Saskatchewan One Room School Project

Saskatchewan One Room School Project provides an online history for current generations to enjoy, preserve, and experience, our historical educational, architectural, and cultural, heritage.

Hamlet of Stalwart from 1911

recognizing the province of Saskatchewan's centennial year 1905 - 2005
STALWART School District # 409
Sec Tsp 26 Rge 25 W of the second meridian
by Hamlet of Stalwart
south west section 21 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian
in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada

Stalwart hamlet, from 1911,  STALWART 	School District # 409, 		Sec 	Tsp 26 	Rge 25 	W of the second meridian,  by Hamlet of Stalwart, south west section 21 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian,south west section 21 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian

Stalwart hamlet, from 1911,  STALWART 	School District # 409, 		Sec 	Tsp 26 	Rge 25 	W of the second meridian,  by Hamlet of Stalwart, south west section 21 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian,south west section 21 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian

Submitted by Mary Worel

Stalwart hamlet, from 1911,  STALWART 	School District # 409, 		Sec 	Tsp 26 	Rge 25 	W of the second meridian,  by Hamlet of Stalwart, south west section 21 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian,south west section 21 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian
Click on map for larger size


An informative note from 3rd generation farmer raising a fourth generation family in this district of Stalwart. Apparently, this sign on the edge of Stalwart was commissioned by the Stalwart Hall Board ladies and erected in 2005 recognizing the province of Saskatchewan's centennial year 1905 - 2005. The sign makes note of the beginning of the town of Stalwart in the year 1911.

Stalwart School District has been numbered as 409 on the above map segment. A history; The number 409 was assigned to BERRYDALE School District # 409 Sec Tsp 34 Rge 2 W of the 5 Meridian by the North West territorial Department of Education according to a listing compiled at the Provincial Saskatchewan Archives Regina Branch, and in 1905 when the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan formed, the school district numbers were re-assigned. According to the Department of Education Re-assigns Number "When Saskatchewan and Alberta became provinces in 1905, numbers previously in use in Alberta were cancelled and re-applied to School Districts of Saskatchewan.

When the two provinces were formed Alberta continued numerically incrementing from the last school District Number which was at that time Bow Valley S. D. 1409. The next one of Alberta therefore numbered was 1410. Saskatchewan then re-used any numbers which were now not being used and therefore some School Districts may have two names attached to them...the early use of the number in Alberta, and later use in Saskatchewan. "

In this way, then the number 409 was then given to STALWART School District # 409 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 25 W of the 2 Meridian near Stalwart according to Library and Archives Canada (LAC) Exploration and Settlement > Western Land Grants (1870-1930) and the handwritten listing by the Department of Education

Nearby placenames

Arlington Beach is a nearby Hamlet

Big Arm No. 251 is a nearby Rural Municipality

Collingwood Lakeshore Estates is a nearby Hamlet

Etter Beach is a nearby Village

Etter's Beach is a nearby Village

Etters Beach is a nearby Village

Hendersons Beach is a nearby Unincorporated area

Imperial is a nearby Town

Imperial Beach is a nearby Unincorporated area

Last Mountain Valley No. 250 is a nearby

Liberty is a nearby Village

Penzance is a nearby Hamlet

Pryors Beach is a nearby Unincorporated area

Stalwart is a nearby Unincorporated area at section 21-township 26- range 25-West of the second meridianLatitude - Longitude : 51º 14' N, 105º 26' Wor 51.2333695, -105.4339139

Watertown is a nearby Unincorporated area


Note. Last Mountain Lake is also known as Long Lake.

For more information:

Book title: Stalwart folk : Stalwart, Saskatchewan and area, 1905-1980
[s.l. : s.n., 1980?] (Davidson, Sask. : Davidson Leader)

Township, Range, Meridian Legal Land information
Numerical School District Listing to determine neighbouring schools on School Maps.

Historical maps showing township and ranges | School Maps ~ shows neighboring school districts by school district #. Used with permission.
| Gallery | More School Districts near Moose Jaw and Regina by Mary Worel

Submitted by Mary Worel

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Stalwart School District 1911, 1905-2005, STALWART School District # 409 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 25 W of the second meridian, by Town of Stalwart, south west section 21 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian Stalwart School District 1911, 1905-2005, STALWART School District # 409 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 25 W of the second meridian, by Town of Stalwart, south west section 21 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian Stalwart School District 1911, 1905-2005, STALWART School District # 409 Sec Tsp 26 Rge 25 W of the second meridian, by Town of Stalwart, south west section 21 township 26 range 25 west of the second meridian historical one room school houses, one room school districts, little white school house,heritage education, historic schools, Saskatchewan, Canada, photos, gallery, schoolhouse photographs, historical one room school houses, one room school districts, little white school house,heritage education, historic schools, Saskatchewan, Canada, photos, gallery, schoolhouse photographs, historical one room school houses, one room school districts, little white school house,heritage education, historic schools, Saskatchewan, Canada, photos, gallery, schoolhouse photographs,