Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Free Soil School District 1921
memorial in Liberty Saskatchewan
mentioning nine school districts
Southwest section 21 township 25 range 25 west of the second meridian
Wolffton South west section 2 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian
in the province of Saskatchewan
Free Soil School Division 20131025 Free Soil-memorial1(HDR) 20131025 Free Soil-memorial2(HDR) 20131025 LibertyAreaMap

School district photographs taken by Mary Worel


Free Soil 1957School relocated
Village of Liberty
Sw 21 25 W2
Ridge Hill #23581918-1959
Big Arm #4172SE 1/4 -18-26-24
Silent Valley #1762NW 1/2 -7-25-241908-1939
Iduna #1643S33-24-261907-1963
Wolff Valley #1495SW 1/4 4-26-251908-1945
Ohio #16624-27-241906-1941
Davenport #2356SE 1/4 10-26-261908-1944

A note, the school, Free Soil School District 1957 was so named in the village of Liberty as the name of Liberty was already in use near Montmartre [located south of Indian Head] according to Bill Barry. In time Liberty School District 1112 changed their name to Philomath School District 1112, and the Village of Liberty could then name their school Liberty.

Nearby Place names

Arlington Beach is a nearby Hamlet

Big Arm No. 251 is a Rural Municipality

Collingwood Lakeshore Estates is a nearby Hamlet

Etter's Beach is a nearby Village

Hendersons Beach is a nearby Unincorporated area

Island View is a nearby Village

Last Mountain Valley No. 250 is a Rural Municipality

Liberty is a nearby Village

Penzance is a nearby Hamlet

Pryors Beach is a nearby Unincorporated area

Sarnia Beach is a nearby Hamlet

Stalwart is a nearby Unincorporated area

Strasbourg Beach is a nearby Hamlet

For more information

Author Liberty (Sask.). Book Committee (Jubilee)
Title Fifty years of Liberty, 1905-1955
Published [Liberty, Sask.?] : [s.n.], [1955?]

Free Soil School District

Liberty School District

Liberty School District

One Room Schoolhouse Map
School Map used with permission

Gallery | More School Districts near Moose Jaw and Regina by Mary Worel

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1. From: Mary Worel
To:Julia Adamson ORSH webmaster
Subject: Free Soil School District 1921, memorial in Liberty Saskatchewan, Southwest section 21 township 25 range 25 west of the second meridian, Wolffton South west section 2 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian, Postal Mail

Free Soil School District 1921, memorial in Liberty Saskatchewan, Southwest section 21 township 25 range 25 west of the second meridian, Wolffton South west section 2 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian, Free Soil School District 1921, memorial in Liberty Saskatchewan, Southwest section 21 township 25 range 25 west of the second meridian, Wolffton South west section 2 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Canada Saskatchewan, Sask, SK, Canada, School, history, one room schoolhouses, one room school district ,