Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Petain School District 3982
NW section 26 township 10 range 23 west of the third meridian
near Piapot, Skibereen and Dryforks, Saskatchewan

Petain School District 3982 near Piapot, Skibereen and Dryforks, Saskatchewan

Petain School District 3982 near Piapot, Skibereen and Dryforks, Saskatchewan

Map of Petain School District 3982 near Piapot, Skibereen and Dryforks, Saskatchewan

For more information see

Piapot Prairie Trails Contributor Piapot History Group
Publisher Piapot History Group, 1979
ISBN 0889250669, 9780889250666
According to Verna Brenner, this photo of Petain School was also submitted to the Piapot Prairie Trails book on page 489. Frances Kittel ~ an Aunt of Verna Brenner ~ taught at this school in March of 1922.

Piapot Prairie Trails on Facebook

Piapot Saskatchewan (by The Tromp Family)
Piapot History (By the Piapot Saloon)


Skibereen was located at SW Section 22 township 10 range 24 west of the 3rd meridian. .

Skull Creek was located at SE Section 4 township 11 range 22 west of the 3rd meridian.

Stone was located at SW Section 10 township 10 range 21 west of the 3RD meridian.

Cardell was located at NW Section 23 township 11 range 25 west of the 3rd meridian.

Cross was located at SE Section 4 township 12 range 24 west of the 3rd meridian.

Piapot was located at NE Section 7 township 12 range 23 west of the 3rd meridian.
NOTE The location of Piapot on the attached school district map shows a location of NE section 7 township 11 range 23 west of the 3rd meridian.
These two locations would be 6 miles apart, township 12 north of township 11.

This area was once part of the "76" Ranch

More information about townships and ranges and meridians

Maple Creek sheet of the
Schoolhouse Maps


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Saskatchewan One Room School House Project
Schools, yearbooks and information submitted by Verna Brenner
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E-mail Webmaster ... Important Notice - Submitter

1. From: Verna Brenner

To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Petain one room schoolhouse, Saskatchewan
Date January 24, 2013 and March 14, 2013