908. By Lisa G. Henderson
Normal School
Regina, SK
MERRYWOOD School District # 3470 S.W. 1/4 Section 5- Township 41-Range 22 West of the 2nd meridian 1922-1961 near Middle Lake, Saskatchewan
Merrywood SD 3470
Middle Lake, SK
Saskatchewan Gen Web - Flegel School District 1214, North West quarter of Section 35 township 19 range 6 west of the second meridian, near Grayson, Saskatchewan
Flegel SD 1214
Grayson. SK
Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project, Columbia School District 2130, North East section 20 township 19 range 5 west of the 2nd meridian, near Dubuc, and Grayson, Saskatchewan
Columbia SD 2130
Grayson. SK
Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project, PRINCE school district number 3694,  SW 14-46-17 1917-1935 school burned down, New school built 1935-1968,First teacher Miss F.E. Simpson, Prince, a hamlet, was located at the soth west quarter of section 14 township 46 range 17 west of the third meridian (52° 57' 44'' N, 108° 22' 6'' W) near North Battleford, Footsteps in time : Meota, Prince, Wing, Russell, Fitzgerald, Vyner, St. Michael, Jackfish Creek, Ness, Lavigne, Cochin, Murray Lake, Scentgrass, Glenrose, Moosomin, Saulteaux, Metinota. -Meota, Sask, Author Meota History Book Committee, 1980, ISBN 088925208,
Prince SD 3694
North Battleford. SK
Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project, LITTLE LAKE 	School District # 1963,		Sec 	Tsp 20 	Rge 23 	W of the 2 Meridian , Disley, section 30- township 19- range 22-West of the 2 meridian, 50° 38' 27'' N, 105° 2' 58'' W, Rural Municipality of Lumsden No. 189, Valeport,33-20-21-W2, 50° 45' 0'' N, 104° 52' 2', W SK, CA
Little Lake SD 1963
Valeport. SK
Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project, HELLER SCHOOL DISTRICT 3634(There have also been spellings of the school district as KELLER, however most often as HELLER) 1917 South west quarter of section 3 township 10 range 29 west of the third meridian near Neuheim, Maple Creek and Fort Walsh, Saskatchewan,, W SK, CA
Heller SD 3634
Neuheim, Maple Creek. SK
Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project, Rob Roy School District 349,South East quarter Section 33 Township 23 range 10 west of the third meridian,near Lucky Lake1911 -,Lucky Lake Village South West quarter of section 25 township 23 range 9 west of the third meridian,Lucky Lake is near Outlook, Saskatchewan., Saskatchewan,, W SK, CA, School District Files, Department of Education, Saskatchewan Provincial Archives
Rob Roy SD 349
Lucky Lake, SK
Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project, Ferrell School District 1485NW Section 18 Township 20 Range 4 West of the Second Meridian,1906-1964,near Grayson, Saskatchewan,GPS N 50 43 00.7, W 102 33 49.5,Province, Saskatchewan
Ferrell SD 1485
Grayson, SK
Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project, Leney School District 2555,Centre north east quarter section 30 township 35 range 11 west of the third meridian,Leney villageNorth East quarter section 30 township 35 range 11 west of the third meridian,Leney school in the village of Leney, near Perdue, Saskatchewan.Province, Saskatchewan
Leney SD 2555
Leney, SK
Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project, Landis School District 2363,1909-1973,Village of Landis, Saskatchewan, CA,North west quarter section 24 township 37 range 18 west of the third meridian . Saskatchewan.Province, Saskatchewan
Landis SD 2555
Landis, SK
Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project, PINE RIDGE School District # 1018,Northwest quarter of section 24 Tsp 54 Rge 20 W of the 3 Meridian,Bright Sand P.O.South west quarter of section 16 Twp.54, R.20, W3  Saskatchewan.Province, Saskatchewan
Old Pine Ridge SD 1018
Brightsand, SK
Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project,ALSASK School District # 2761,Alsask Boys and the School Marms,Nov. 18, 1917,Sec Tsp 28 Rge 29 W of the 3 Meridian near Alsask Province of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan.Province, Saskatchewan
Alsask SD 2761
Alsask, SK
Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project,Crescent Hill	12-45A-22-W2,Crystal Springs	24-44-24-W2,Domremy	17-44-26-W2,Invergordon	30-44-23-W2,Spring Grove	44-25-W2,Mystery White frame schoolhouse,OMAND	School District #	933	45-22-W2,ETHELTON	School District #	1439	44-21A W2,KAMINKA	School District #	1632	44-25-W2,GOLDEN ROD	School District #	1757	45A-26-W2,TARNOPOL (TARNAPOL)	School District #	2579	43-24-W2,CRESCENT HILL	School District #	2897	45A-22-w2,WAITVILLE	School District #	2944	NE 11-45-24-W2,INVERGORDON	School District #	3054	NW 29-44-23-W2,PEA VINE	School District #	3383	44-26-W2,DUBOIS LAKE	School District #	3749	43-26-W2,Waitville	School District 15-45-24-W2 Province of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan.Province, Saskatchewan
Mystery School
Crystal Springs, Invergordon, SK
Ormaux School District 2943, Debden, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project,Province of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan.Province, Saskatchewan
Ormaux SD 2943
Debden, SK
Poplar Valley School District 3646, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project,Province of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan.Province, Saskatchewan
Poplar Valley SD 3646
Lisieux and Joeville, SK
Hay Meadow School District 4241North East Section 29 Township 4 Range 1 West of the Third Meridiannear Lisieux and Joeville Province of SaskatchewanSaskatchewan, Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project,Province of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan.Province, Saskatchewan
Hay Meadow SD 4241
Lisieux and Joeville, SK
Dave Layton Report Card Hay Meadow School District 4241North East Section 29 Township 4 Range 1 West of the Third Meridian near Lisieux and Joeville Province of SaskatchewanSaskatchewan, Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project,Province of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan.Province, Saskatchewan
Hay Meadow SD 4241
Lisieux and Joeville, SK
Gladioli School District 46521926-1948South east section 2 township 2 range 1 west of the third meridianRockglen, Province of Saskatchewan
Galdioli SD 4652

Rockglen, SK
Prongua School District 1117Rockglen, Province of Saskatchewan
Prongua SD 1117

Prongua, SK
GOLD BANK School District # 677, Location NE Sec 16 Tsp 36 Rge 3 W of the 2 Meridian,near Stenen 9-34-3-W2,Latitude - Longitude (DMS) 51° 53' 58'' N, 102° 22' 43'' W,Latitude - Longitude (decimal) 51.8993639, -102.3787333,and Danbury Location 36-2-W2,Latitude - Longitude (DMS) 52° 3' 0'' N, 102° 15' 2'' W,Latitude - Longitude (decimal) 52.0499903, -102.2504657,Province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Gold Bank SD 677

Stenen, SK
Candle Lake School District 5261, Candle Lake, Province of Saskatchewan
Candle Lake SD 5261

Candle Lake, SK
HIGHWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT 4623north east quarter of section 31 township 9 range 13, west of the third meridianNE 31 9 12 W3, Cadillac,province of Saskatchewan (SK), Canada (CA)
Highway SD 4623
Cadillac, SK
SUNRISE School District # 521,SW Sec 7 Tsp 30 Rge 4 W of the 3 Meridian,1911-1946,12 miles south of Hanley,province of Saskatchewan (SK), Canada (CA), Province of Saskatchewan
Sunrise SD 521
Hanley, SK
Bluebird School District 3425 1917-1962  SE section 5 township 47 range 10 west of the 3 meridian First named Coyote School District 3425 (1917) Mayfair , Saskatchewan, CA)
Bluebird SD 3425
Mayfair, Saskatchewan
HIGHWAY SCHOOL DISTRICT 4623north east quarter of section 31 township 9 range 13, west of the third meridianNE 31 9 12 W3, Cadillac,province of Saskatchewan (SK), Canada (CA)
Highway SD 4623
Cadillac, SK
Airedale School District 3813, North East Quarter of section 21 Township 41 Range 26 West of the Third Meridian Near Senlac, Saskatchewan, 30 40 26 W3,  52.4931361, -109.7082361
Airedale SD 3813
Senlac, SK
Glyndwr School District Number 991  North east quarter section 10 township 22 range 2 west of the second meridian 1904-1967 near Bangor, Atwater, and Esterhazy Province of Saskatchewan 1911 School photo
Glyndwr SD 991
Atwater, SK
Glyndwr School District Number 991  North east quarter section 10 township 22 range 2 west of the second meridian 1904-1967 near Bangor, Atwater, and Esterhazy Province of Saskatchewan 1911 School photo
Yorkton High School
Yorkton, SK
May Field School District 3104SE section 27 township 24 range 29 west of the third meridiannear Mantario, Saskatchewan, CA1913-  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
May Field SD 3104
Mantario, Sk
Wainfleet School District 4561 south west quarter section 35 township 23 range 29 west of the third meridian near Estuary, SK  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Wainfleet SD 4561
Estuary, SK
	Riga School District 1803,Province of Manitoba,1918-1956,NW 11-32-21 W Prime Meridian,Rural Municipality of Mountain,10 miles NE of Garland,An Unincorporated place 12,13-31-22-W,Latitude - Longitude (decimal) 51.653333, -100.45944,Riga School District 239; Saskatchewan,located near the Riga post office South West quarter section 32 township 12 range 33 west of the first meridian, 1899 and 1928near the hamlet of Kelso, north east quarter of section 32 township 11 range 33 west of the first meridian,and near Wawota Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Gen Web , One room School Project
Riga SD 1803
Garland, MB
Riga SD 239
Kelso, SK
Westwood Valley School District 2844South west quarter section 17 Tsp 7 Rge 8 W of the 3 Meridian1912-1947near Kincaid, NE 22 Township 8 Range 8 West of the third meridianProvince of Saskatchewan, CA  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Westwood Valley SD 2844
Kincaid, Sk
Bergthal School District 466 SW 4 43S 2 W3 Rosthern, Province of Saskatchewan, CA  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Bergthal SD 466
Rosthern, Sk
Passchendaele School District 4084NW quarter section 10 Township 41 range 4 West of the Third MeridianHague village SE 7 41 3 W3province of Saskatchewan, Canada Province of Saskatchewan, CA  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Passchendaele SD 4084
Hague, Sk
Normal School (Teacher Training schools)A photo of three men attending Normal School in 1915 only labelled Allan Jordan—but which of two men?  My father, William Eldon Bill Janzen, DDS (1896-1977) is on the right. province of Saskatchewan, Canada Province of Saskatchewan, CA  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Normal Students
Staff at Rosthern School District 474 and Rosthern High School, province of Saskatchewan, Canada Province of Saskatchewan, CA  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Rosthern SD 474
Rosthern, Sk
William Eldon Janzen, DDS (1896-1977)and Photo album pictures Province of Saskatchewan, CA  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Photo Album
W.E. Janzen
Corn Valley School District 4320, Aberdeen, province of Saskatchewan, Canada Province of Saskatchewan, CA  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Corn Valley SD 4320
Aberdeen, Sk
Friedensfeld School District 552 , Rosthern,  province of Saskatchewan, Canada Province of Saskatchewan, CA  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Friedensfeld SD 552
Rosthern, Sk
Pleasant Plain School District 1710Welby School District 1710Township 17,18, Range 30 West of the First MeridianWelby, NW 9-18-30 W1Saskatchewan, Canada   province of Saskatchewan, Canada Province of Saskatchewan, CA  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Pleasant Plain SD 1710
Welby SD 1710
Welby, Sk
Prairie Heights School District 10411/4 mile west of Prairie Heights Cemetery on SW quarter of section 4 township 37 range 22 west of the third meridian6 miles west of Tramping Lake SW quarter section 33 township 36 range 21 west of the third meridianprovince of Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada   province of Saskatchewan, Canada Province of Saskatchewan, CA  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Prairie Heights SD 1041
Tramping Lake, SK
Valentine School District 2824South west quarter of section 22 township 19 range 16 west of the third meridiannear Pennant, SE 23-18-17 W3Rural Municipality of Riverside #168province of Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada   province of Saskatchewan, Canada Province of Saskatchewan, CA  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Valentine SD 2824
Pennant, SK
Valentine School District 2824South west quarter of section 22 township 19 range 16 west of the third meridiannear Pennant, SE 23-18-17 W3Rural Municipality of Riverside #168province of Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada   province of Saskatchewan, Canada Province of Saskatchewan, CA  Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Valentine SD 2824
Pennant, SK
Bedford SD 3195
Bedford SD 3195
Cadillac, SK
Boule Creek SD 3314
Boule Creek SD 3314
Cadillac, SK
Cadillac SD 2733
Cadillac SD 2733
Cadillac, SK
Chrichton SD 3716
Chrichton SD 3716
Cadillac, SK
Driscol SD 3366
Driscol Lake SD 3366
Cadillac, SK
Elmwood SD 2733
Elmwood SD 2733
Cadillac, SK
Highway SD 4623
Highway SD 4623
Cadillac, SK
Jupiter SD 3314
Jupiter SD 3314
Boule Creek
Cadillac, SK
Kingsmeade SD 4011
Kingsmeade SD 4011
Cadillac, SK
Little Six SD 4262
Little Six SD 4262
Cadillac, SK
McKnight District 863
McKnight SD 863
Cadillac, SK
Orwell SD 3680
Orwell SD 3680
Cadillac, SK
Pinto Head SD 3959
Pinto Head SD 3959
Cadillac, SK
Priory SD 3716
Priory SD 3716
Cadillac, SK
Stove Lake SD 4739
Stove Lake SD 4739
Cadillac, SK

The Gallery lists images in order received

Gallery images listed in alphabetical order:
School names beginning A-L School names beginning M-Z

This page was getting very large to load so it was divided!.
(Thank you kindly for your submissions)
Some links will be one web page, some links will be multiple images, letters, maps, queries, drawings or reminiscinces depending on amount or type of submissions sent by each individual submitter.

{Text stories are entered at Places}

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