One of the younger members of the provincial bar is Carl Niderost, of the well known firm of Stewart & Niderost, who maintain well appointed offices in the Grainger building, Saskatoon. He is a native of England, his birth having occurred in Birmingham, on the 19th of June, 1898, a son of Carl and Caroline (Schaaf) Niderost, the former a native of Switzerland and the latter of Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Niderost came to Canada in 1908. For many years prior to coming to Canada the father was a commercial salesman and he continued in that line of work upon coming here, until 1922. In that year he gave up traveling and is now conducting a real estate and investment business in Saskatoon. He has built up a large patronage and is one of the prominent and highly re- spected citizens of the community. In the acquirement of his education Carl Niderost attended the public schools of his birthplace and also the public and high schools of Saska- toon. Subsequently he enrolled in the University of Saskatoon and was graduated therefrom with the LL. B. degree in 1918. He then became associated with the law firm of Bence, Steyenson & McLong, and later with G. A. Cruise. He was admitted to the bar in 1921 and the following year commenced practice, in partnership with W. N. Stewart, the firm becoming Stewart & Niderost. Although Mr. Niderost has practiced but a short time, he has built up a splendid reputation and has an import- ant and lucrative clientele. In his political views Mr. Niderost is a Liberal and he is a firm be- liever in the principles of that party as factors in good government. His religious faith is that of the Catholic church and he is a generous con- tributor to its various charities. He is an active member of the Knights of Columbus and holds membership in the Kiwanis Club, the Saskatoon Golf Club and the Canadian Club. Along the lines of his profession he is affiliated with the Dominion Bar Association, Saskatchewan and Sas- katoon Bar Associations. Mr. Niderost is a young man of genial and pleasing personality and has a host of friends. Bibliography follows:

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