Kindersley Gen Web

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Kindersley Regional
Gen Web
Biography Project

Kindersley Region Placenames

Biographies and lifestyles of the settlers in this region. If know of any online biographies for anyone of the Kindersley Gen web region, or would like to contribute a biography for inclusion in this project,


Bill Baker, CFL All-Star with Saskatchewan. Kindersley, Saskatchewan, Canada.

BAKER, Charles

biography of Charles Baker and a history of the Settlement of Kindersley, Saskatchewan, Canada.

BALDWIN: His Honour Judge Joseph, B.C.L.

Pioneers and Prominent People of Saskatchewan: Judge of the Judicial district of Kindersley.


Proprieter of Gents' Furnishing Store, Rosetown, Sk.


A biography of two prominent dentists of early Rosetown, Sk.

MURCHISON, Gordon Memoirs

Homesteading in the Kindersley area prior to the First Great War. Gordon Murchison was also on staff of the Soldier Settlement Board and tells of the successes and failures of those involved in the early settlement in your provinces' farming communities.


BC | AB | SK | MB | ON | QC | NB | PE | NS | YK | NT                                                                             © 1997, 1998 Copyright - Julia Adamson, Kindersely Gen Webmaster
Battleford |Kamsack | Kindersley | Lloydminster | Moose Jaw | Regina | St. Joseph's Colony | Saskatoon | Swift Current | Weyburn | Yorkton

Saskatchewan Provincial Resources| 2005 Anniversary | B M D | Books | Censeii |Homesteads| Immigration| Maps | Volunteer |

Welcome, Dear Guests!

Step into the reimagined Kindersley Region Gen Web Project, preserving family legacies, community stories, one-room schoolhouses, sacred cemeteries, historical maps, and vanished placenames. Though we've relocated, our dedication to cataloging Kindersley's essence remains unwavering.

In this passionate pursuit, now part of Patreon (, we invite you to join us in sustaining this venture. Explore our pages at and witness the evolution of the Kindersley Region Gen Web Project.

Support on Patreon ensures our beacon endures for historians, genealogists, and all captivated by the past. Gratitude to and for past hosting. Today, we call upon our community, old and new, to unite in preserving this invaluable resource.

Welcome to a new chapter! If you possess cherished memories of one-room schoolhouses, photographs of cemetery headstones, transcriptions, yearbooks, directories, or historical letters related to this area, your sharing would be immensely valuable. Together, let's build a repository that aids ancestors in their family tree searches. Your support, in any form, is a cherished gift to the history that unites us all.

With gratitude,

The Kindersley Region Gen Web Project Volunteer Team


It is the intention of this site to make Saskatchewan historical and genealogical information available to individual persons with a personal historical or genealogical interest in this area. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading information to any other web sites or publications. We encourage links to this page Kindersley Region Gen Web Project Written by if given. Previously published by Julia Adamson, Kindersley Gen Web Project, This page is dedicated to the free sharing of this central Saskatchewan (KindersleyGen Web Region) historical data for personal use. Any further use of this information for online or printed publication would require permission from Julia Adamson, Kindersely Gen Webmaster as per copyright laws in Canada.

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