Gallery TWO
Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

The Gallery lists images in order received

Gallery images listed in alphabetical order:
School names beginning A-L School names beginning M-Z

This page was getting very large to load so it was divided!.
(Thank you kindly for your submissions)

Some links will be one web page, some links will be multiple images, letters, maps, queries, drawings or reminiscinces depending on amount or type of submissions sent by each individual submitter.

{Text stories are entered at Places}

Woodrow SD 3462
Woodrow, SK

Meyronne 3189
Meyronne, SK

Stanley SD 147

Cambridge SD 342
Rocanville, Welwyn, SK

Welwyn SD 82
Rocanville, Welwyn, SK

Montague SD4031
McCord, SK

Wood Dale SD2629
Lafleche, SK

Pelletier SD2652
Gravelbourg, SK

Ferndale SD295
Welwyn, SK

Ivanhoe SD 1040
Moosomin, SK

Turkey Track SD 2687
Vanguard, SK

Tall Spruce SD 4902
Porcupine Plain, SK

Wallacetown SD 1472
Melville, SK

Maltby 3777
Arbuthnot, SK

Bolen SD#1188
Gravelbourg, SK

Aussant SD 2372
Gravelbourg, SK

Pelletier 2652
Gravelbourg, SK

Cadillac Village School
Cadillac, SK

Indianola SD 2704
Aneroid Consolidated School 2704

Aneroid, SK

Kemmel Hill SD#4050
Antelope, SK

Kilton Hill
Leinan, SK

Mathieu Elementary School
Lafleche, SK

Morse Museum and Gallery
Jasper Cultural & Historical Centre
Maple Creek, SK

Kemmel Hill SD#4050
Antelope, SK
Rocanville SD#22
Rocanville, SK
Prosperity SD#448
Rocanville, SK

Leftwich SD #1436
Zeneta SD # 1436
Zeneta, SK

Ukraina SD 974
Gorlitz, SK

Chatsworth SD 1810
Saltcoats, SK

Kensington Lake SD 1083
Bredenbury, SK

Rothbury SD 204
Wroxton, SK

Novar School
near Fairlight

Doonside SD
near Doonside

McTaggart SD 1143
near McTaggart

Kirkwall SD 4647
Garrick, White Fox, SK

Bright Sand SD3447
Spruce Lake, SK

Springside SD1148
Springside, SK

Divide, SK
Cottage Grove schoolhouse 4133 photo
Cottage Grove 4133
Stowlea, St. Walburg, SK
Sky Rock School 5147
Sky Rock 5147
Stowlea, SK
Four Regina Schools
Regina, SK

Heward School

Heward, SK

N. Battleford
N. Battleford, SK
Aneroid Consolidated School
Aneroid School
Aneroid, SK
Assinboia School Fair 1916
Assiniboia School
Assiniboia, SK
Viscount Public School 1910
Viscount Public School
Viscount, SK

Anemone School SD 541

Sandford Dene SD 79
Hazlet, SK

Elliott SD 4742
Burrrows, SK

Moose Head SD 3193
Bright Sand, SK
-Aston-old school 1537
Aston SD 1537
Bangor, SK

-Audley 2504
Audley SD 2504
Waldron, SK

-Bangor School
Bangor SD 1141
Bangor, SK

Fertile Belt Sd 4350
Atwater, SK

-Glyndwr-new school991
Glyndwr SK 991
Atwater, SK

Llewelyn 807
Bangor, SK

-Marwin 1161
Marwin SD 1161
Waldron, SK

-St davids
St. David's SD 1141
Atwater, SK

-luton school 2088
Luton SD 2088
Bangor, SK

Turnhill 1470
Turnhill SD 1470
Herbert, SK

Vendetta 874
Vendetta SD 874
Atlas, SK

Marcliff 3355
Marcliff SD 3355
Shaunavon, SK

Eatons Rural School Building
Eatons Rural
School Building

RM Excelsior No. 166
RM Excelsior No. 166
SD Map

RM Excelsior No. 166
Bissell SD 2745
Foussemour, SK

Panorama SD 251
Panorama SD 251
Cabri, SK

Eastend School
Eastend, SK

Hillside School
Estevan, SK

Polwarth, SK

North Lake 3991 School
North Lake SD 3991
Springside, SK

Holar 317 School
Holar SD 317
Tantallon, SK

Clear Creek 424 School
Clear Creek 424
Springside, SK

Bird's Hill 4067
Bird's Hill 4067
Lake Alma SD 4067
Lake Alma, SK

Bird's Hill 4067
Norge SD 1011
Lake Alma SD 4067
near Beaubier, SK

Cabri area
Quilt Transcription

Kermaria 775
Kermaria SD 775
Roanoke 4292
Roanoke SD 4292
Henrietta 19
Henrietta SD 19
Wysla 4106
Wysla SD 4106
Wergeland 1210
Wergeland SD 1210
Happy Centre SD 1640
Happy Centre SD 1640
Willowbrook, SK
Devil's Lake SD 514
Canora, SK
Beaver 374
Beaver SD 374
Springside, SK
Atwater 2311
Atwater SD 2311
Atwater, SK
Wilton Birmingham 2291
Wilton SD 2291
Birmingham SD 2291
Birmingham, SK
Dawn 1514
Dawn SD 1514
Birmingham, SK
Lewis Lake 3400
Lewis Lake SD 3400
Naicam, SK
Green Lawn 2545
Green Lawn SD 2545
Naicam, SK
Byng School District 3601
Byng SD 3601
Naicam, SK
Bailor School District 3601
Bailor SD 3601
Naicam, SK
Early School District 1129
Early SD 1129
Scotsguard, SK
NewBorgor S D 2657
NewBorgor SD 2657
Broadview, SK
Podolia SD 2384
Arran, SK
McKay SD 135
Whitewood, SK
MJNS Moose Jaw Normal School
Normal School
Moose Jaw, SK
Harrisland SD 3659
Harrisland SD 3659
Stony Plain SD 4044
Bracken, SK
Wiwa Hill 1207
Wiwa Hill SD 1207
Bateman, Kelvington, Sk
Wiwa Hill 1207
Maria Hilf 666
Killaly, Sk
Wayne Valley 3793
Wayne Valley 3793
Lancer, Sk
Richburg SD 1120
Richburg SD 1120
Avonlea, SK
Sunny Corner 3930
Sunny Corner SD 3930
Milestone, SK
Stornoway 829
Stornoway SD 829
Stornoway, SK
SMotherwell School District 2059
Motherwell SD 2059
Abernethy, SK
Edenkillie 2022
Edenkillie SD 2022
Uhl?s Bay Resort, SK
McRoberts 2456
McRoberts SD 2456
Crestwynd, SK
Moosehorn school district 564
Moosehorn Scholars
Hanley School, Hanley, Saskatchewan
Hanley School
Hanley, SK
Radisson School, Raidsson, Saskatchewan
Radisson School
Radisson, SK
	Zenith SD	2884	1913-1957	  	8	28	W2nd	  , Saskatchewan
Zenith 2884
Willows, Readlyn, SK
	BadgerHill	SD 2194	1949-1955	  	13	17	W2nd	(Bechard)  , Saskatchewan
BadgerHill 2194
Bechard, SK
		Beautiful Plains	699	1903-1953	  	11	18	W2nd	  , Saskatchewan
Beautiful Plains SD 699
Lang, SK
			Buck Lake	331	1894-1953	  	14	19	W2nd  , Saskatchewan
Buck Lake SD 331
Gray, SK
			Cedoux School	1552	1907-1968	  	14	14	W2nd , Saskatchewan
Cedoux SD 1552
Cedoux, SK
			Poniatowski School	1552	1907-1968	  	14	14	W2nd , Saskatchewan
Poniatowski SD 1552
Cedoux, SK
		Claybank	3408	1914-1972	  	12	23	W2nd, Saskatchewan
Claybank SD 3408
Claybank, SK
		Davyroyd	93	1912-1959	  	8	28	W2nd	  , Saskatchewan
Davyroyd SD 93
Readlyn SK
	Denver	1460	1912-1933	  	13	17	W2nd	, Saskatchewan
Denver SD 1460
Riceton, Bechard SK
	Riceton 1460	1912-1933	  	13	17	W2nd	, Saskatchewan
Riceton SD 1460
Riceton, Bechard SK
	Darmody School	4314	1908-1963	  	20	33	W2nd, Saskatchewan
Darmody SD 4314
Sherwood, Keeler SK
		Estlin	107	1959-2005	  	15	19	W2nd	Estlin School built 1926 (Storey&VanEgmond Architects), Saskatchewan
Estlin SD 107
Estlin SK
Edenkillie	2022	1908-1960	  	24	23	W2nd	2km east of Uhls Bay Resort (by Rowan's Ravine)), Saskatchewan
Edenkillie SD 2022
Rowan's Ravine SK
Goodland	1969	1908-1949	  	12	24	W2nd, Saskatchewan
Goodland SD 2969
Gravelbourg, Avonlea, SK
	King Edward	2035	1908-1966	  	16	20	W2nd
King Edward SD 2035
Rowatt, SK
		Kirby	3803	1916-1966	  	15	20	W2nd
Kirby SD 3803
Estlin, SK
	Lethburn	280	1911-1946	SE16	8	29	W2nd
Lethburn SD 280
Willows & Assiniboia , SK
	Lewvan	3510	1915-1973	  	12	16	W2nd
Lewvan SD 3510
Riceton, SK
	Polish Draw	1481	not noted	  	12	14	W2nd
Polish Draw SD 1481
Cedoux, SK
		Richburg	1120	1913-1952	  	11	24	W2nd	near the top of the hills just before heading down the east slope
Richburg SD 1120
Truax, Avonlea, SK
Saskatoon Normal School building 1030 Avenue A North Saskatoon or 1030 Idylwyld Drive North now the E.A. Davies Building
Normal School
Saskatoon, SK
Yankee Ridge	1377	1905-1963	  	14	20	W2nd
Yankee Ridge SD 1377
Estlin, SK
 Black Poplar School 2129, SE 9 Tsp 29 Rge 5 West of the 2nd meridian, Spirit Lake
Black Poplar SD 2129
Spirit Lake, SK
 Dunrobin school district 3110, Sw section 18 township 31 range 9 west of the second meridian
Dunrobin SD 3110
Fountain, Tuffnell, SK
 Spion Kopp School district 1127 tsp 34 rge9 w 3 Delisle
Spion Kopp SD 1127
Delisle, SK
 Rose Lynn School District 350 Kerrobert SE section 28 tsp 35 rge 22 W3 Kerrobert and Unity
Rose Lynn SD 350
Kerrobert, SK
 Caithness School District 3824, Caithness SD 3824, Estuary, SW 17 22 28 W3
Caithness SD 3824
Estuary, SK
  Park Lake School District 3611 	SE 	Sec 	26 Tsp 36 	Rge 12 	W	of the 3 Meridian  Sec 	Tsp 37 	Rge 11 	W	of the 3 Meridian 		Perdue
Park Lake SD 3611
  New Hat Creek 1069 School, NE Sec 24 Tsp 39 Rge 20 W of the 2 MeridianAnnaheim, Saskatchewan
New Hat Creek SD 1069
Hat Creek SD 1069Annaheim, SK
  Parry SD 3020, Parry, SK
Parry SD 3020
Parry, SK
 Waldron SD 2201, Waldron, SK
Waldron SD 2201
Waldron, SK
Crosson Private School, Herald SD 4794, Riceton, SK
Crosson (private)
Riceton, SK
McCoy SD 1062, Mileston, SK
McCoy SD 1062
Mileston, SK
Red Rose School District 1996, section 15 township 12 range 19 W of the 2nd meridian1908-1958 on #6 between Ceylon and turnoff to Weyburn, east side of hwy (2 miles east of the hwy), near Milestone
Red Rose SD 1996
Mileston, SK
Secretan school district 3191less than 1km north of Junction of Hwy #1 and Secretan RoadSecretan CP siding
Secretan SD 3191
Secretan CP siding
Three Hills school district 3559 1km south of intersection TWSP RD184, RGE Rd 3043 on Secretan Road (north of Hwy #1 on Secretan Road) School operational between 1920-1936 Township 18 range 4 west of the 3 meridiannear Secretan and Hubert, Saskatchewan
Three Hills SD 3559
Hubert, SK
Log Valley school district 3158NE section 11 township 20 range 8 west of the third meridian P.O. located at nW section 12 township 20 range 8 West of the 3 meridian Operational between 1914-1959 near Gouldtown,
Log Valley SD 3158
Gouldtown, SK
Butterton School District Number 3729 Section 15 township 24 range 20 West of the 2nd meridian Operational between 1916-1956 near Bulyea,
Butterton School SD 729
Bulyea, SK
	Spruce Dale School District 1277 1921-1964 Lone Valley School District 1277 1905-1921 50.7531945N, 102.4908583W South West section 26 Township 20 range 4 West of the 2nd meridian near Dubuc,
Spruce Dale SD 1277
Lone Valley SD 1277
Dubuc, SK
Larsen School District 1239 NW 20 Township 19 range 4 West of the 2 meridian 1905-1964 near Dubuc, SE section 3 Township 20 Range 4 West of the 2nd Meridian, Saskatchewan
Larsen SD 1239
Dubuc, SK
Maxwelton School District 1813 1905-1967 51.1366395N, 103.03777W Township 25 Range 8 West of the 2nd Meridian near Fenwood NW 27 township 23 range 8 west of the 2nd meridian and north east of Goodeve at NW 10 Township 24, Range 9 West of the 2nd meridian
Maxwelton SD 1813
Fenwood, SK
Woodside School District 402 South West section 34 Tonwship 34 Township 13 Range 2 West of the 2nd Meridian grid road 709 near Poplar Grove SE 1/4 Sec.5, Twp.14, R.2, W2 And near Langbank SW Section 1 Township 13 Range 3 West of the 2nd Meridian
Woodside SD 402
Poplar Grove, SK
Brookside School District 129Highway 709 Grid Road NW section 20 Township 13 Range 1 West of the 2nd Meridian near Vandura Section 20 Township 12 Range 1 West of the 2nd meridian Wapella E section 9 Township 15 Range 33 West of the First or Prime Meridian and near Kelso Section 32 Township 11 Range 33 WPM, 1888-1960,
Brookside SD 129
Wapella, SK
Fairmede School District 134near Fairmede at SE Section 10, Township 13, Range 1, West of the 2nd Meridian 50.076756N, 102.0300249W On Fairmede Road  near Wapella E section 9 township 15 Range 33 West of the 1st Meridian, Saskatchewan
Fairmede SD 134
Wapella, SK
School Inspectors Report August 13, 1912 Rosedale school district 145 near Vandura, Kelso, Fairmede, Langbank Rural Municipality of Silverwood No. 123 at section 22 township 12 range 1 west of the 2nd meridian
Rosedale SD 145
Vandura, SK
Strassburg Public School District 92 of the North West Territories( Strassburg Protestant Public School 92) name change to Last Mountain Valley School District 92,  SW section 22 township 24 range 21 west of the 2nd meridianLog school building operational 1888-1892 section 21 Tonwship 24 Range 21 west of the 2nd Meridian 1914-19587km north of Bulyea Frame school house operational between 1914-1958, near Strasbourg, Earl Grey, Bulyea,
Strassburg SD 92
Last Mountain Valley SD 92
Strasbourg, SK
Ovenstown School District 18021907, Sod School 1908-1951, Section 22 Township 42 Range 20 West of the third meridian, Cloan United Church 1951-1964,
Ovenstown SD 1802
Cloan, SK
Gallivan School District 3857 SW 34 Township 43 Range 20 West of the third meridian near the town of Cut Knife SW 32 43 21 W3 and the town of Unity NW 18 40 22 W3, 1917-1958,
Gallivan SD 3857
Unity, SK
Martin Gran SchoolMeadow LakeSection 26 Township 59 Range 17 West of the third meridian1957-,,
Martin Gran School
Meadow Lake, SK
Weewona	855	SW 26 42 21 W3	1912-1958	Formby town SE 30 45 22 W3
Weewona SD 855
Formby, SK
Formby	4369	NE 19 45 22 W3	  	  (See also Unity and area schools)
Formby SD 4369
Formby, SK
Rose Mound	3775	NE 1 44 21 W3	1916-1946	Rosemound Railway Junction
Rose Mound SD 3775
Rosemound Railway Junction

The Gallery lists images in order received

School names beginning A-L School names beginning M-Z

Alphabetical School District Listing{Text stories are entered at Places)

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