Gallery FOUR
Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

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Gallery images listed in alphabetical order:
School names beginning A-L School names beginning M-Z

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{Text stories are entered at Places}

Freesoil SD 1957
Liberty, SK
Fife Lake School District 4695Fife Lake HamletSouth East section 8 township 3 range 28 west of the second meridianin the province of Saskatchewan
Fife Lake SD 4695
Fife Lake, SK

Liberty, SK
Demaine School District 28651925-1967Affleck School District 28651913-1925schoolhouse erected 1912-1913Southwest section 25 township 22 range 10 west of the third meridiannear Demaine , Saskatchewan
Demaine SD 2865
Demaine, SK
Demaine School District 28651925-1967Affleck School District 28651913-1925schoolhouse erected 1912-1913Southwest section 25 township 22 range 10 west of the third meridiannear Demaine , Saskatchewan
Affleck SD 2865
Demaine, SK

Iduna SD 1643
Iduna, SK
Edgeworth School Disrict 4720Township 9, Range 22 or 23 west of the second meridian1928-1955on Township road 92near Edgeworth , Saskatchewan
Fairview SD 174
Balgonie, SK
STANLEY School District # 147SE Sec 4 Tsp 14 Rge 30 W of the 1 MeridianN 50° 09.145 W 101° 30.985Fleming,
Stanley SD 147
Fleming, SK

Wolff Valley SD 1495
Libertyy, SK

Ohio SD 1662
Liberty, SK

Davenport SD 2356
Liberty, SK

Ridge Hill SD 2358
Liberty, SK

Big Arm SD 4172
Liberty, SK
Silent Valley SD 1762 Liberty Schoolmemorial in Liberty Saskatchewanmentioning nine school districtsSouthwest section 21 township 25 range 25 west of the second meridianWolffton South west section 2 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridianin the province of Saskatchewan  Davenport SD 2356 Ridge Hill SD 2358
Silent Valley SD 1762
Liberty, SK
Garland School District 1009NW section 2 township 28 range 21 west of the second meridiannear Nokomis South east section 27 township 29 range 22 west of the second meridianin the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Garland SD 1009
Nokomis , SK
Good Time School District 46331926-1944South east corner of the south west quarter section 8 township 4 range 21 west of the 2nd meridiannear Hardy section 23 township 6 range 21 west of the 2nd meridianin the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Good Time SD 4633
Hardy, SK
Harptree School District 6281912-1966south east section 20 township 4 range 26 west of the second meridianHarptree CN sidingsouth east section 22 township 4 range 26 west of the second meridianschool built 1912, burnt in 1920 - rebuilt same siteschool house moved to Harptree in 1953province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Harptree SD 628
Harptree, SK
Kabrud School District 30011921-1955North east section 25 township 4 range 30 west of the second meridiannear Kabrud Lakesouth west section 29 township 4 range 29 west of the second meridiannear Lisieuxsouth east quarter of section 9 township 4 range 30 west of the second meridianin the province of Saskatchewan
Kabrud SD 3001
Lisieux, SK
Kempville School District 41441919-1954north east section 16 township 10 range 25 west of the second meridiannear Spring Valley villagenorth east section 30 township 11 range 25 west of the second meridianin the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Kempville SD 4144
Spring Valley, SK
Lefort School District 24121913-1958south west section 2 township 11 range 4 west of the third meridiannear Gravelbourg, Saskatchewansouth west section 1 township 11 range 5 west of the third meridian
Lefort SD 2412
Gravelbourg, SK
Marquette School District 27471910-1970south west section 33 township 10 range 3 west of the third meridiannear Gravelbourg south west section 1 township 11 range 5 west of the third meridianin the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Marquette SD 2747
Gravelbourg, SK
North Landing School District 31981914-1959south east quarter of section 28 township 20 range 15 west of the third meridiannear the town of Kylenorth east section 32 township 21 range 15 west of the third meridianprovince of Saskatchewan, Canada
North Landing SD 3198
Kyle, SK
Pleasant Valley School District 41121918-1953north east section 24 township 12 range 26 west of the second meridiannear Spring Valleynorth east section 30 township 11 range 25 west of the second meridianin the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Pleasant Valley SD 4112
Spring Valley, SK
Scott School District 20071905 - 1925south west quarter of section 4 township 16 range 17 west of the second meridianSaar School District 20071926-20__near Kronaunorth west quarter of section 33 township 15 range 17 west of the second meridianin the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Scott SD 2007
Saar SD 2007
Kronau, SK
Simpson School District 13591919-in town of Simpsonsouth west quarter of section 3 township 29 range 25 west of the second meridianin the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Simpson SD 1359
Simpson, SK
 Sinclair Hill School District 37301916-1958township 11 range 24 west of the second meridiansouth west section 18 township 11 range 23 west of the second meridiannear Avonleanorth east section 22 township 12 range 23 west of the second meridian,in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Sinclair Hill SD 3730
Avonlea, SK
 Stalwart hamlet from 1911, STALWART School District # 409, Sec Tsp 26 Rge 25 W of the second meridian, by Town of Stalwartsouth west section 21 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian, in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Stalwart SD 409
Stalwart, SK
 Surprise Valley School District 761912-1954Tsp 6, 7 Rge 25,26 2 W of the MeridianSurprise Valley,section 15 township 3 range 22 west of the second meridianViceroy P.O. Sec.12, Twp.6, R.26, W2,in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Surprise Valley SD 76
Viceroy, SK
 Valentine School District 28241911-1942south west section 22 township 19 range 16 west of the third meridiannear Pennant, Matador, Kyle and Wartime, Saskatchewan, Canada
Valentine SD 2824
Pennant, SK
 Vendetta School District 8741915-1958north east section 11 township 19 range 15 west of the third meridiannear Stewart Valleynorth east section 12 township 19 range 14 west of the third meridiannear Swift Currentin the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Vendetta SD 874
Swift Current, SK
Weissenberg Public Roman Catholic School 491900-1906Weissenberg Roman Catholic Separate School 171907-1921Weissenberg School1900-1921north west section 15 township 9 west of the second meridianPlaque is on steps of St Michael's Roman Catholic ChurchEast of Lembergsouth section 21 township 20 range 9 west of the second meridianprovince of Saskatchewan, Canada
Weissenberg Public Roman Catholic School 49
Weissenberg Roman Catholic Separate School 17
Lemberg, SK
West Point School District 20841909-1944south west section 3 township 27 range 7 west of the third meridiannear Cutbanknorth east 12 township 27 range 7 west of the third meridianin the province of Saskatchewan, Canada
West Point SD 2084
Cutbank, SK
Tipperary School District 2008Started out as Belle Plain School District 2008SE section 36 township 19 Range 12 west of the second meridianNear Balcarres South east section 13 township 21 range 12 west of the second meridian,province of Saskatchewan, Canada1909-1964
Tipperary SD 2008
Belle Plain SD 2008
Balcarres, SK
 Newborgor School District 2657, New Borgor School District 2657, SE section 1 township 16 range 4 west of the second meridian, Percival, Broadview, Whitewood,- Saskatchewan Gen Web - One room School Project
Newborgor SD 2657
Percival, SK
Dryden School District, no. 5042, 1934-1959, Brancepeth, Organized HamletLocation 34-46-23-W2, ProvinceSaskatchewan, Latitude - Longitude (DMS) 53° 0' 9'' N, 105° 15' 38'' WLatitude - Longitude (decimal) 53.0024489, -105.260675, RM No. 460 - BIRCH HILLS
Dryden SD 5042
Brancepeth, SK
Rose Bush School District 21921926-1962SaskatchewanSouth of Naicam on Highway 6,Town of Naicamlocates at Northwest section 2 township 40 range 18 west of the second meridianProvince SaskatchewanCountry Canada
Rose Bush SD 2192
Naicam, SK
Valecrest School District # 5065Location SW Section 6- Township 44- Range 14 West of the 2nd meridiannear Golburn CP siding SE Section 6- Township 44- Range 14-West of the 2nd meridianGolburn Valley post office SW 4 44 14 W2Valecrest schoolhouse built 1934 and closed following the school term in 1963Province SaskatchewanCountry Canada
Valecrest SD 5065
Golburn Valley, SK
Horton School District 20871909-1960North East section 36 Township 33 Range 19 West of the second meridianSouth of Naicam on Highway 6Town of Naicamlocates at Northwest section 2 township 40 range 18 west of the second meridian
Horton SD 2087
Naicam, SK
Sunny View School District 2307Sec 27 Tsp 38 Rge 18 W of the 2 MeridianSaskatchewanSouth of Naicam on Highway 6Town of Naicam locates atNorthwest section 2 township 40 range 18 west of the second meridian
Sunny View SD 2307
Naicam, SK
New Hat Creek School District 1069,located at NW Sec 36 Tsp 39 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian,across the road from St.James Church,Annaheim, Saskatchewan, Canada,Old Hat Creek School District 1069,located at NE Sec 24 Tsp 39 Rge 20 W of the 2 Meridian,2 miles South and 1 mile East of St.James Church,Annaheim, Saskatchewan, Canada,Village of Annaheim section 4- township 39- range 20-West of the 2nd meridian,Latitude - Longitude (DMS) 52° 19' 17''N, 104° 49' 9'' WLatitude - Longitude (decimal) 52.3212528, -104.8191564,Rural Municipality No. 369 - ST. PETER
New Hat Creek SD 1069
Old Hat Creek SD 1069
Annaheim, SK
Windigo School District 3403South west section 16 Township 42 Range 18 West of the second meridian1915-1958near Pleasantdale34-41-18-W2Latitude - Longitude (DMS) 52° 34' 35'' N, 104° 30' 24'' WLatitude - Longitude (decimal) 52.5764972, -104.5066167Province, Saskatchewan, Canada
Windigo SD 3403
Pleasantdale, SK
Mawer School District 4000, near Mawer Unincorporated areaLocation section 5- township 21- range 3-West of the 3rd meridianLatitude - Longitude (DMS) 50° 45' 0'' N, 106° 24' 2'' WLatitude - Longitude (decimal) 50.7500309, -106.4006128Eyebrow Rural Municipality No. 193near the town of Central Butte, SW 21-21-4-W3
Mawer SD 4000
Central Butte, SK
St. Elizabeth School District 1316NE corner of the SE section 10 township 20 range 33 West of the first meridian. 1907-1953St. Elizabeth School SD 1316 ASW corner of the SE section 10 township 20 range 33 West of the first meridian. 1953-1964St. Elizabeth School SD 1316 Bin town of Yarbo 1957-1971St. Elizabeth School SD 1316 Cin town of Yarbo 1962-1971St. Elizabeth School SD 1316 Din town of Yarbo 1965-1971 near Yarbo Saskatchewan
St. Elizabeth SD 1316
Yarbo, SK
Waldron School District 2201 near Waldron, Saskatchewan
Waldron SD 2201
Waldron, SK
Morning Star School District near Elbow,Saskatchewan
Morning Star SD 1701
Elbow, SK
Arbury School District 1230 school photo
Arbury SD 1230
Apponyi SD 1230
ARbury, SK
Arpad School District 2538 school photo
Arpad SD 2538
Lestock, SK
Cupar School Division No. 28
Cupar School Div 28
Cupar, SK
Balrobie School District 2353
Balrobie SD 2353
Lipton, SK
Beresford School District 1886, one room school house picture
Beresford SD 1886
Garnock, SK
Bimbo School District 3288, one room school house picture
Bimbo SD 3288
Lestock, SK
Bourneville School District 3521, one room school house picture
Bourneville SD 3521
Southey, SK
Bryn Mawr School District 3312, one room school house picture
Bryn Mawr SD 3312
Southey, SK
Burnside School District 2146, one room school house picture
Burnside SD 2146
Glenbrea, SK
Butterton School District 3729, one room school house picture
Butterton SD 3729
Bulyea, SK
Campbelltown School District 2297, one room school house picture
Campbelltown SD 3729
Kelliher, SK
Cantebury School District 3345, one room school house picture
Canterbury SD 3345
Lipton, SK
Cavendish School District 3841, one room school house picture
Cavendish SD 3841
Arbury, SK
Cornwall School District 698, one room school house picture
Cornwall SD 698
Fairy Hill, SK
KRONSBERG SCHOOL DISTRICT 4922, one room school house picture
Kronsberg SD 4922
Dysart, SK
SAMBOR SCHOOL DISTRICT 4057south west corner of the south west quarter section 1 township 24 range 15 west of the second meridian 1914-1960, one room school house picture
Sambor SD 4057
Dysart, SK
DYSART SCHOOL DISTRICT 1449 north east corner of the north east quarter of section 9 township 23 range 15 west of the second meridian 1905 rural one room schoolhouse established the brick school building raised in the town 1917. New building 1960, old brick school house becomes heritage site and museum , one room school house picture
Dysart SD 1449
Dysart, SK
Gardiner School District 3428 Southwest Quarter Sec 4 Tsp 24 Rge 15 W of the 2 Meridian. Additionally 2 acres were added to the west near Dysart, province of Saskatchewan, Canada 1914-1960 , old brick school house becomes heritage site and museum , one room school house picture
Gardiner SD 3428
Dysart, SK
GRANATIER School District 1497 North West section 12 township 26 range 15 west of the second meridian near Lestock, province of Saskatchewan, Canada 1906-1959  , old brick school house becomes heritage site and museum , one room school house picture
Granatier SD 1497
Dysart, SK
ST. IMRE School District # 12331913 Org. 1915 Classes.SW 11 Township 25 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridiannear McDonald Hills, South Touchwood, Arburyprovince of Saskatchewan, Canada  , old brick school house becomes heritage site and museum , one room school house picture
St. Imre SD 1233
McDonald Hills, SK
Training School for Teachers in Foreign Speaking Communities1909-1917, Ruthenian Teacher's Convention,Dewdney Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan Ruthenian Teacher's Convention
Training School for Teachers
in Foreign Speaking Communities
Regina, SK
A Class photo in 1915 of a one room school house in Saskatchewan with Sam Axenty as the school teacherFOX HILLS School District # 190.1910 Organised. 1912 Classes.SW of SE 14 Township 24 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridiannear Fox Hills P.O. SE Section 14 Tsp 24 Rge 16 W2province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Fox Hills, SK
BEAVER School District # 374North East quarter of section 35 township 26 range 7 west of the second meridiannear Rock Dell, and Beaver Daleprovince of Saskatchewan, Canada
Beaver SD 374
Rock Dell, SK
John Axenty Teaching, Class photograph, circa 1914-1921province of Saskatchewan, Canada
circa 1914-1921
Family photograph, parents, and students circa 1914-1921province of Saskatchewan, Canada
circa 1914-1921
School photograph, students and parents, union jack flag, flags, dresses and suits, special occasion , circa 1914-1921province of Saskatchewan, Canada
circa 1914-1921
School photograph, students and parents, union jack flag, flags, dresses and suits, special occasion , circa 1914-1921province of Saskatchewan, Canada
circa 1914-1921
COYNACH 3360 1914 classes 1915 1952  SE of SE 13 Township 24 Range 18 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Southey 1948 Conveyed 1951-Closed. Location also given as SE 13-19-24 in text.
Coynach SD 3360
Southey, SK
CRAIGILEE 5062 1934 1950 NE of NE 32 Township 21 Range 18 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Southey 1947 Closed - conveyed 1951. Building moved to CORNWALL.
Craigilee SD 5062
Southey, SK
CUPAR HIGH SCHOOL       (village school)   Township 23 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridian in Cupar
Cupar Collegiate
Cupar, SK
CUPAR PUBLIC SCHOOL 972 1904   (village school) 12 Township 23 Range 17 W of the 2 nd Meridian in Cupar Moved into village in 1907
Cupar School
Cupar, SK
CUPAR PUBLIC SCHOOL 972 1904   (village school) 12 Township 23 Range 17 W of the 2 nd Meridian in Cupar Moved into village in 1907
Cupar School
Cupar, SK
CUPAR PUBLIC SCHOOL 972 1904   (village school) 12 Township 23 Range 17 W of the 2 nd Meridian in Cupar Moved into village in 1907
Cupar SD 972
Cupar, SK
CUPAR PUBLIC SCHOOL 972 1904 (village school) 12 Township 23 Range 17 W of the 2 nd Meridian in Cupar Moved into village in 1907
Cupar Schools
Cupar, SK
DALRYMPLE 524 1901 1949  SE 21 Township 22 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Cupar
Dalrymple SD 524
Cupar, SK
DELLWOOD 4668 1926 1956 NE 35 Township 22 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Cupar
Dellwood SD 4668
Cupar, SK
DOVERLEY 2794 1911 1959  SE 15 Township 26 Range 14 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Leross 1946 and 1947 Building replaced 1947. DOVERLEY SD 2794
Doverley SD 2794
Leross, SK
DYSART 1449 1905 1960  Township 23 Range 15 W of the 2 nd Meridian in or near Dysart 1949 Dysart P.O. NE Section 9 Tsp 23 Rge 15 W2
Dysart SD 1449
Dysart, SK
EARL GREY 1240 1909 1932  (village school)   Township 23 Range 20 W of the 2 nd Meridian in Earl Grey 1949 Earl Grey P.O. SE Section 10 Tsp 23 Rge 20 W2
Earl Grey SD 1240
Earl Grey, SK
EASTMOUNT 1715   1956 SE 18 Township 24 Range 20 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Butterton 1952 Closed 1956, conveyed to Bryn Mawr.
Eastmount SD 1715
Butterton, SK
EASTWARD 1477 1907 1962  NE 21 Township 27 Range 12 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Kelliher 1950
Eastward SD 1477
Kelliher, SK
ESKDALE 1628 1906 1959 NE 22 Township 25 Range 14 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Leross / Crosthwaite 1949
Eskdale SD 1628
Leross, SK
FOSTERDALE 3623         Township 22 Range 21 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Gibbs 1949 Gibbs P.O. NW 28-22-21-W2   Also recorded as FOSTERDALE SD 3723 see note below.
Fosterdale SD 3623
Gibbs, SK
FOX HILLS 190 1910 Org. 1912 Classes. 1953 SW of SE 14 Township 24 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Fox Hills   P.O. SE Section 14 Tsp 24 Rge 16 W2   Footnotes Class Photo 1915
Fox Hills SD 190
Fox Hills, SK
FRANSFIELD 2031 1908 1962 Regina Sheet Map NW of NW 21 Township 22 Range 19 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Southey 1948 and 1950 Rebuilt 1950. The district name of KÖNUGSBURG was already being used, before the school built, FRANSFIELD decided upon
Fransfield SD 2031
Southey, SK
Fairlight School in 1909
Fairlight School 282
Previous "Stone School"
Later Morningside SD 282
later Hyde SD 282
Fairlight, SK
FREUDENTHAL 1309 1905 class 1907 before 1960  NW of NW 9 Township 23 Range 19 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Southey / Earl Grey 1947 FRIEDENTHAL SD3384 SE Section 24 Tsp 14 Rge 15 W2 near Sedley
Freudenthal SD 1309
Headlands, SK
GARDINER 3428 1914 1960 SW 4 Township 24 Range 15 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Dysart 1951 GARDINER SD 3428   Gardiner SD 3428
Gardiner SD 3428
Dysart, SK
GARNOCK 2227 1909 1960 Yorkton Shet Map     Township 26 Range 13 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Kelliher / Garnock 1948 and 1954 Replaced 1950.   Footnotes ST JOSEH DE DAUPHINAIS SD 317 - neighbouring school
Garnock SD 2227
Garnock, SK
GEORGES 1386 1905 1952 Yorkton Sheet Map NE 31 Township 25 Range 14 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Benchonzie / Leross / Lestock 1948 Closed 1952, Conveyed. Building moved to Campbelltown for teacherage 1953.   Footnotes
Georges SD 1366
Benchonzie, SK
GRANATIER 1497 1907 1959 NW 12 Township 26 Range 15 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Leross / Lestock 1948 Building 1950. Building sold to United Church Eskdale. GRANATIER SD 1497 National Heritage Site Granatier SD 1497  Granatier SD 1497
Granatier SD 1497
Leross, SK
GREGHERD 3142 1913 1958 NW 32 Township 24 Range 17 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Gregherd 1948 and 1954 1954 Porch added. P.O. NE Section 32 Tsp 24 Rge 18 W2 R.M. Cupar 218 GREGHERD Historical Site
Gregherd SD 3142
Gregherd, SK
HAYWARD 845 1904 1959  NE 7 Township 23 Range 13 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Hayward 1949 and 1952 Replaced 1952. P.O. SE Section 32 Tsp 22 Rge 13 W2 HAYWARD SD National Heritage Site Hayward School on SK One Room School Project CUPAR R.M. 217 Hayward Heritage Site
Hayward SD 845
Hayward, SK
HERZEL 1503 1906 1959 None Map SW 30 Township 23 Range 12 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Hirzel 1949 Closed 1949. Rebuilt, and reopened 1954. P.O. SW Sec 6 Tsp 24 Rge 8 W2
Herzel SD 1503
Herzel, SK
HEADLANDS (A) 4012 1919 1924  NW 34 Township 24 Range 14 w of the 2 nd Meridian near Headlands 1948 and 1952 P.O. SW Section 32 Tsp 24 Rge 13 W2 Headlands SD 4012  HEADLANDS (B) 4012 1924 1959  NE 34 Township 24 Range 14 w of the 2 nd Meridian near Headlands 1948 and 1952 P.O. SW Section 32 Tsp 24 Rge 13 W2 Headlands SD 4012
Headlands SD 4012
Headlands, SK
HEADLANDS (A) 4012 1919 1924  NW 34 Township 24 Range 14 w of the 2 nd Meridian near Headlands 1948 and 1952 P.O. SW Section 32 Tsp 24 Rge 13 W2 Headlands SD 4012  HEADLANDS (B) 4012 1924 1959  NE 34 Township 24 Range 14 w of the 2 nd Meridian near Headlands 1948 and 1952 P.O. SW Section 32 Tsp 24 Rge 13 W2 Headlands SD 4012
Headlands SD 4012
Headlands, SK
JASMIN 2078 1908 1975 Yorkton Sheet Map SE 8 Township 26 Range 12 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Jasmin 1949 P.O. SW Section 9 Tsp 26 Rge 12 W2 JASMINE SD Footnotes
Jasmin SD 2078
Jasmin, SK
JOHNSON 611 1912 1962 Yorkton Sheet Map NW of SW 35 Township 27 Range 13 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Kelliher 1949 Footnotes
Johnson SD 611
Kelliher, SK
JOSHURUN 1913 1907 1952 Qu'Appelle Sheet Map NW 22 Township 22 Range 13 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Lipton 1948
Joshurun SD 1913
Lipton, SK
KAHLSBERG 1950     Regina Sheet Map     Township 23,24 Range 20 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Butterton, Earl Grey 1948 Rebuilt 1951  KALU
Kahlsberg SD 1950
Earl Grey, SK
KALUZIK school district in Saskatchewan
Kaluzik SD
KELLIHER 2254 1909   Yorkton Sheet Map (village school)   Township 26 Range 13 W of the 2 nd Meridian in Kelliher 1949 P.O. NW Section 34 Tsp 26 Rge 13 W2 Cottage School Added 1953
Kelliher SD 2254
Kelliher, SK
KILSHANNIG 786 1912 1957 Regina Sheet Map SW 28 Township 21 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Cupar / Loon Creek 1950   Footnotes
Kilshannig SD 786
Loon Creek, SK
KING (A) 738 1912 1934 Regina Sheet Map     Township 22 Range 17,18 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Wheatwyn 1949 First school had a gable pitched roof. Karl King homesteaded SE 32-22-18-W2  KING (B) 738 1934 1956 Regina Sheet Map     Township 22 Range 17,18 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Wheatwyn 1949 Second school had a hip style roof. Closed 1956 - Conveyed to Markinch.  KING
King SD 738
Wheatwyn, SK
KINGSVILLE 2288 1909 Class 1910 c1952 Regina Sheet Map SW of SW 18 Township 22 Range 18 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Southey 1949 Before school was built HILBOKA (From 1908), then KONIGSBURY (From Dec. 1908) were the local names of the area.
Kingsville SD 2288
Southey, SK
LEROSS 2274     Yorkton Sheet Map (village school)   Township 27 Range 14 W of the 2 nd Meridian in Leross 1949 P.O. SE Section 11 Tsp 27A Rge 14 W2
Leross SD 2274
Leross, SK
LLESTOCK 2919     Yorkton Sheet Map (village school)   Township 27 Range 14 W of the 2 nd Meridian in Lestock 1948 New School 1953. P.O. NW Section 6 Tsp 27 Rge 14 W2  LESTOCK Consolidated     Yorkton Sheet Map (village school)   Township 27 Range 14 W of the 2 nd Meridian in Lestock 1954 Lestock Consolidated. P.O. NW Section 6 Tsp 27 Rge 14 W2
Lestock SD 2919
Lestock, SK
LIPTON 1347     Qu'Appelle Sheet Map (village school)   Township 22 Range 14 W of the 2 nd Meridian in Lipton 1949 Cottage School added 1953. P.O. NW Section 26 Tsp 22 Rge 14 W
Lipton SD 1347
Lipton, SK
LOON CREEK 868 1903 Org. 1904 Classes. 1958 Regina Map   35 Township 21 Range 17 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Loon Creek   P.O. SW Section 18 Tsp 22 Rge 17 W2 The School house location given is for the second school located north of the original school site; second school built 1923
Loon Creek SD 868
Loon Creek, SK
LOON CREEK 868 1903 Org. 1904 Classes. 1958 Regina Map   35 Township 21 Range 17 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Loon Creek   P.O. SW Section 18 Tsp 22 Rge 17 W2 The School house location given is for the second school located north of the original school site; second school built 1923
Loon Creek SD 868
Loon Creek, SK
LUPESCU 3146 1913 1948 Qu'Appelle Map SW 30 Township 24 Range 19 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Cupar / McDonald Hills 1914 news Later name PRINCESS ELIZABETH SD 3146  PRINCESS ELIZABETH 3146 1913 1948 Qu'Appelle Map SW 30 Township 24 Range 19 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Cupar / McDonald Hills   Previous Name LUPESCU SD 3146
Lupescu SD 3146
Princess Elizabeth SD 3146

McDonald Hills , SK
MARIGOLD 4807 1931 1953 None Map     Township 25 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Marigold / Cupar / South Touchwood
Marigold SD 4807
Marigold, SK
MARKINCH CON 1880     Regina Sheet Map     Township 23 Range 18 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Markinch 1949 P.O. SE Section 7 Tsp 23 Rge 17 W2
Markinch Consolidated
Markinch, SK
MARLOW 3717 1916 1957 Yorkton Sheet Map NE 31 Township 27 Range 14 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Lestock 1949 Conveyed to Lestock 1957.
Marlow SD 3717
Lestock, SK
MARR HALL 1879 1907 1959 Touchwood Sheet Map SW 3 Township 26 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Arbury / South Touchwood / Lestock 1950
Marr Hall SD 1879
Lestock, SK
MATHYAS 3141     Touchwood Sheet Map SW 21 Township 17 Range 25 w of the 2 nd Meridian near Arbury / Punnichy 1948
Mathyas SD 1879
Arbury, SK
MCDONALD HILLS 1646 1906 1947 Qu'Appelle Sheet Map NE 33 Township 24 Range 15 W of the 2 nd Meridian near McDonald Hills 1947 P.O. SW Section 5 Tsp 25 Rge 15 W2 School replaced 1948
McDonald Hills SD 1646
McDonald Hills, SK
MILLERSDALE 381 1912 1959 Yorkton -Qu'Appelle Sheets Map SE 23 Township 25 Range 15 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Crosthwaite / Magyar     Repaired 1950. Burned and Replaced.
Millersale SD 381
Crosthwaite, SK
NEW HAVEN 1970 1908 1962 Yorkton Sheet Map SE 11 Township 27 Range 13 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Kelliher 1948
New Haven SD 1970
Kelliher, SK
PARKLANDS (A) 268 1893   None Map NE 20 Township 22 Range 14 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Parklands   P.O. NW Section 20 Tsp 22 Rge 14 W2  PARKLANDS (B) 268   1960 None Map NE 24 Township 22 Range 15 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Parklands 1948 Not sure if this photo is of school A or B. P.O. NW Section 20 Tsp 22 Rge 14 W2
Parklands SD 268
Parklands, SK
POPLAR PEAK 4876 1931 1959 None Map     Township Range of the nd Meridian near Lestock 1950   Footnotes
Poplar Peak SD 4876
Lestock, SK
RADANT 3474 1915 1960 Regina Sheet Map NW 17 Township 22 Range 15 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Dysart / McDonald Hills 1947 Replaced 1950  R
Radant SD 3474
Dysart, SK
RAVINE 355     Yorkton Sheet Map     Township 27 Range 13,14 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Touchwood Hills , Horse Lake 1947 Replaced -
Ravine SD 355
Touchwood Hills, SK
WESTLEA 4356 1919 1920 None Map NE 33 Township 24,25 Range 14,15 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Dysart    WESTLEA 4356 1921 1960 None Map SE of NE 25 Township 24 Range 15 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Dysart 1949 Porch 1954
Westlea SD 4356
Dysart, SK
REINDEER 1442   1935 Qu'Appelle Sheet Map SE 13 Township 23 Range 13 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Tullymet / Lipton 1948 Previous Name TIFERES ISRAEL   Previous Name TIFERES ISRAEL
Reindeer SD 1442
Tieferes Israel SD 1442

Tullymet , SK
VIRAG 2158 1908 1960 Yorkton Sheet Map NE 33 Township 26 Range 15 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Lestock 1949
Virag SD 2158
Lestock, SK
SAMBOR 4057 1914 1960 Qu'Appelle Sheet Map SE 36 Township 23 Range 15 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Dysart   Dysart and District museum school photos  Footnotes
Sambor SD 4057
Dysart, SK
SCARBOROUGH 1804 1907   Regina Sheet Map NW 6 Township 22 Range 20 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Earl Grey / Long Lake 1947
Scarborough SD 1804
Earl Grey, SK
SHAWLANDS 2161 1908 1959 Qu'Appelle Sheet Map NE 21 Township 24 Range 13 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Headlands 1948 and 1952 Replaced 1949
Shawlands SD 2161
Headlands, SK
SNARUM 1262 1905 1952 Regina Sheet Map NE of NW 33 Township 23 Range 19 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Southey 1950 Conveyed 1951
Snarum SD 1262
Southey, SK
SOUTHEY 1617 1905   Regina Sheet Map SW 7 Township 23 Range 19 W of the 2 nd Meridian in Southey   P.O. SE Section 7 Tsp 23 Rge 18 W2
Southey SD 1617
Southey, SK
ST. IMRE 1233 1913 Org. 1915 Classes.   Regina Sheet Map SW 11 Township 25 Range 16 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Cupar 1950   St. Imre SD 1233
St. Imre SD 1233
Cupar, SK
SUNNY NORTH 2515 1910 1959 Regina Sheet Map SE of NE 25 Township 23 Range 19 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Southey 1948 Replaced 1955. Remodelled 1955.
Sunny North SD 2515
Southey, SK
TOUCHWOOD HILLS A 444 1897 1905 Yorkton Sheet Map SE 28 Township 27 Range 15 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Touchwood   P.O. Section 23 Tsp 27 Rge 16 W2   TOUCHWOOD HILLS B 444 1920 1931 Yorkton Sheet Map SE 28 Township 27 Range 15 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Touchwood   P.O. Section 23 Tsp 27 Rge 16 W2 TOUCHWOOD HILLS C 444 1932 1959 Yorkton Sheet Map SE 32 Township 27 Range 15 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Touchwood 1949 P.O. Section 23 Tsp 27 Rge 16 W2
Touchwood Hills SD 444
Touchwood Hills, SK
WHEATWYN (A) 1169 1905   Regina Sheet Map SE 35 Township 21 Range 18 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Wheatwyn 1950 P.O. NE Section 2 Tsp 22 Rge 18 W2  WHEATWYN (B) 1169     Regina Sheet Map     Township 21,22 Range 17,18 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Wheatwyn 1950 Second school was a two room building.
Wheatwyn SD 1169
Wheatwyn, SK
Mapleside School District 3334Location Number oneNW 34 26 3 W,2Coordinates N 51 17 55.0, W 102 21 26.5Location Number twoSE 3 27 3 W,2Coordinates N 51 17 56.0, W 102 20 07.6,near Mehan, Sturdee, and CalleyRural municipality Orkney 244province of Saskatchewan, Canada
Mapleside SD 3334
Mehan, SK
WILEY 2340 1909 1957 Regina Sheet Map SE 8 Township 24 Range 17 W of the 2 nd Meridian near Markinch 1949
Wiley SD 2340
Markinch, SK
AISNE School District # 3908SW Sec 31 Tsp 28 Rge 31 W of the 1 Meridian, near Kamsack, Saskatchewan
Aisne SD 3908
Kamsck, SK
Lacombe School District 37141916-1947North West section 31 township 41 range 20 West of the 2nd meridian
Lacombe SD 3714
St. Brieux, SK
Tilly School District 45151923-1962 South of St. Brieuxwest of Pleasantdale,Rural Municipality of Lake Lenore No. 399
Tilly SD 4515
St. Brieux, SK

The Gallery lists images in order received

Gallery images listed in alphabetical order:
School names beginning A-L School names beginning M-Z

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Some links will be one web page, some links will be multiple images, letters, maps, queries, drawings or reminiscinces depending on amount or type of submissions sent by each individual submitter.

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