Dr. Sylvester Moyer and his son, Dr. Wilfred M. Moyer, are promi-
nent dentists of Rosetown. Dr. Sylvester Moyer was born near St.
Catharines, Ontario, and received his early education in the public schools
of Lincoln county, and for ten years he taught school in Waterloo county.
He was married to Miss Jennie Hunter, a native of near Galt, Ontario.
Subsequently he enrolled in the Royal College of Dental Surgeons at
Toronto and was graduated from that institution with the D. D. S. de-
gree in March, 1890, and ten years later he took a postgraduate course
in Chicago. He practiced dentistry in Galt until 1905, when, owing to
impaired health, he became interested in the Metal Shingle & Siding Com-
pany of Preston and for six years devoted his entire time and attention
to that enterprise. After the elections in 1911, in which he was the
unsuccessful Liberal candidate in South Waterloo, he located in Saska-
toon, Saskatchewan, where he engaged in the real estate business until
1913, when he came to Rosetown and resumed the practice of dentistry.
In association with his son, who entered the profession in 1923, he enjoys
an extensive and important patronage. To Dr. and Mrs. Moyer four
children were born: Leslie C., formerly a barrister at Regina, who is now
private secretary to Hon. Mackenzie King, in Ottawa; Alice, the wife of
Harris Turner, M. L. A., of Saskatoon; Dr. Wilfred M., who is in part-
enrship with his father; and Marjorie, who is attending the University
of Saskatoon. Dr. Moyer is a prominent Mason and is a member of the
Presbyterian church, of which he is the session clerk. He is a stanch sup-
porter of the Liberal party, and is well informed on all important ques-
tions and issues of the day.
Wilfred M. Moyer was born at Galt, Ontario, and there received a
part of his education. He also attended school at Preston, Ontario, and
in due time enrolled in the University of Saskatchewan at Saskatoon.
Subsequently he became a student in the Royal College of Dental Sur-
geons at Toronto, from which institution his father had graduated, and
he received the D. D. S. degree in 1923. Since that time he has prac
ticed with his father at Rosetown and a successful future is assured him,
for he has brought to the profession thorough training and innate ability.
The Doctors Moyer are members of the Saskatchewan Dental Asso-
ciation and have degrees from the Dominion Dental Council. Like his
father, Dr. Wilfred Moyer is a stanch supporter of the Liberal party and
is a member of the Presbyterian church. He is a veteran of the Great
war, having enlisted in 1916 and served with the rank of sergeant for
two and one-half years, being overseas the greater part of that time. He
received his honorable discharge in November, 1918. His brother, Leslie
Clare, was major in the Twelfth Railway Troops, and served three years.
and received the D. S. 0. medal. Dr. Wilfred M. Moyer is unmarried.
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